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May 11, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
A "Sugary Bitter" Tale of Impoverishment

Data on British impoverishment of India abounds in colonial literature. Here is one more data point about sugar. in the early 1900s, Indian annual consumption of Gur + country sugar was a few million tons, with about 25% imported. 1/6 Image Ancient Greeks & Romans who used honey as sweetener, knew about sugar as a rare imported luxury (sakcharon from India).

Records show colonial import of Indian sugar was increasing and high in pre-industrial Britain.

2/6 Image
Nov 14, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
AP World History taught in Maryland schools in USA is filled with horrendous disinformation, errors, erasures and more, designed to make the Indian student reject their heritage. The criminal culprits who wrote the devious content are shown in this image.

1/9 Image They have 4 pages in this chapter to discuss "South Asia". Let us see what they choose to highlight.

2/9 Image
Jul 28, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Dear @SrBachchan, a video snippet from your talk below (time-tagged) is doing the rounds on WA & caught my attention 'coz this issue keeps surfacing on SM & by critics of my talks, commenting on my pronunciation of these words.

As a worldwide celebrity who many look up to, you have a responsibility to communicate correct information. If you agree with the contents of this thread, I hope you will correct what you asserted in the video, if you haven't already done so (video is from 2019).
Jun 17, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
"Here We Go Again!"

And if any Karnataka voter who stayed at home on voting day or voted for the congress sings ABBA's "My, my! How can I resist you?" (congress), they deserve shaming for the unforgivable crime of allowing a nation-destroying force to take power in KN.

1/8 Image To their minor credit, the BJP in Karnataka protected the rights of Hindus when they were in power, calling out the criminality of conversions. And again, to their credit they instituted school lessons that provided a rounded picture of the freedom struggle.

Mar 9, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ Colonial era missionaries introduced the horrendous false equation that "Brahmins = Evil" after finding it impossible to convert them. This is the root of Western hatred of the Hindu civilization. Here is missionary Abbe Dubois from 1820s: 2/ Hatred of Hindus has been institutionalized by the West thru its many agencies over the years. Today we see its fetid, toxic tentacles express itself in Seattle, Toronto and elsewhere under the fig-leaf of "anti-Caste" legislation.

Here is more hatred from Abbe Dubois:
Jan 18, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Thapar's Thaparisms

Curious to know what Romila Thapar spoke at the C.D Deshmukh Memorial Lecture at New Delhi last week?

Much against my better judgment I listened to her talk, none the wiser, but poorer by the hour or so spent on this irredeemable miasma.

1/15 True to their failed research methodology, she privileges a bizarre opinion from a "highly respected historian", sneers at the masses interest in history, nationalism & creates a strained false-equivalence with drug-abuse. Who cares for evidence when a random opinion fits!

Aug 3, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
By 1100s China had gunpowder from whom Europeans learnt by 1326 & Islamics via Mongols in 1365. Ottoman success w/cannons led Babur to use guns in Panipat, 1526. Shukraniti - text on statecraft quoted in MB & Ramayana describes guns! Some claim interpolation post 1500s. T or F? 2 /

Given the interest this Tweet has generated, some facts & context to clarify the history of this technology:

(a) Saltpetre, or potassium nitrate is found in several parts of India in mineral form, and is known from ancient times in several parts of the ancient world.
Jul 20, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Software Jihad/Crusade?

Is there a battle underway in erasing online Indic content? We already know the horrendous distortions of Indian civilization in @Wikipedia.

I notice increasingly that Hindu websites are reported as "dangerous" by "reputation/anti-virus" software.

Norton, @Malwarebytes , etc flag websites like RK Mission's bookstore, Rare Book Society of India & more as "hosting Trojans, dangerous". While the odd-ball website could less secure, I find this in several Hindu sites. Coincidence? Malicious crowd-reporting? Incompetence?
Jun 4, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
@chetan_bhagat, this is too shallow a proposal, bereft of historical sense & inhumane dogmatic-facts of Islam regarding Mushriks. Until the world declares the inability of Abrahamic systems to "Live and Let Live", there CANNOT be a solution. Choosing dhimmitude has never worked. 2/ Some specifics in your thesis:

When Mughal chroniclers have themselves taken gleeful responsibility for the destruction by Aurangzeb, your difference-anxiety-laden, expeditious wordsmithing wants to cast doubt here?!
Mar 16, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
#KashmirFiles marks a new chapter in confronting covered-up history in more ways than one.

