Rachel for Delegate Profile picture
Teacher, parent, ed ldsp & policy PhD. Candidate for Virginia House of Delegates 🏛 in the new 59th (2023) & the 55th (2021). I was raised by lawyers. (she/her)
Sep 16, 2022 16 tweets 5 min read
Surprise! And classic Friday afternoon news dump!, the Virginia Department of Education has released new "2022 Model Policies on the Privacy, Dignity, and Respect for All Students and Parents in Virginia’s Public Schools."

And they are awful. And anti children.


Here is the pdf of the document in case you want to read it for yourself.

It is painful to read but it is not hard to read.

The title, of course, is a total misnomer.


Aug 3, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
Yes, I have seen the Hanover Schools new swastika-like logo.


Let's hope an explanation and apology comes soon. Image But there's rarely accountability or reflection for HCPS leaders.

And, this is what happens when you refuse to acknowledge that cultural competence & sensitivity are a thing. And that your leadership lacks it. Sadly, stuff like this happens way too frequently with HCPS.

Apr 6, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
I support the new regulations of the federal Charter Schools Program (CSP). They were WAY past due.

Thread 🧵

First, here a good article about what the CSP is, how it works, and why more robust regulations are needed.

washingtonpost.com/education/2022… And here's a really good--clear and concise--summary and analysis of the CSP, proposed regulations, and why they're needed from @palan57.


Jan 31, 2022 24 tweets 8 min read
Virginia, several charter school bills are in the General Assembly right now.

They might seem like a good idea or harmless.

They're not. They would further the privatization of our public schools.

We must fight these bills.🧵

(Oh and the culture war stuff IS related.)

First, let’s consider the two things that are bedrocks of democracy:

Voting rights and public education.

Lack of access to both have been used to deny many people in our country equal participation in the democratic process and, yes, citizenship.

Jan 28, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
With dedicated funding, careful planning, and buy-in of and collaboration with local communities, I support colleges and universities working with public school districts and local communities to establish lab schools.

However. . .

richmond.com/news/state-and… I oppose this privatization of our public schools.

I am disappointed that our college and university leaders are supporting it and supporting allowing for-profit businesses to open and run charter schools using public money.

I ask them to change course.

RT if you agree.

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