Radhika Barman 🇮🇳 Profile picture
Age: 19+ || Blogger || ✒️ Author of God, Religion & Indians & The Sangh Parivar Psyche || Radical Humanism || Syncretism || INC Sevadal SM ✋|| Save Manipur
Kharbuja Singh😎 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Aug 28 51 tweets 18 min read
BJP often says Congress neglected Hindus but does congress really qualify as an anti - hindu party?
How can a party stay in power for 54 years by going against the majority religion?
Did some research.
Long thread on what congress did for Hindus:
1) Gandhi supported BHUV Image 2) The Ganga Action Plan, started in 1985, aimed to clean the Ganges River by improving sewage treatment and waste management, though full restoration remains a challenge. Image
May 25, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
यह संदेश के सदस्य के लिए हैं। नव संकल्प और कैम्ब्रिज यूनिवर्सिटी के राहुल गांधी के भाषण मैं आपने सुना होगा। घर बेट के टिकट नहीं मिलती। राहुल जी ने पहली भी कहा था कांग्रेस में शेर के बच्चे हैं, डरपोक व्यक्ति कांग्रेस छोड़ सकते हैं। ऐसे ही नहीं कहा था, वो आपके के लिए संदेश था। (१/९ खेर आप जैसे अल्प बुद्धि जीवियो को समझ नहीं आया। पार्टी छोड़ना हैं तो छोर सकते हैं, इस में हमसे ज्यादा आपका लॉस हैं। राजनीति रेपुटेशन के आधार पर चलती हैं, शायद सिब्बल जी और उनके बाकी करोड़पति साथी यह भूल गए थे।
Scindia जी का हाल दिख ही रहा हैं, कुछ मिला तो नही, सेवक बना के छोर २/९
Dec 20, 2021 17 tweets 3 min read
This is an unpopular opinion, but I think there's no real legitimate reason as to why the marriage age increment is a bad idea. Why should a woman be married off, before she is emotionally & financially stable & independent? Is 18 an age for this? (1/2) I understand the issue of state intervention &the stigma of pre-marital sex too.But aren't bad laws the founding ground of social evils too.We can't cease it off, on the name of 'private life'.Dude, then marital rape also falls under "private affair".But needs to be criminalized+
Nov 6, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
The fundamental problem is in us thinking that religion is gray in its nature. Justification for such, is the deep belief that it's purely white for it creates the path to God but then to look good, we need to acknowledge the present religious atrocities too, thus, the..... societal appropriateness matches up.
In this delusion of what's appropriate and perfect, we forget that nothing other than the cosmos itself is perfect. What is not so, cannot be made so.
Nevertheless, this obsession of perfection is derived from our personal insecurities...
Sep 10, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
People say ancient India was background and immoral. Well, I have read history but would still disagree on the point of morality. When you recall Sati, also remember 18th century deism movement, when you recall devdasi system, also recall Rani Rashmoni, when you recall (1/n) Breast tax, don't you forget Nangeli, Tara Bai Shinde, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Aurobindo Ghosh, when you recall class conflict don't forget vivekanda , sarada ma and ramakrishna..fierce feminists and rational thinkers and rational thinkers who didn't just limit themselves(2/n)
Jul 8, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
TW: #mansukhmandaviya
Well the guy isn't being criticised for his supposed lack of proficiency in English.
He is being trolled for his ignorance, lack of general knowledge & empathy. His hypocrite tweets "happened" to be in broken English.
Lol, naive of you to think (1/6) those weren't deliberate. Every high official of a government has a PR association, every verified handle has a lobby. You yet think those were his unintentional mistakes? Didn't know an idiot is this innocent bro!
Bruh, do you know not know, or are you not willing to (2/6)
May 29, 2021 7 tweets 7 min read
No job, no food....but since, double M.A therefore, please is "plase" and of course the inherited right to eve tease a girl in dm.
Slow claps👏👏...why do men think this works? Image @ReportTweet_
Mar 17, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
There's this narrative-- "yeah I agree RG is a nice person, but politics nay! That's idealistic"
Now, idealism here means impractical. So when did niceness or perhaps the idea of love become unrealistic ?
What else can you even possibly place against the idea of hate?