(1) Highlighting the murderous activities of Islamic terrorists & the genocide that followed jolts one to the hushed-up events of the 1990s & the apathy of state & central administration. (2) Krishna Pandit discovering Kashmir's past as a Global Knowledge Center & articulating it on screen is a first, in sharp contrast to the crass-cinema purveyed by the underworld of Mumbai, which revels in Goebbels-style repeated delusionary lies about the Indian civilization.
Jan 17, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
@Karnatanjaneya, @INCIndia, @INCKarnataka
Important to separate issues based on facts & evidences presented in the case.

My best reading of this issue is that the State Govt & Petitioners are exploring the limits of the NEP 2020 policy with the help of the High Court. 2/ 6

These snippets show the arguments and counter-arguments (see next Tweet also).
Jan 7, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
1. Knowledge is Empowering & necessary first step in reclaiming lost space, given deeply inimical narratives on history of Bharatiya civilization.

In these courses I'll deconstruct historiography, show evidence-based narrative.

Enroll & help strengthen these institutions. 🙏 2. True Impact of Ignorance
Our history is deliberately corrupted, Bharatiya identity is criminally distorted, knowledge systems usurped, unacknowledged & demoted, & legions of deracinated, mind-compromised #BreakingIndia forces operate with impunity & hatred in India & abroad.
Jan 5, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Sir, this security lapse is totally unacceptable.

(1) Shouldn't the security team know the real-time traffic conditions either via apps or overhead security helicopters and take evasive measures? Why did the security travel on an un-sanitized route? (2) In the stranded photos we observe PM's black car standing out in the midst of white accompanying cars. Shouldn't the PM be traveling in unmarked indistinguishable vehicles instead? This is a security lapse.
Jun 20, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
Is "Tamilian = Dravidianist"???

The next time anyone makes this false conflation, remind them of these points:

1: All Dravidianists are Tamilians, but all Tamilians are NOT Dravidianists.

1/11 2: Dravidianist ideology stems from Christian evangelists such as Caldwell & GU Pope pushing "Aryan-Dravidian" divide, language-separation, victimhood, non-Vedic, non-Sanskrit past for "Dravidians" - ideas imbibed deeply by EVR whose legacy is hatred, violence & separatism.
Oct 2, 2020 15 tweets 4 min read
Would it be asking too much of the state or national govt to declare Madhava's (1340-1425) house as a heritage site of greatest importance to Indian Knowledge Systems and build a museum to showcase contributions to Science & Tech? #calculus

newindianexpress.com/states/kerala/… 2/ Madhava's discoveries of infinite series, links to geometry, trig, algebra & functional approx laid foundations of calculus. 200 years later, aided by church transmissions, European mathematicians ramped up, with Newton proposing "fluxions" later becoming what we call calculus
Jun 26, 2020 4 tweets 5 min read

Curriculum Framework: How to teach & syllabus

Curriculum Content: Contents in syllabus to teach

Revisions needed 4 all- Science, Math & Social Studies in both "Framework" and "Content".

Please don't disappoint in March 2021.

@DrRPNishank @ncert @ciet_ncert @HRDministry 2/n

In the interest of transparency, please:

(a) confirm there will be content revision
(b) publish names of the cmte members for science, math and social studies texts
(c) publish final curr. framework doc+review cmnts

@DrRPNishank @HRDministry @PMOIndia @ncert @ciet_ncert
Jun 25, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
Glad to note. Given the aggressive schedule, suspect changes are in math+science curriculum, & NOT in history where bigotry, propaganda & distortion are fortified by special interests. Who are the scholars entrusted with history corrections? @HRDministry @DrRPNishank , @PMOIndia 2. If social studies texts are also not merely "framework"-revised, but the *content* also corrected, then I strongly recommend Prof. Meenakshi Jain to be on the panel.

Also @Aabhas24 & @TIinExile with strength in fact-checking are needed.

@HRDministry @DrRPNishank @PMOIndia
Mar 10, 2020 12 tweets 4 min read
Pan-India Unity or Uneasy Mix of Different People?

Today, hostile forces revel in the manipulated, destructive amplification of neo-differences and map it to the ancient past, calling our history as one of invaders and conquered, with much to be ashamed about...
(1/12) ...with little novel knowledge content, & have manufactured spurious divisive identities that are being programmed into people from various platforms.

Evidence-based reading of Indian history shows pan-India unity of culture, heritage, beliefs, genetics, philosophies, (2/12)