Rollo Tomassi Profile picture
#1 Bestselling author of The Rational Male book series. Host of The Rational Male Podcast and Access Vegas!
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Feb 18 9 tweets 3 min read
.@MattWalshBlog "Human emotions evolved because they generally work to confer evolutionary benefits to us, helping us to ultimately increase the likelihood of survival or reproductive capacities...Happiness is not an end goal; it is a means to an end."
…happiness is a proximate outcome, not an ultimate outcome. Women have been sold the lie that contentment should be a maintainable goal-state. It’s why so many women gulp down antidepressants like M&Ms these days. @MattWalshBlog Image
Nov 30, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
All of this was confirmed by Lauren’s ex to me in 2023. Image
May 6, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Christ-Pill adherents cannot imagine an analysis that does not occur for the purposes of judgment, much less one that doesn’t include any idea about what people “should” do. This is also why the Red Pill insists that moralists are willfully ignorant. Because to them, anyone who doesn’t acknowledge factual truth must be unable or unwilling to perceive it. They cannot imagine anyone not caring what the truth is. The Christ-Pill think that Red Pill empiricists are trying to restore the Dark Ages. Any argument excluding a moral imperative seems like an endorsement of returning to a state of barbarism. This is why many Red Pill theories are dismissed as biological determinism by believers, even though Red Pill theory almost always accounts for the human element of free will. They cannot imagine any group with shared views not having one moral agenda they wish everyone to abide by.
Apr 29, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
@CollinRugg I called this out in February.… @CollinRugg
Feb 14, 2024 15 tweets 4 min read
Because, like all women, you don’t understand that happiness is a proximate outcome, not an ultimate outcome. You’ve been sold the lie that contentment should be a maintainable goal-state. It’s why women gulp down SSRIs like M&Ms. The human condition is defined by discontent. This is a feature, not a bug. Women are easily sold on the fantasy of happiness and contentment as a state of being. They believe they’re entitled to “having theirs needs met” and deserve to “be” happy.
Jan 4, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
A lot of ignorant critics think my infamous SMV graph has no basis in “science.” Of course, none of them have the intellectual capacity to actually read the essay this graph came from. So, well start here:…
Image I published this in 2012. Most of the current critics were busy watching Jimmy Neutron and Fairly Odd Parents when I wrote this so I can forgive their ignorance to a point.

As you might expect, I’ve dealt with virtually every lazy point of contention over my graph for 12 years.
Nov 27, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
The female psyche is innately Marxist. The feminist utopia is a police state.
Nov 23, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
"It’s my opinion that red pill awareness needs to remain fundamentally apolitical, non-racial, and non-religious. The moment the Red Pill is associated with any social or religious movement, you co-brand it with an ideology, and the validity of it will be written off along with any preconceptions related to that specific ideology."

– The Rational Male, The Political is Personal, 2015

"Furthermore, any co-branding will be violently disowned by whatever ideology it’s paired with. Gynocentrism has co-opted and trumps the fundamentals of that ideology. The truth is the manosphere, pro-masculine thought, Red Pill awareness, are an entity of its own."
Aug 8, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
So apparently, these "medical records" were a grandiose trolling on the part of Lauren Southern, Brittany Venti, and Destiny.

So they won't mind me making these "faked documents" public now.

Well played. I even took these to a medical professional, and they said it looked……
Image Medical ID number, DOB, admission dates, due dates, etc. all forgeries by Lauren Southern to bait me into believing she was pregnant. Very elaborate, almost OCD in scale. Well done, I was convinced.
Jun 26, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Women despise a man who needs to be told to be dominant. Overtly relating this to a guy entirely defeats his credibility as a genuinely dominant male. The guy she wants to fuck is dominant because that’s ‘the way he is’ instead of who she had to tell him to be. Observing a process will change it. This is the root function of every shit test ever devised by a woman. If masculinity has to be explained to a man, he’s not the man for her.
May 11, 2023 8 tweets 1 min read
Alpha is a mindset, not a demographic.

Alpha is as Alpha does, it isn’t what we say it is. There are noble Alphas, and there are scoundrel Alphas – the difference is all in how they apply themselves. There’s a tendency to approach every “Alpha” (High-Value Male) argument from what a guy thinks is righteousness; ergo, his definition of Alpha appeals best to his sense of virtue.
Mar 8, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
The Sisterhood will always show solidarity for, provide cover for, or aid and abet a woman trying to optimize Hypergamy,…unless that woman is in direct intrasexual competition with her for the same optimization.
Women evolved to be collectivists in our hunter/gatherer past. This has given rise to a globalized Sisterhood that buys into the narrative of collective victimhood.
Mar 7, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The Red Pill doesn’t exist so men will hate women.

It exists so men won’t hate women for what they can never be to them. The human condition is defined by discontent. You will never experience a sustainable state of contentment, but this is a feature, not a bug, of human nature. You can deal with discontent creatively or destructively; you'll be defined by which you choose.
Jan 31, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Patriarchy is not an Androcentric system (Feminism is Gynocentric).

Patriarchy is balanced. Men's responsibilities are tempered with authority to enact them. Ideally, men are responsible for their women and children.

/thread Patriarchy gives men commensurate authority over them to effect that responsibility.

In a Gynocentric world, anything less than complete submission to women is oppression. The deliberate misconception is that Patriarchy IS Androcentrism.
Jan 14, 2023 30 tweets 5 min read
'Divorce is always men's fault', a rebuttal:

During marriage there are periods when each spouse benefits more from honoring the agreement than the other one does. In the early stages, when the wife is young, men benefit more if the agreement is honored. Later in the marriage when the wife is older she benefits more if the agreement is honored.

Because of this, women have the incentive to initiate divorce when they are younger, and men have the incentive to do so when their wives are older.
Jan 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Well, since I've already got the flamethrower, how about we add @Lauren_Southern to today's crossfire?
/thread Here's the Atlantic article from 2020:…
Dec 23, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Christianity is lost. "When Emmanuel showed up, Viktor Bout was set free."
Dec 22, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
This debate illustrates the differences in men’s innately hierarchical, empirical way of organizing social structures and women’s egalitarian, emotional ideal of organizing a social order.
Nov 26, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Can someone let Mikhaila know I'm ready to adopt Scarlett? Clearly, she has no interest in motherhood, and my wife and I have raised one daughter very well. She'll be in good hands, I promise. Image April 11, 2022 Image
Nov 11, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Nov 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Still think the election process is legit? We can livestream 4K video from the surface of Mars but “we may not know all the winners of elections for a few days.”