Texan, Actor. Randy Quaid Films @FilmsQuaid Wife- Evi @evgeniaquaid Have a great furry son Doji! THE LAST DETAIL, KINGPIN.🎳 Between pictures.
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Jan 17, 2021 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Dear Lord, we pray for President Trump and his family, for their safety, and thank you for giving us such dedicated patriots to lead the cause for peace. Trump has given voice to the forgotten and the downtrodden even as he lost his own.;
but we know that You will not allow him or any of his God-fearing supporters to be silenced. You love those who are truthful and just. You strengthen the weak and punish the wicked.
Dec 31, 2019 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
Here’s how the 10’s decade went for me: @EviQuaid and I came out against Hollywood StarWhackers racketeering on us (Oct2010) & other actors being phone hacked / surveilled @HackedOffHugh. Our accusations were validated throughout the decade.
First, in 2011 Great Britain’s @Levesoninquiry exposed the corruption emanating from the police/media relationship, i.e. illegal phone hacking, false accusations and lies about targeted innocent citizens & Hollywood celebs in the entertainment industry.
Oct 20, 2019 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
I am Adam Schiff. I represent the 28th congressional district. Disney, NBC, CNN & other media mouse houses are here. I am in Nancy’s House. (I take care of her lingerie & when I’m in DC I sleep in it). In open session I paraphrased the president’s words to show his intent. Now...
...it's time to paraphrase my intent. Listen good because I’m only gonna say this once. Nancy and I are envious of the President of the United States, Donald J Trump. Nancy and I started colluding to frame the president right after the election. We are like-minded, working...
Sep 21, 2019 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
The consequences from the Googleplex misuse of its algorithms harms us all. Googleplex algorithms are used to benefit corporations, criminals & Fake News against unsuspecting, vulnerable internet users. Googleplex with its algorithms is an enemy of...
…the people and should be dismantled and sued by the government. By example, every year about this time until around New Years I am pegged (me personally) as a “nightmare houseguest”. The Googleplex algorithms choose all of the negative aspects of my role in Xmas Vacation...
Sep 1, 2019 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
I’ve noticed since my tweets criticizing @EricMcCormack , @DebraMessing & @MEGBusfield desire to create a blacklist of POTUS donors “not to work with” in the entertainment industry that I am now being trolled with negative, decade old Fake News stories about me...
.... It’s clearly a hit job serving three naive actors that want to bring back McCarthyism to Hollywood by urging an American news organization, The Hollywood Reporter, to conspire with them to publish a list of names for the purpose of harming specific individuals’.....