A few weeks after they removed this tweet going off on me, the director of the USGS social media filed false legal claims saying I violated US Code such and such , falsely saying I STOLE THEIR LOGO AND WAS MISUSING IT!!!! Carries a penalty of up to 20 years and they tried to get my youtube channel removed !
For showing this tweet and taking a screenshot of their avatar (their logo) which showed what they said on twitter!
It was a false claim, and it was rejected -- I kept my channel because I have the right to show something a US gov agency says about me, I have a right to use it , screenshot it, reprint it, even sell it in books, on tshirts and posters if I want!
If a US gov agency prints something about you using their logo or letterhead, you can use that however you want as long as you don't change what they said!
Imagine as you're finding things on progressions of earthquakes... you have the biggest agency in the world coming after you... you have the department of homeland security calling you a THREAT unjustly.. you have the top professor(s) after you from the PNSN and other places... you have media dogging you as "misinformation".. you have community notes coming at you on every post calling you a fraud...
AND you have your viewers telling you "don't worry about what people say".. while everything people say is held against me lol
Meanwhile I'm trying to do earthquake research.
Oct 8, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Did you know that in 1997 the United States Airforce said HAARP could indeed modify the weather fully.
Here is the military site directly saved in the wayback machine, and the graphics attached are from the US Airforce presentation on the topic!
Link here: web.archive.org/web/2004102707…
Community note is not correct.. the slides are in proper order and its not for "flooding lines of comms"
See for yourself at the above link I provided.
Someone at Community notes is raging and just effed up.
Rate the note as unhelpful and incorrect , I'd be willing to submit this to an arbitrator to verify what I'm saying vs. community notes.
Jul 15, 2024 • 16 tweets • 7 min read
Weird rabbit hole on the location where Trump was shot.. may mean absolutely nothing, but worth noting because of what turned up association wise!!!!! (people who know about the things below will raise their eyebrows by the time you get to the part about the Alamo!)
Meridian Pennsylvania is where the shooting occurred.
The name got me curious, so I decided to get on google earth and see if there was any match on the "meridians" there with anything I know of number or location wise.
Nothing on that, dead end, random coordinates of
40°51'25.21"N , 79°58'15.27"W
But then I saw what was next to the location... the airstrip.
This is where the rabbit hole opened up!
After seeing the number 18 and 36, on a wild whim I decided to do a search on the YEAR 1836 ..... which then led to things like:
THE FIRST PATENT GRANTED overall with a number attached to it (US Patent #1)
THE FIRST GUN PATENT to Samuel Colt for the Colt Revolver multi-shot firearm
THE FOUNDING OF THE ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS (catholic organization that supreme court scalia and possibly trump belongs to)
Final point on this is the giant compass in the shape of a blazing sun painted on the tarmac at the airport.
You don't see this at every airport that's for sure - but it is not unheard of to have ... just a side note thing worth considering that it may have additional meaning.
Or this could all be chance too!
Jul 4, 2024 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Moody Airforce Base South Georgia
There aren't any words for this..... and if there are, they're 4 letters and not to be repeated publicly.
Can electromagnetic radiation (radio waves) modify the weather? Yes... #8 on the list from NOAA says so:
Native American mounds and sculptures found in Idaho!
What ever happened to the site we found while live looking up earthquakes!?
43°15'42.27"N , 115° 0'38.81"W
Did anyone get a hold of the tribal leaders for the Native Americans who built these to let them know they're there!?
We need to get a hold of the local indigenous leaders who are in the area 3 miles Southeast of Hill City Idaho!!!!!
This location is some kind of native american forgotten monument location!
These ponds and animal sculptures are ancient, some very very old as you can see from the screenshots.
The US Government has turned it into a "fish and wildlife reserve" dug canals and flooded the site in many locations!!!!
I looked up all the information on the location and there is NO MENTION of the native american sculptures or the ponds they dug! Instead the location is called the "Camas Prairie Centennial Marsh Wildlife Management Area"
I looked up information on this location and there was a WAR FOUGHT OVER THIS SPOT between the United States and the Native Americans!
Early American settler "hog farmers" brought their hogs to graze on the Camas grass at this holy native american site.
The natives fought back and were wiped out!
Then the location was apparently abandoned or forgotten about.
Now the government flooded it, and as far as I can see with all literature NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT IT NOW.
When I found this a few years ago, it was because an earthquake struck next to the location.
I published all the information and told everyone to get a hold of the tribal leaders to let them know what I found.
I see now that nothing has been done, the location still is undocumented, and no one at any tribe ever got a hold of me to talk about this.
The location is still a "fish and wildlife preserve" with no mention or acknowledgement of the mounds / animals built into the landscape here!
When I first found this people tried to say I faked these because I didn't provide the coordinates! Then they tried to say it must have been "farmers paying tribute to indians" by carving the + shape and the animals.
But you can see how old these are, they have to be hundreds to even thousands of years old (some of them are so weathered and almost impossible to see).
