Raquel Savage Profile picture
Therapist, educator, slut | she/her/he/him @zeppwellness | @EquitableCare
Nov 26, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
This is a cursed question but did this child actor really suck on this woman real breast for this scene lmao I’m re-watching and it just hit me that’s weird af Image Renly was really out here QUEERING medieval times okay!?!

- gay
- had a slut for a wife (who served looks)
- let brienne in the king’s guard
- was fucking a knight
Aug 12, 2020 38 tweets 10 min read
TW// abuse

Super excited to read "Why Does He Do That?" Bancroft, the author, worked with abusive men for over 20 years.

The book explores exactly what the title says - why abusers abuse.

I'm going to live tweet over the next few months as I read along 🙃 Photo of a book entitled &q... So, I read chapter 1 tonight. Bancroft briefly outlines what the book will be about and covers a few common questions partners of abusers typically ask.

Here, he discusses how important it is to speak directly to *partners* of abusers TO GET THE ACCURATE STORY. "The women's accounts ...
Sep 9, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
Have you ever listened to men talk about choosing partners/how they chose their wives?

Becoming a wife and being chosen as a wife is supposed to be this major achievement for women but have you actually heard men speak about that process? Because It’s jokes.
Nov 2, 2018 11 tweets 2 min read
The “your orgasm is your responsibility” rhetoric is loaded af & upholds patriarchal ideas of hetero sex based on inequity.

I can’t take it serious as a talking point until hetero men prioritize women’s orgasms the same way hetero women are socialized to prioritize men’s. I’ve heard (and I think I may have supported, at one point smh) “your orgasm is your responsibility” solely to encourage women to figure out how to orgasm during partnered-sex by any means necessary so at least we’re cumming, even if it’s by our own hand.

But that’s bullshit.
Sep 15, 2018 13 tweets 2 min read
It took me a long time to verbalize what’s happening emotionally for me when shit doesn’t go my way.

For many years I thought (and other people thought) I was just being a brat. And so I gaslit myself and others minimized my feelings to petty temper tantrums.

And shit never got resolved.
Jun 18, 2018 36 tweets 5 min read
Is there gay secks in Game of Thrones? Bout to start Game of Thrones 👀
Sep 24, 2017 18 tweets 2 min read
Just sitting here thinking about how we're socialized to see women's bodies - how thinner bodies are considered more classy/respectable... And how we sexualize thicker (hour glass, ass/tits, etc) bodies and totally dispose of fat bodies.