Lt Col R K Bhardwaj (Retd) Profile picture
Veteran Officer (Corps of Signals), Comm Engr. Straight Forward with Positive & Helping Attitude.
Jul 18 6 tweets 2 min read
@giridhararamane @secyesw @DefenceAccounts @PcdaPensions @VedveerArya3 #SPARSH 1/6 Fwd my Petition(Email) 33886/Sigs/x dt 22/12/23(Pasted) Regarding non-functional, If Login ID/Password Not Recd/Unable to Login Whom to Contact, SR Closed without Resolution
Image 2/6 Min of Def DESW D/Pension Grievance, Forwarded my Request to PCDA (P) vide MoD ID No 9 dt 04/01/24 (PASTED) - Matter be Examined, Do Needful to Redress Grievance and to FURNISH ACTION TAKEN REPORT DIRECTLY TO APPLICANT UNDER INTIMATION TO MoD. PCDA (P) TOOK 6 MONTHS TO REPLY Image
Apr 1, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
@giridhararamane @secyesw @rajnathsingh @PMOIndia #ECHS 1/5 Stepchild Treatment to Ex-Servicemen by Min of Defence. ECHS is Attached Office of DESW & Structured on the Line of CGHS. MD ECHS Implemented Annual Validation/Submission of Eligibility Certificate Annually Unlike CGHS. 2/5 ESMs are Required to submit Online Income Proof of their Dependents, Form 26 AS of previous 2 Financial Years OR Income Certificate obtained from State Revenue Dept. Failing Which ECHS Cards are being Blocked Electronically, Debarring the Dependents Avail Medical Facilities.
Mar 30, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
@giridhararamane @secyesw @DefenceAccounts @narendramodi @rajnathsingh @DefMinIndia @PMOIndia @PcdaPensions #SPARSH 1/n Indian Armed Forces Pensioners being Migrated to SPARSH from Banks (Legacy System) for Payment of Pension. SPARSH Developed by TCS launched by Min of Defence. 2/n Without On-ground Testing, Lacs of Pensioners Migrated to SPARSH. Existing Data of Pensioners in PCDA Pensions/Banks was Required to be transferred to SPARSH.Names of Pensioners/Spouses,Dates of their Birth, Arms/Service, Adhaar/PAN Numbers are found either Wrong OR Missing.
Mar 2, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
@secyesw @giridhararamane @MinofDefIndia @rajnathsingh @PcdaPension PCDA Pensions Circular 667 dt 28.02.23 was Issued & Uploaded in Para-3 Reads, "in pursuance to Hon'ble Court Order dt 27.02.23 w.r.t. MA No 219/2023 in WP(C) No 419/2016 MoD has issued directions vide MoD ID No 4(5)/2016-D(P/L) Vol -IV dt 27.02.23 to pay full Arrears in One Installment on account of OROP Revision to all eligible pensioners by 15 Mar 23." Circular Removed/ Not Available in since Early morning 02.03.23.