Ranbir Singh Profile picture
Researcher, Writer, activist for Hindus and pagans political analyst critiquing the left/right race western narratives, MA History SOAS (Uni of London)
Jan 4 28 tweets 5 min read
1. Of course, the establishment will cover up Pakistanis and turn them into Asian grooming gangs due to the fact the word Pakistan was coined in the UK at one of the UK's universities " Cambridge" which is why these same prestigious universities are at the forefront of hate 2. presently against Hindus, Jews and other whites often from the working class they shout down as far right . Most of the political class including the media especially from the left are from these prestigious universities and elite backgrounds). Churchill may have conspired
Jan 3 27 tweets 5 min read
1. This hate against India while a total soft spot for Pakistan from both sides of the British and wider Western establishment especially the US has a very long history which needs to be brought out to the public to see why grooming gangs suddenly become 'Asian' and other 2. cover-ups to take the focus away from Islamists especially Pakistan). Since the attacks of 9/11 we have been told that there is a war on terror. But India was suffering such terrorism long before this yet the rest of the world averted its gaze. In fact it is a sad indictment
Nov 21, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
1. As we have seen with the recent attacks on Sadhguru, attacks on Sri Sri Ravi Shankar over the years, and attacks on other Gurus going back as far as Swami Yogananda and Swami Vivekananda that the real issue is not these Gurus but Hinduism and its influence which is expanding 2. across the word in some form or another. We saw it with the biggest band on the planet, The Beatles with George Harrison converting to Hinduism along with many more famous Celebs and ordinary people.

You can’t get away regardless of all the extreme Hinduphobia on the rise.
Sep 9, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
1. Andrew Roberts, Niall Fergusson and Dinesh D’Souza are adamant that India is the world’s largest democracy because of its British inheritance. But then Pakistan was also a product of British rule. When India was partitioned in 1947 Sir Douglas Gracey became Chief of the 2. General Staff and Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Pakistan Army before succeeding Frank Messervy as Commander-in-Chief Pakistan Army in 1948, having served as an Indian army officer while the British Raj was still intact. Similar to Gracey, the early heads of Pakistan’s
Sep 5, 2024 26 tweets 5 min read
1. In March 1943, Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Britain preached to fellow Conservative MP and education minister Richard A Butler, that British withdrawal from India would lead to a power coup by corrupt and incompetent “baboos” and a resultant bloodbath as Hindus and 2. Muslims fought each other. Churchill’s inflexibility on Indian independence is notorious. What is less well known is his support for Islamic separatism in South Asia. Churchill told Butler that in the event of British withdrawal there should be partition of British India
Sep 4, 2024 26 tweets 5 min read
1. Excellent article by Professor Vamsee Juluri)

On a recent Saturday night, a group of Hindu students at the University of California Berkeley organised a candlelight vigil in the historic Sproul Plaza for the victims of anti-Hindu aggression in Bangladesh. 2. At least thirty to forty people, including students and community members, gathered around a haunting display of lights arranged in the shape of an Om. A handful of placards moved around here and there in the silence, conveying more than any angry chant or sloganeering could.
Aug 13, 2024 22 tweets 4 min read
1. With the attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh it is important to remind ourselves how this country even came into existence. In 1947 Pakistan was carved out by the Muslim League and their British sponsors to create a client state in the region, fearing India would turn communist. 2. Islam by virtue of its monotheism and having the same classical civilisation source as Christianity was seen as a religion, culture and civilisation which western countries could relate to. At independence in 1947 Mihir Bose writes that the British had more faith in Pakistan
Aug 8, 2024 24 tweets 4 min read
1. The same Muslims massacring Hindus and raping their women in Bangladesh were themselves victims of genocide, sexual violence and ethnic cleansing by Muslims brothers from Pakistan. Britain backed Muslim League demands of separate state for Muslims 'safe' from Hindus. 2. It was that same Hindu 'threat' which stopped Muslims in Bangladesh being exterminated in 1971. In 1969 Ayub handed over power to Commander-in-Chief Yahya Khan. In 1971 his brutal suppression of Bengali dissent in East Pakistan led to eventual war with India, as millions of
Jul 19, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
1. More proof that when it comes to India and Hindus the left and right are united. Now @Nigel_Farage pushes the same talking points as @jeremycorbyn and @PriyamvadaGopal . Let's examine further shall we Nigel since you are so keen to blame the 'subcontinent'. 2. Churchill’s inflexibility on Indian independence is notorious. What is less well known is his support for Islamic separatism in South Asia. Churchill told fellow Conservative MP and education minister Richard A Butler that in the event of British withdrawal there should be
May 7, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
1. As expected Pro-Palestinian protests at various US campuses by Islamists backed by Jew hating white supremacists are now bringing out the wider jihadist agenda where India and Hindus are starting to become targets. 2. They have the backing from useful idiots like these ‘left-liberal progressive’ Whites’ in the academia and media who ‘white’-wash the Gaza issue as having nothing to do with the Islamist jihadist agenda which even makes the flat earth theory more believable in comparison.
Apr 22, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
1. One of the most prominent historians of today, Koenraad Elst, wrote in his book Negationism of India: The Muslim conquests, down to the 16th century, were for the Hindus a pure struggle of life and death. Entire cities were burnt down and the populations massacred, 2. with hundreds of thousands killed in every campaign, and similar numbers deported as slaves.

