๐๐š๐ฌ๐ญ๐“๐ซ๐ฎ๐ญ๐ก๐ฌ Profile picture
Sep 20 โ€ข 7 tweets โ€ข 2 min read
Well, this argument is mostly based on the criterion of dissimilarity/embrassement. Yes they are valid tools and methods of argumentation, but I dont think that this really convinces me in this case. And that is for the reason that I, from my paradigm, can fully maybe...

1/6 trace the transimmison of this tradition to its commonlink al-Zuhri (671-741AD), and with some chances maybe to Said Ibn al-Musayyib (637-715). So the point about there being no reason to forge this because it could have been easily exposed, because...

2/6 Image
Sep 4 โ€ข 26 tweets โ€ข 9 min read
๐ŸงตPharaohs Divinity in the Quran: Parallel or a "Historical Miracle"? Some contemporary Muslim apologists have argued that the knowledge of Pharaoh claiming himself to be divine found in the Quran (79:23-24, 28:38, 26:29 & 7:127) would be proof of its divine origin. The core of the argument could be simplified as follows:
Aug 23 โ€ข 24 tweets โ€ข 4 min read
Thread ๐Ÿงต

Herbert Berg's Critique of the Approaches and Arguments of Nabia Abbott, Fuat Sezgin & Muhammad Mustafa Azami on แธคadฤซth Literature Herbert Berg (for any one who doesnt know) is a scholar of religion, whose research mainly focuses on the origins of Islam. He has a Ph.D. in the Study of Religion from the University of Toronto, and is currently working as visiting assistant professor in Rhodes College.
Aug 11 โ€ข 12 tweets โ€ข 2 min read
I have just lately realized how fallacious the claims about Qurans inimitability are. For starters the whole claim is inherently subjective and doesnt have any objective backing in anything. Of course you can pinch out some literary criteria for it, but it still comes down to... huge amount of subjectivity, which leaves alot of room for biases to creep in. And the whole fact of this being pushed forward as the ultimate proof for the Qurans divinity is just nuts to me. Because surely (sry if getting too polemical lol) an all knowing god could do better...