Shereen Marisol Meraji Profile picture
Audio Producer / Journalist / Asst. Professor @ucbsoj / Founding co-host + senior producer emerita @nprcodeswitch / @niemanfdn
Jan 6, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Many people in my life have sent me a link to this piece and the one thing I want to point out from it is the SMALL percentage of LATINO/A/X employees who work at the org. What are we now? 18.5% of the US pop?

But only 7% of NPR?

NOT a good look.… It’s the very last thing mentioned in the article:

That data point: 7%

I wasn’t going to weigh in on all this.

But that’s something I had to highlight because it’s ABSURD and needs to be YELLED FROM THE ROOFTOPS.
Sep 17, 2019 15 tweets 7 min read
Currently watching this briefing that is focusing on how Climate Change and Extreme Heat is an environmental justice issue. Working class and low income people of color are most vulnerable. Especially farm workers and warehouse workers.

We've reported on this @NPRCodeSwitch If you haven't listened to this episode, please do:…