Thread: What makes us think that leaders can't be both strong & compassionate at the same time, is our flattered idea of politics. Let's see this from a fascist regime's perspective first, where almost everyone is someway than the other influenced by its propagated ideas.
Aug 10, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
The lesson remains the same:
Never lose faith in @RahulGandhi. This man has the power to stay strong even at the face of worst adversity, be it abuse, failure/betrayal.
He is a guy, who has nothing to lose/win, neither is he here for validation.
He works in silence with humility The guy who never comprises with his ethics, stands upfront, speaks nothing but the truth boldly and fiercely, targets the government without looking left or right, stays committed to his work, for he beliefs he is only entitled to the karma and not it's fruits.
Jul 29, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Why such sudden glorification of regional languages? Simple answer- Hindi imposition and disdain accept political failure. Why?
Hindi is not the only regional language that exists. But, certainly the most well known. Hence, Hindi shall be the most preferred once, assuming the.... most default familiarity for any language other than English is Hindi , for a teacher and a student.
Mother tongue isn't Hindi by default. Perhaps, imposing once mother tongue whether socially familiar or not is morally incorrect and unfair , for diverse democracy.
Jul 13, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Thread; (Please read it full)
This happened in West Bengal two days back. An 18 yr boy was having tremendous breathing problem.His mother ran frm hospital to hospital, for an entire day. Every hospital refused him. Finally, SSKM admitted him. Did testing.
(Thread continues) It was found he is COVID - 19 positive.SSKM, then sent the family back,without any treatment. The mother desperately again stood in long lines for hours. 4 of the hospitals didn't even allow her to enter. All the child wanted was oxygen to breathe.
After that,
(Thread continues)
Mar 20, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Society is so concerned over women and girls’ potential for promiscuity that we create dress codes, school curricula, even legislation around protecting women’s supposed purity and magazine stories wonder if we’re raising a generation of “prostitute”. The India which worships mother Durga dressed in bright sarees and gorgeous ornaments but chooses to be blind and not recognize the necessity to understand the actual symbolism of a women.
Mar 20, 2020 22 tweets 4 min read
Keep ur emotions aside for a while, and listen to certain things I am saying in this thread.
Firstly, no matter how much empathy we have for others,it's impossible to understand how does rape feels. It's very easy to say Womenhood collectively has got justice by #NirbhayaVerdict It's next to impossible for a women in Indian society to lead her entire live with a stain inscribed on her gender.And her pain won't become less automatically by the hanging of one rapist.Even a progressive/supportive surrounding she has,she will not be able 2 forget her stain
Feb 8, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
I have said this before also, #AAP will win Delhi. Neither congress nor bjp will be able to replace it. I personally don't agree with AAP, but Delhi people have been made to feel that AAP is the alternative,even though it is not.However, political mirages don't get decoded easily I wasn't interested in Delhi election because it is anyway the aap coming and congress won't be having a good performance. But felt the need to tweet this, as some us seem to be under certain mirages. Look, whatever it is, remember aap dosen't has a permanent legacy. It will fall
Jan 19, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
People often ask me why am I playing with fire. The usage of the word 'fire' to characterize the present scenario shows the very necessity to express resistance.I want the fire in me to burn brighter than the fire around me.Let the fire in u ignite in realms of democratic dissent When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes our duty. This is a battle of survival.We are the stakeholders of democracy.We might not change anything but we must not be silent. Having a spine in India comes with a price to pay but, a spineless existence is equal to a dead body.
Aug 10, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
Kashmir was likely to be rooted ultimately, but manner in which it got eradicated especially after illegitimate house arrest and violence, questions a lot about the supposed democracy of India. This art shld have been automatically lapsed rather than using a muscular force of eradictating it. Kashmir should have been made developed so that the kashmiris consider living in Ind as literally beneficial & eventually the existence of this bill would have been made primitive.
Jan 25, 2019 29 tweets 9 min read
We shouldn't believe 2 two types of people in this world:

1)A religious leader who promotes politics.
2)A politician who promotes a particular religion.

Both are equally perilous because when religion and politics ride in the same cart, the whirlwind follows. Scrap the Citizenship Amendment Bill 2016. Religious affiliation has nothing to do with citizenship. Stand by the people of Assam, observe all-India protest day on 11 June to demand withdrawal of the Citizenship Amendment Bill. #ThisRepublicSaveNE