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Researcher: ANCIENT BHARAT ! History | Maths | Science | Culture | Website : https://t.co/0QmgnEwzOO Insta/FB: real.rapperpandit Food Choice: SĀTVIK , RĀJSIC
Umed Mehta #Modi Ka Pariwaar 🇮🇳 Profile picture Vineet Profile picture eagleeye192020 Proud Hindu &Indian-Modi Ka Parivar Profile picture 3 subscribed
Mar 26, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
Suppose you know Samskrit , but you discover an Ancient Rock edict in your field, with a message in BRAHMI script !!

BRAHMI, world’s most ancient script, is key to Ancient Revelations

Made this Key that’ll help you decipher Rock edicts

Can you now write your NAME in BRAHMI ? Devnagri was mature in 11th Century only.. Most of worlds scripts from Devnagri , scripts for South Indian Languages, Aramaic, Hebrew, Russian, English, Latin has its roots in BRAHMI - The Script Given by Brahma Himself

Now can you trace the Swastika and Christian Cross ?
Mar 24, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
12 Very Important Unnoticed things Modi Govt has done / is doing :

1. Replacement of VISA/Master by RuPay

2. DeDollarisation thru replacement by Rupee to do Major purchases like Crude , which cost us 60%, of Foreign Exchange + 3. Satellite based FasTag integrated per Km based Toll deduction and removal of Toll Plaza

4. Approval of Surgeries and Advanced Medical Procedures thru Ancient Ayurvedic Practices

5. Technology to Target Remote Spy Satellites. +
Mar 21, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
So many Earthquakes Happening . Not Natural..

4 major reasons

1) Oil drilling in deep beds
2) underground Nuclear Tests
3) Targeted Projects like HAARP
4) Natural tectonic plate movement

Time to Watch THE CORE on Netflix for no. 3 Not knowing is Ok

But not willing to know is Tragedy

Sep 4, 2022 14 tweets 6 min read
Today we will see, how For 570 Years, 636 AD - 1206 AD, INVADERS were defeated and humilíated by HINDU Kings

This story of Valour was hidden in our Marxist History Books. Read this small thread till End, and Feel proud of our Ancestors + Image 2. Caliph after Caliph was Defeated & routed by the Hindu Kings

Caliph Umar
Caliph Usman
Caliph Ali
Caliph Muawiyah

Caliph Writes to Iraqi General “we must put expeditions OFF, because every time an Army goes Vast number of Musàlmáns r Kîlled, so think of no more Such Design”
Jun 24, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
1. Father of FIBER OPTICS:

Sardar Narinder Singh Kapany
Born: Moga, Punjab

Sh. Vinod Dham
Born: Pune, Maharashtra


Apr 11, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Zaleel Hindus are at Fault in all these Stone pelting cases as they aren’t aware of the basics of Holy Islam. Let me try to educate Hindu brothers 5 points so that Hindus don’t dare to repeat it again :

#Thread Image 1. Shirk is the biggest Sin in Islam. Even hearing the praise of fake Gods of other religions, amounts to Shirk and deserves Capital punishment. It doesn’t matter if Hindus have to hear it daily 5 times a Day.
Oct 9, 2021 28 tweets 6 min read
One day Rakesh, who was related to us, came to our joint house. We sat in the evening gathering which usually took place when lights would go off due to power cut for 2-3hrs

My uncle immediately scolded him, "Didn't I tell you, to get Kundals (horoscope) matched before marriage" "But you, as usual, didn't agree and started ridiculing the practice as old fashion"

Rakesh said "Sorry uncle, I know u care for me, but I don't still believe in this superstition of horoscope matching, the quarrels between us will dampen down with time, it happens in all homes"
Feb 12, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Biggest reasons of BREAST CANCER?
Sharing for benifit of my Sisters.

Wearing BRA is the Major Reason of Breast Cancer

4-5 Generations back ladies didn't wear Bra /blouse. The Moral British , introduced in Society thru Bhabhi of Tagore.


Image Hindus would wear unstitched Cloth
It was considered both auspicious & scientific as well, as it allowed free air circulation, thus clearing sweat & taking care of Skin and Body thermic control

In present time, atleast during NIGHT Must avoid wearing Bra

Oct 18, 2020 21 tweets 8 min read
मेरा एक काम (kaam) है, करेगा ?
Shouldnt Mean
I've a Work, will you do it?
Should Mean:
I've a Desire, will You Fulfil it?

Kaam Dev काम देव is the force that activates desires in human conscious, to ACT. S3X is one of the Desires
Kaam Dev is GOD for Desires, Not S3X God. 1/n Image Let's Now Dive into
-Does Kama mean S3X in our culture?
-Who Was Great Vastyanan Muni, Fakely Presented in Utsav Movie
-What do Nastik&Astik Mean?
-What are the SIX दर्शन of Sanatan Dharma?
-What is Purusharth? 2/n Image
Sep 14, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Question: Where is East?
Answer: Oh! Just look at the Sun !

Now, Imagine, You Landed at Sun,
Then where is East?

Let's Explore 'दिक्' आयाम (heard दिग्विजय)
& Truth of Space-Time #Thread Image 2/8
Have you Noted from Earth, Moon, Sun, Heavenly Bodies to SubAtomic Particles, everything moves in predesignated paths for predesignated time.

This motion is NOT Arbitrary

Absolute Direction is a Must (दिक्)
A Secret of प्रकृति, without which
Nature Cannot Sustain
Jul 27, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
COTTON CANDY is Simplest Way 2 Explain Vedic Creation of Matter

~How Force(शक्ति) applied in काल(Shiva) to पंचमहाभूत रश्मी(Shiva) Cause the Swirl Represented by #Swastika to Create MATTER (रश्मी=Strings)
@Sanjay_Dixit @subhash_kak


Dear @RamaInExile they are prejudiced and will comment without reading the thread. They also believe writing came first in the West.

This thread has complete article of Subhash Kak ji on Brahmi letters
