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Jun 28 10 tweets 5 min read
Just when Arundhuti Roy has been prosecuted under the anti terror law, UAPA, in India for trying to spread hate and separatist agendas about Kashmir through a speech, the Pen International has suddenly come up with the idea of giving her the Pen Pinter award for her SO CALLED “advocacy of human right” in the Kashmir issue, the same reason for which she had been arrested.

And most of the media handles who had been waiting for such a chance to demonise the Narendra Modi-led Indian government, quickly grabbed the opportunity to make this not-so-known award, famous overnight, by alleging that India is trying to imprison a so called brave and innocent award winning author like Arundhuti Roy, for her not-so offensive speech delivered 14 years ago.Image
May 1 17 tweets 5 min read
Savera, claiming to be crusaders against all forms of supremacy targeted PM Modi during Lok Sabha elections, joining hands with Scroll, known for its falsehoods.
With their focus on undermining India's sovereignty, they peddle narratives to please their masters!

Thread: Image Savera never fails to amuse with its declarations.
Remember their declaration, endorsed by 109 civil society groups in US? Their bias against Hindus is clear, as are their tales of alliances b/w Hindu supremacists & the American far-right, fueled by apparent disdain.

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Mar 23 5 tweets 2 min read
ISIS has taken responsibility for the Moscow terror attack — in which more than 50 Russian citizens are reportedly dead. Notably, since the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks — the internal security of India has been foolproof against such planned and coordinated attacks.

Since 2023, the Indian agencies have arrested 127 terrorists from multiple ISIS modules across nation.Image On March 19, Haris Farooqi and his aide was arrested in Assam close to the Bangladesh border. Farooqi, is the India head of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and an expert in brainwashing people for ISIS activities. Image
Jan 27 7 tweets 3 min read
“Indian police following Israeli tactics for local Indian Muslim youth harassment” — have you seen these words on your TL with a viral video?

We decided to check it out, and discovered something interesting

Thread: Firstly, this claim by the X account @khan_zafarul is misleading. He failed or chose not to disclose information that this video was recorded in 2022.

According to The Siasat Daily, this beatdown of Muslim youth by police ensued after a quick bail of BJP leader Raja Singh.

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Nov 30, 2023 19 tweets 5 min read
Uncovering a shocking plot! A dubious report from the USA, packed with weak evidence and baseless claims, is aiming to undermine India's sovereignty.

What's even more alarming? Certain Indian journalists, fueled by their strong hate for Modi or a political faction, are pushing this report without bothering to fact-check. It's a dangerous game of misinformation, jeopardising the truth in the name of blind bias.
Image Case 1: Ravish Kumar Image
Aug 2, 2023 20 tweets 9 min read
The #MewatRiots chronology began on 27th July when IAMC, known to have connections with terror organizations SIMI and Pak Jamat e Islami, targeted Monu Manesar in a provocative post written in Hindi. IAMC's tweet hinted at potential unrest just days before the riots.

Thread: Image In response to the disturbing post by IAMC, Monu Manesar took to Facebook on 30th July, pledging his participation in the Brijmandal Yatra.

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Jul 21, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Rana Ayyub was recently invited at the ASPEN Institute to speak on India and Changing world order. But all she did was spew hatred for India and said anything and everything that can potentially tarnish India’s image globally.

Intriguing panelists were also present.

Thread: Image But who was the one hosting the entire panel? For some reasons they won’t tell, the ASPEN Institute was able to find a Pakistani-origin journalist and PBS Newshour anchor Amna Nawaz. And Amna has an interesting background.

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Jun 29, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Contrary to @sampitroda's desperate attempts to refute @Openthemag's article, we hold irrefutable evidence of undisclosed, questionable meetings. His claim of no close-door interactions flies in the face of the facts. The veil of denial will be lifted in this thread.

Thread: https://t.co/y84uuSUdnH
Soros linked Hindus for Human Rights participated in organizing the Capitol Hill event. HfHR’s Policy Director Ria Chakrabarty was seen seated next to @RahulGandhi. Ghost or not, the image clearly refutes the "no one-to-one" meetings claim.
Jun 27, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Global concern rises over alleged social media 'attacks' on WSJ journo Sabrina Siddiqui. She's one of the two journos who questioned PM Modi at the press briefing.

The White House's intervention has only escalated the situation, but a deeper look reveals an unexpected twist. Here is how the 'attack' narrative was put into motion by none other than Zubair, the master dog-whistler. He was the first one to bring up her lineage - how she is related to Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, a figure notorious for propounding the divisive Two-Nation Theory.

Jun 20, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
Unveiling a web of terror-linked organizations masterminding protests against Indian PM Narendra Modi's upcoming USA visit! A shockingly sinister nexus with infamous ISI-funded Pieter Friedrich, and Jamaat funded IAMC at the helm!

Thread: Image The key orchestrator behind these protests is none other than the controversial figure, Pieter Friedrich, whose boss has been funded by ISI. Friedrich's connections with Khalistani operative Bhajan Singh Bhinder have been revealed before.

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Jun 2, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Serious concerns regarding the connections of Rahul Gandhi's Congress USA inner circle: An alarming revelation indicates that one member of the circle is directly funded by Soros, with ties to organizations linked to ISI and Jamat e Islami, known for terror activities.

Thread: Image Sunita Viswanath, founder of Hindus for Human Rights, is one such individual who has raised eyebrows. She reportedly has close connections with Abdul Malik Mujahid, a prominent figure of Pakistani Jamaat e Islami, known for his direct involvement in terror attacks in India.
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May 30, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
Rahul Gandhi is set to have a talk session with Dinsha Mistree at Stanford on May 31, 2023. While this event might seem benign on the surface, it warrants a deeper examination, especially considering the connection between the event's organizer and the 'deep state'.

Thread: Image Diving into the history of the event organizer - the Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law, we discover interesting affiliations. Its past reveals consistent linkages with the US Higher Administration and the National Security Council.

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May 16, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
🚨 Urgent Alert: Radical Islamists Targeting Hindus 🚨

A series of distressing incidents have come to light, revealing a deeply troubling trend. The Islamists syndicate has been systematically targeting Muslim girls and Hindu Families.

Thread: Image The fake trend initiated by Shoaib Jamai has given rise to multiple handles dedicated solely to doxxing girls' identities and threatening the female family members of boys. This despicable behavior has now grown and it is being supported by Prominent Islamist handles.

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May 3, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
Ever since ISIS took birth, Kerala has become a breeding ground for ISIS jihadis, with many Keralites joining the extremist group. Despite attempts to cover up the reality by vested interests, arrests have helped blow their cover. The Kerala Story uncovers that truth.

Thread: Image The issue of conversion cannot be taken lightly, especially when it's linked to terror-related cases. We need to address this issue seriously and take appropriate measures to prevent it.

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Apr 13, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
Expose: SaffronDiaries caught trying to spread false news against India & instigate internal rifts in the country.

Masquerading as an Indian a/c, @SaffronDiaries is actually run from Pakistan, posting content to spread enmity between Hindus & Sikhs via its nefarious design!

1/n Image The handle purports to be "non-partisan, sharing real-time news, info & analysis, not propaganda” but was once run as @Rahidhamid1.

Rahid's attempt to deceive with a username change backfired - Twitter IDs are unique, exposing his masquerade.

#TwitterFail #Impersonation

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