RandomMinutia Profile picture
Purveyor of Random Information, Quotes, Facts, and All Around Nonsense. Some Translation May Be Required. Opinions expressed or shared are my own.
Dec 1, 2022 37 tweets 16 min read
Just in case. I’m re-upping the Story Thread I’ve been keeping track of involving the PLAAF’s & PLAN’s recruitment of Fighter Pilots from Western Countries to bolster the capabilities and experience in their Air Forces that originally started months ago. Here are the details 🧵: The origins of how this story developed goes back to a viral video of a Training Crash of a Chinese JL-10 back in April when a Pilot was found next to his instructor:

Nov 29, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Keep in mind, the Mullahs will do anything to distract the world from the Revolution born from their killing of #MahsaAmini. As composed as Adams’ response is, keep in mind, this is a “journalist” sent by those same Tyrants currently killing Iranians the same age as the @USMNT @MenInBlazers keep in mind why that reporter asked this. To have us in America distracted from talking about the Iranian Regime’s own sick, perverted and twisted torture of their kids who want freedom like we have, to change and become better, this is an attempt to divide us…