👽👣VOTE👣👽L.M. Hook #TrumpLiedPeopleDied Profile picture
Semi-Retired, U.S. Army Vet,, Photographer, Husband, #Resistance#BlueWave#TruthMatters#GOPGenocide 👽💦🌊 Biden 2020 Some tweets may contain explicit language.
Mar 1, 2020 • 20 tweets • 9 min read
1) So many egregious acts, it is almost impossible to believe one person could rack up so much crap and still be elected. The following list is by no means exhaustive or complete, remember all of this is BEFORE he took office. 2) Sexual-Assault Allegations
Where and when: Various, 1970s-2005

The dirt: Even before the release of a 2005 video
Feb 22, 2020 • 10 tweets • 8 min read
@chesscat48 @DarinColville @marymac169

1.) Nevada Caucus Day thoughts. The next new President of the United States faces a daunting task, to do it, we need to hold the House, we need to flip the Senate, and we need to win the White House. @chesscat48 @DarinColville @marymac169 2.) We already know what happens if Trump wins, it's four more years of insanity and Russian control of our government. Moderates understand in any economy there is no free lunch, particularly with the deficits already run up by the tRump Administration.
May 20, 2019 • 20 tweets • 4 min read
1) This is the first of several threads that will examine Republican tyranny from the early '50s and it starts with a man named McCarthy, his counsel Cohn, and touches the core of the Trump Presidency today. I was born in the mid 50’s Joseph McCarthy’s smear campaign against Hollywood actors and writers, and anyone else he could drag into it was ending. Even the great Edward R. Murrow of “Good Night and Good Luck” fame from his wartime broadcasts made McCarthy’s list.
Mar 21, 2019 • 27 tweets • 5 min read
1) Dear Democrats, the lesson of the GOP is a serious one and one that needs to be highlighted and hammered home, before "our" turn in the barrel again. Our Founders never intended for Politics specifically Congressmen, Congresswomen, or Senators to be a profession. 2) If the time comes that you can't maintain your values, your honor, or see your way clear to do what must be done to protect Our Nation's Democracy, or chose to protect a criminal purely for the sake of your own or your parties power YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS RUNNING FOR OFFICE.