Ralph Wendt Profile picture
german nephrologist, passionate about electrolytes, renal pathophysiology, swiss mountains and my wife!
Jun 8, 2019 10 tweets 26 min read
@DamianFog @CMClase @Roxytonin @kidneydoc101 @hswapnil @drpaddymark @kidney_boy @arvindcanchi @NavTangri @NephJC @THKC1 I can't think of just one good reason to treat asymptomatik hyperuricemia. It does not slow progression of CKD progression.
All trials that were randomized AND placebo controlled were negativ (red underlined) @DamianFog @CMClase @Roxytonin @kidneydoc101 @hswapnil @drpaddymark @kidney_boy @arvindcanchi @NavTangri @NephJC @THKC1 citation for picture above: PMID: 25928556