Every new invader made (often literally) his hills of Hindus skulls. Thus, the conquest of Afghanistan in the year 1000 was followed by the annihilation of the Hindu population;
Mar 27, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
1. Jews were persecuted around the world. Only in China and India did they escape oppression by the majority. In China, the Jews lived mainly in Kaifeng but were gradually assimilated and became almost extinct. In India however they flourished. 2. It was a Jewish general, JFR Jacob, of Iraqi Jewish origin, who led India to victory against Pakistan in 1971 and liberated Bangladesh. He saved the then East Pakistan from certain genocide by the American backed Pakistan forces of Tikka Khan.

Mar 23, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
1. GB News is a free-to-air news channel in Britain. It is often seen as being right wing, conservative, and offering alternative opinions to the woke leftist agenda that dominates most news channels, especially the BBC. However, when it comes to India and Hindus, 2. it might as well be the same person behind all of it.

The first chairman of GB News was Andrew Neil, who left the BBC in 2020 to set up the channel and present a prime-time evening programme. He presented only nine shows and resigned from his roles at the channel on
Feb 25, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
1. Hinduism is denigrated in Pakistan textbooks as unholy and the Hindu past of Pakistan is almost eradicated from the record. Pakistanis are taught to distrust and look down upon Hindus, as kafirs, if not subhuman.

hinduhumanrights.info/how-india-forg… 2. The result is that Pakistani Hindus often face fierce religious hatred by people who do not even know them.

You will not see any thriving Hindu temples left in Pakistan comparable to the great mosques that have continued in India.
Oct 6, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
1. This Khalistan ideology has roots in neo-Sikhism formed by Tat Khalsa Singh Sabha in Lahore in 1898. It has nothing to do with Nanak and other gurus but everything to do with colonialist reconstruct of Hindu culture and trying to fit it into western monotheist framework. 2. Macauliffe claimed Sikhism was being suffocated by the Hindu boa constrictor, and was separate. Then you had the myth of martial races to help bolster the British Raj. But another stream that led to Sikh separatism was the so called 'reform' movements of Hinduism.
Aug 20, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
1. Sometime back someone we know had asked a well-known US  Twitter Hindu influencer to do a public protest against some anti-Hindu issue but she refused saying she doesn’t do that type of stuff on the streets. 2. This is a reflection of a larger problem with many Hindus who think they are above it all because they are so important with their high job status to be seen on the streets.
Jul 22, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
1. Just because Hindus get attacked by the Left does not automatically make them right. Indeed when examining the entrenched Hinduphobia of western civilisation, there is precious little difference that would distinguish Left from Right in the political spectrum. 2. On 6 July 2020 David Horowitz @horowitz39 wrote on twitter:

“Without colonialism, India would not be a country. It would be 357 warring tribes that don’t speak the same language.”

Jul 20, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
1. Dalit (“low caste”) Hindu Dad and Silicon Valley engineer Milind Makwana has allegedly become the first victim of the racist SB403 campaign pushed by state senator Aisha Wahab and her Hinduphobic White Supremacist pals in the California Democratic party. 2. Milind is heard speaking in this video of a Cupertino city hall meeting in opposition to the SB403 bill and warning that it does NOT help people like him. He died soon afterwards after being told his children who he had brought with him to speak would not be allowed to speak.
Jul 9, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
1. In 2014 Hindu Human Rights was contacted by the BBC regarding the need for a Hindu point of view on a controversy taking place in India. Now this was for a live news broadcast on the BBC News channel. For almost a decade that recording has been lost. 2. The BBC have varied between being evasive about it to outright denial. They were extremely keen to hush it up. What was it about the interview with HHR that they were so keen should not go public? What secrets about the BBC does it reveal?
Apr 30, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
1. In the face of a fierce backlash, The Guardian has apologised and removed Martin Rowson's drawing posted on its website as it "did not meet our editorial standards".

news.sky.com/story/the-guar… 2. This was due to its blatant antisemitism. However it is normal for the white elite left-wing Guardian to attackgroups like Jews and Hindus. After all it has never apologised for using Hinduphobia against @pritipatel knowing cattle are venerated

Apr 29, 2023 5 tweets 5 min read
1. @France24_en takes issue with Hindus being armed to stop beign attacked by western armed and Pakistan backed Islamic fascists intent on exterminating Hindus.

france24.com/en/live-news/2… 2. That is hardly surprising because France itself backed Tipu Sultan, rescued Mufti al-Husayni from Nuremberg Trials, gave asylum to Khomeini and has @jaffrelotc its very own Hindu-hating left-wing white racist type denigrating Hindus
