Ralph Nader Profile picture
The official Twitter page of consumer advocate, author and former presidential candidate Ralph Nader. (Tweets by Nader staff unless designated with -R)
Aug 16 4 tweets 1 min read
Time for a more insistent demand for the firing of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy. He's cutting @USPS service and raising rates. The service is horrendous. Two recent examples of Priority Mail, which is supposed to take 1-3 business days—One mailing to Connecticut ended up in Puerto Rico. Another is on its 4th day getting to its final destination. The Democrats control the Postal Board of Governors. They take some of their cues from the postal unions which are being "played" by the boastful, corporatist DeJoy—a funder of and nominee of President Donald Trump. Postal customers and postal workers should be aligned and not divided and ruled.
Jul 23 4 tweets 2 min read
Tomorrow, July 24, 2024, is a Congressional Day of Infamy. Netanyahu, a mass murderer of over 300,000 innocent Palestinian children, women and men—continuing his daily bombardment and starvation of the dying, homeless, defenseless Gazan population—is set to address a joint session of Congress. He was invited by the fanatical House Speaker Johnson and his sadistic GOP cohorts, supported by half of the Democrats. With his rising genocide using Biden’s unconditional weaponry and many billions of Congressional tax dollars, six federal statutes are being violated. Netanyahu is committing numerous war crimes under international law.
May 10 4 tweets 2 min read
Over 200,000 Palestinians—not 35,000—have already died since October. This is based on nearly 100,000 bombs and missiles directly on civilians, without food, water, medicine, electricity, healthcare and World Health casualty projections starting last October. The 35,000 official fatality count is absurd. No human beings could endure those massacres and related untreated diseases since October 7th. -R Bears repeating, Biden’s own humanitarian aid envoy stated weeks ago: “There is an imminent risk of starvation for the majority, if not all, the 2.2 million population of Gaza. This is not a point in debate. It is an established fact, which the United States, its experts, the international community, its experts, assess and believe is real.” -R democracynow.org/2024/4/11/head…
May 1 5 tweets 2 min read
The enforcer president of Columbia University— Minouche Shafik—is one of the wealthiest people in America. As president, she makes over $2000 an hour every weekday. In three days, she makes more than many blue collar workers at Columbia make in a year. -R Some more data on university president salaries: According to the Pioneer Institute, the President of @Yale, Peter Salovey, makes over $900 an hour ($1.9 million per year) plus generous benefits. Per Payscale, a janitor at Yale earns an average of $22 per hour. The university president makes in about 6 days what a university janitor makes in a year.
Sep 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The writer and artist unions striking for better livelihoods against the giant Hollywood studios (WB, Disney, etc.), including the wealthiest artists, should be returning "Corporate Campaign" specialist Ray Rogers calls... He has a plan for them to greatly widen the arc of the public’s attention to other corporations who can influence the outcome of the labor negotiations because of their investment stake in the entertainment industry. See: -Rcorporatecampaign.org
Sep 14, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
Thread—The massive mega storm and flood that struck Libya, taking many thousands of lives of families swept out to sea, demands greater international assistance. In 2011, Hillary Clinton, captured by the pressure of a French war plotter, pushed Obama into a criminal, unconstitutional war–even completely excluding Congress’s appropriations authority–that destroyed Libya’s government, turning the country into chaos and violence to this day.
Feb 27, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
To the Grandmaster of Tweetitis:
Credit to you for breaking the auto industry's technological stagnation with Tesla. But to deny that your companies do not receive continual federal and state subsidies – apart from overseas governmental largesse – is to deny reality. The record is clear – billions of dollars in federal and state grants, direct and indirect tax credits, $1.3 billion in tax concessions and other "incentives" from the state of Nevada alone for a new factory in 2014.
Oct 28, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
[Thread] How about an idea. Since to pay for Biden’s proposals, all restorations of the corporate income tax, the capital gains tax and other taxes on the super wealthy are being destroyed by the GOP and 2 Democratic Senators, why not a tax on Wall Street speculation? A 2 tenth of 1 percent sales tax on stock, bond and derivatives trading will bring in $200 billion a year, or more than the scaled down price of Biden’s varied proposals to help America. Most of you pay anywhere from 5-8% sales taxes on your purchases.
Sep 21, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Polarization between the GOP and Democrats ignores the harmonization by the two party duopoly on very important policy issues. Both Parties agree not to disturb the ever-burgeoning, bloated Military Empire Budget. Both Parties do not disturb the huge corporate welfare pouring out of Washington daily. Both Parties don't crack down on massive corporate crime. Both Parties leave Wall Street's inexhaustible Greed alone to prey on innocents. Both Parties have done nothing against massive billing fraud on consumers, huge patient casualties from preventable...
Feb 12, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
The one legged stool strategy by the House managers bares the imprint of Speaker Pelosi. A control freak, she insisted on a quick trial without witnesses in favor of a video show trial. You don't go into battle against Trump without a full hand. No witnesses, the trial is lost -R In addition to the impeachment article on Trump's insurrection against Congress, Pelosi should have added an article on his dictatorial seizure to himself of Constitutional authority and duties of Congress for 4 years. This insurrection was the culmination of serial lawlessness.
Dec 29, 2020 12 tweets 8 min read
Thread: For those of you who make last minute charitable contributions to “good works,” here is my recommended list of really stalwart, result-oriented, no-nonsense civic advocacy groups. You can find out yourself all they are doing with modest budgets by going to their websites. They are the lighthouses of a democratic society. -R
Aug 9, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
The Executive Order providing $400 in unemployment insurance payments from monies not appropriated for that purpose usurped the congressional power of the purpose and constituted a criminal violation of the Anti-Deficiency Act. The Executive Order deferring indefinitely a portion of payroll taxes funding Social Security and Medicare usurped the congressional taxing power. Both constitutional violations are indisputable.