Randi McCallian, MPH, IBCLC Profile picture
I tried. Gave it my all. Held her hand while she whimpered; but in the end, the masses decided, democracy would fall.
Sep 19, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
The dark blue area shows where there is a confirmed Democratic choice on the ballot for the Missouri State House in 2024 (in SE MO).

The other areas don't have a Democratic candidate filed to run yet.

What are you waiting for?

🧵1/ Image In Jefferson County, we need a Democratic choice on the ballot for State House Districts:

HD111 - NW Jefferson Co
HD113 - NE Edge, inc: Arnold, Kimmswick, Imperial, Barnhart
HD115 - South Jefferson Co

There are Democratic candidates for 97, 112, and 114 💙
2/ Image
Mar 1, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Notice anything about Missouri in relation to surrounding states?

Our minimum wage is higher than 7 states we touch.



In 2018, MO voters overwhelmingly said 'YES' on a citizen's initiative to raise the minimum wage over 4 years.

🧵 🚨Missouri State Legislature wants to make it harder for citizens to put initiatives on the ballot 🚨

Many legislators want to raise the threshold of signatures needed for a proposition to qualify for the ballot.


Jan 10, 2023 8 tweets 8 min read
My Congressman was appointed Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee...

Allow me to show you what 10 years with @repjasonsmith has done to us.

First, Smith's constituents live under the worst conditions of poverty in the state of Missouri 👇
#WeDeserveBetter In Smith's district, the second largest farming district in the state, we suffer from extreme food insecurity... and @RepJasonSmith refers to himself as a farmer 🫤

Smith also voted against lower costs of food and fuel.
Jan 7, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
If you live in an area with ample democratic representation, I suggest "adopting" a Dem County Committee in a rural area.

Donate to them, like & share their posts, and if you live close, join their events (there's strength in numbers!)
#DirtRoadDemocrat I will share donation links for rural committees in my rural district, but feel free to share links for other rural county committees as well!
Dec 1, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
BIG Announcement! 🗣📣

I'm running for Vice Chair of the Missouri Democratic Party! 🤩🥳 My vision is a party that uplifts and builds upon the momentum of our amazing candidates, committees, volunteers, campaign staff, union organizers, activists, and small business owners who have been working toward a stronger democracy across the State for many many years.
Aug 11, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
Allow me to take you on a tour of the district that I am running to represent; Missouri's 8th Congressional.

Unfortunately it is a depressing tour, but I believe we need to talk about a problem when we want to make it better.
#Missouri #MO8 Missouri's 8th Congressional District covers 28 counties of Southeast Missouri.

2022 redistricting removed Crawford and Washington Counties from the north of the district (added to the 3rd) - noteworthy because their health outcomes are like the 8th, not the 3rd