Alex Rubinstein Profile picture
Investigative journalist, co-founder @ActiveMeasures8
KI MacLeod ✝🍁🏒 Profile picture Potato Of Reason Profile picture M a t e o 🐂💨 Profile picture 九条武子 Profile picture 5 subscribed
Oct 28, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Oz Katerji is libeling me as having been "paid to deny war crimes by the Russian government" because he can't refute what I exposed about him: that he is supporting a fundraising operation for a group even he admitted was guilty of war crimes More libel plus Oz is crying that I'm tweeting about him from behind a block... Yet he's blocking me?
Oct 28, 2022 7 tweets 5 min read
Mainstream media & NAFO itself characterizes their troll farm as "organic," "grassroots," & "decentralized." I expose how this info operation was in reality astroturfed by what its founder calls the "national security Twitter community." @TheGrayzoneNews… The first installment of my series exposed how the NAFO troll operation was launched to raise money for a brutal band of "criminals and mercenaries." In the second installment (above) I take a look at the influential regime change operatives involved.…
Oct 22, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
Hey Mamuka @ me next time These criminals and mercenaries are taking time out of their busy schedule of summarily executing POWs to issue thinly-veiled threats against journalists. Aren't you supposed to be fighting a war right now?

At least I won't be the first journalist on a Ukrainian kill list.
Oct 20, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
NAFO is currently discussing the fact hat I have access to their verified-only channels in a verified-only channel.... Here's the piece they're responding to… ImageImageImageImage They're now talking about it in a public channel Image
Oct 20, 2022 7 tweets 6 min read
New in @TheGrayzoneNews - Part 1 of my investigation into how the NAFO troll operation was started as a fundraiser for the Georgian Legion, a US-backed group of "criminals & mercenaries" that's included wanted murderers, white nationalists & war criminals… While NAFO leaders market the image of a community of do-gooders, otherwise aimless young men have flocked to the group to vent rage at a common enemy. Yet, sometimes they turn on each other and two NAFO members recently plotted to murder a third… Image
Jul 25, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Rock Against Russia - a quick list of all the rock stars making their voices heard in support of the NATO proxy war:
- The Rolling Stones
- Paul McCartney
- Patti Smith
- Bon Jovi
- Dee Snyder, Twisted Sister
- Queen
- Sting
- Arcade Fire
- The Cure I'm starting to think the punks were right about the classic rockers -- too bad they were wrong about, like, everything else
May 31, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
DHS is 'concerned' over Nazis returning after fighting in Ukraine. I examine two Americans now fighting Russia, one a veteran of various street brawls against leftists and the other a lunatic that murdered a couple in Florida & tortured women in Donbas… Paul Gray has been associated with four US Nazi groups, which was left unmentioned in this 6 times he was featured by Fox News. The network took steps to conceal his identity and celebrated him as a hero as he took out Russians with US-made Javelins…
May 27, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Why? Zelensky is like a washed up A-lister that has started doing ads for men's razers to pay the bills
May 26, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I've been seeing widespread support around this sentiment today and it reminds me how much more broad appeal the conversation around demilitarizing the police that happened after Ferguson had as the central demand of BLM than what it morphed into - total abolishment of the police Even libertarians who would be the most obvious base of support for such a proposal were like "yeah i don't know about that"
Apr 8, 2022 6 tweets 6 min read
As warlord Mamuka Mamulashvili boasts of executing Russian POWs, the legion he commands carried them out just five miles from Bucha on March 30. I expose this war criminal's longstanding ties to key American foreign policy officials for @TheGrayzoneNews… Current & former members of Congress Mamuka Mamulashvili has met with:
- @RepEliotEngel
- @RepMaloney
- @repsandylevin
- @DanaRohrabacher… ImageImageImageImage
Mar 2, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
More than half (55%) of Americans think that Russia is either communist or socialist according to a YouGov/Economist poll conducted between February 26 and March 1.

They know nothing about the country they are being manipulated by the elite to want go to war with. White people with no college degrees are a lot more likely to want the US to stay out of other countries' business than college-educated whites. Black people are more likely to want the US to NOT take an active role in world affairs.
Mar 2, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Soviet prisoners of war were also massacred at Babyn Yar and Russia is proud of its definitive role in ending the Holocaust, which Babyn Yar serves as a stark reminder of.

My money is on either false flag or fake news. Zelensky LIED. An Israeli journalist Ron Ben Yishai writes "after touring all over the big site I can report with certainty that no monument was damaged and no bomb, missile or shell hit the area."
Feb 27, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Watch Yevhen Karas the leader of Ukraine's neo-Nazi terror gang C14's speech from Kiev earlier this month. Straight from the horses' mouth, he dispels the many narratives pushed by the left, the mainstream media and the State Department. He claims:
- Ukraine is being armed as pawns of the West because "we have fun killing"
- "We have started a war"
- "We have the most Javelins on the European continent"
- The European family has already collapsed
- Maidan would've been a "gay parade" if not for Nazi influence
Feb 7, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
The Ottawa Police and GoFundMe are setting precedents that essentially make protesting impossible and the left is totally silent... Typical leftist response: logical inconsistencies to rationalize ideological immovability. How can the police be "working with" the protesters while simultaneously criminalizing the act of materially aiding them?
Jan 17, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Insane survey of Democratic voters in a recently poll:

-55% support fines against unvaxxed
-59% support house arrest
-48% support prison for questioning vax efficacy on social media
-45% support internment camps
-47% support surveillance
-29% support the state taking their kids Remember that this is the party that is constantly warning of the dangers posed by domestic extremists.

h/t @cadonovan32 for pointing me to the poll…
Jan 7, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
The left thinks the blue collar MAGA people who stormed the capitol are their political enemies. This is how we lose. Our enemies should be the political elite and the oligarchy. We should be trying to convince the people who stormed the capitol, not trying to ID them for the FBI Some of them were Nazis and some came prepared for violence. Those are obviously not the people I am referring to. Many of them were average folks from rural areas, a category of people where the left has no reach, and in an area where it has no foothold
Jan 7, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Twitter has now escalated it's censorship against the current president of the United States by actually deleting his tweets. If they can do it to him they can do it to anybody Anybody know what those tweets actually said?

I wonder if they will ever make it into the Library of Congress…
Feb 7, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Maypr Pete Buttigieg got deployed to Afghanistan with the task of liaising between intelligence agencies supposedly working to disrupt the Taliban drug trade during a year the UN says Afghanistan accounted for 90% of global opium. Big assignment for a small town mayor! Pete Buttigieg's job description on his discharge papers was left blank. Seems extremely run-of-the-mill for a reservist
Jul 4, 2019 15 tweets 7 min read
This woman's sign has generated a bit of controversy on the internet today, so I decided to post my interview with her from earlier. She tells the story of the father and his 2-year-old from El Salvador who drowned trying to make it to the U.S. "It makes me really sad," she said. People are trying to have this woman doxxed because of her sign. I'm not sure how anyone can interpret it as an endorsement of Trump's border policies - just on its face - but the least they could do is take some time to look into the matter before trying to ruin her life
May 16, 2019 15 tweets 4 min read
Vecchio staffer making sure the press has good white balance "How many coups does it take / Vecchio is a fake"
May 15, 2019 10 tweets 5 min read
Reverand Jessie Jackson successfully delivered four bags of supplies to the embassy protectors. Oppositionists are screaming at him as he talks to the media I talked to Reverand Jesse Jackson who denounced the attempted starvation of Venezuela as well as US imperialism against Yemen, Syria and Afghanistan