I think someone knows something.
These mounds in Idaho are on same exact latitude 43.1 N as the giant animal shaped mounds in Wisconsin 1,200 miles away to the East!
Strangely, if you go East from here at 43.15N latitude, you cross directly through town names like SAVAGETON, Directly through Crazy Horse (where the monument is carved into the rock now), directly through a town called Seneca....
and even more strange..
You start at the mounds next to Hill City Idaho, and if you go East towards the mounds in Wisconsin, at Crazy Horse there is a town again called "Hill City South Dakota" . Two "Hill City" locations along the same path.
Once you get to the mounds in Wisconsin, you find similar animals carved into the mounds there!
I have not looked Eastward on the 43.1N latitude, but I should or some of you should, maybe there's more along that line to the East!
Everyone should check the 43.1N latitude line around the world and see what turns up (if anything!).
This right here is enough to go on for sure.
Jun 20, 2024 • 4 tweets • 4 min read
Many thanks to No Weapon Formed @NoWeapon66 for pointing me in the direction to find this!!!!!
Just found an ancient structure of some kind confirmed!
The structure is built into the end of the wall a few miles away!!!!
35°18'57.49"N 106°21'8.05"W
Of all the places in the world to have this.. the location in question is the former Zorro Ranch, New Mexico / Epstein ranch.
Directly next to (part of) the location is an ancient ruins site hidden from or never discovered by the general public.
Native Americans are going to be pissed to find out Epstein and their crew have control of most of this area.
Just inside the ancient large wall shown above... Another man made structure (wall) lining an arroyo leading to what looks like a possible cave of some kind (shadow of a large rock possible also). Coordinates of the wall / arroyo / Cave / Rock here 35°19'16.29"N 106°20'40.85"W
This is huge!
Some kind of massive (miles wide) city of some kind with walls, water direction and old structure foundations!
First picture is a close up of the arroyo rock lineup to the cave or large rock on the right side...and the 2nd pictures is a long range distance view of the greater wall surrounding the whole area.
Jun 15, 2024 • 9 tweets • 6 min read
Water Desalination and purification for low cost! Lost in history!
This device, the Pyreheliophor, won the "top science prize" at the 1904 worlds fair!
Link here from the St. Louis Public Library system :
The device focused light into a cauldron that reaches 7000F (4000C) temperatures --- which could smelt OR VAPORIZE any metal , as well as obviously not only BOIL water, but to fully hit the temperatures needed to split the water into hydrogen and oxygen!
Removes all pollutants from water by vaporizing the water and even the heavy metals in the water itself!
Furthermore, the device was shown to reach several hundred degrees even on overcast / cloudy days when the sun was up.
At night, they found out the device worked better than a regular telescope for star observations, they were able to focus MOON light into noticeable temperatures you could actually feel on your skin, and were able to focus starlight from the star Sirius into actual measurable temperatures on a thermometer !
By day it vaporizes anything, cleans water, smelts metal ... by night its a telescope.
Can be made any size from small (few gallons per minute) to very large billboard size that will do thousands of gallons.
Works only on sunlight, no power source needed other than to move the device to be in line with the sun as the sun moves across the sky throughout the day.
Simply put it is a REVERSE SOLAR MIRROR FARM!!!!!
If you look at the device overall, you can tell it is really just 1/8 or so of a full parabolic dish.
As it turns out, each copper plate becomes a small version of the sun itself, however many copper plates equals the times amount of the sun magnified onto one point.
It's like having 5000 suns pointed into one spot.
Normally people might try to use a single magnifying glass or Fresnel lens to focus a single point of sunlight to burn small things... in this case its like having 5000 lenses or 5000+ points that shine down into a single spot.
These would be great in the deserts of Africa or in India to desalinate water and remove pollution from large amounts of water.
Could do swimming pools worth in minutes with the big one or more!cdm17210.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collec…
This should completely solve the water problem for remote areas which have brackish water, areas with polluted water that needs purification, and coastal areas to remove salt from ocean water.
May 28, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
RADAR pulse.
May 27, 2024
See it live on the feed now.
Just in case, we better watch this location for up to 72 hours for the center of the pulse to be hit by severe weather (assuming this is real , that they're not faking it).
Although the clear air mode switch can do something similar for sure!
:) Cheers mates!
Watch just in case something forms and hits San Angelo Texas.
May 15, 2024 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
The main stream media smeared me as an "EARTHQUAKE CONSPIRACY THEORIST".
I don't know what that even means. What conspiracy is there about earthquakes?!
I'm doing forecasting and trying to figure out methods for such, I do not understand why this would be considered a conspiracy.
I do all my research open and provide links to everything I show usually.
As for this strange diss article on me from the media, the thing that I really don't understand is this:
How can my earthquake forecasts days ahead of time somehow "wreak havoc" DURING ACTUAL earthquake emergencies when the earthquakes hit?!
Doesn't that imply that I warned an area, and then days later the quake hits?!
How could there be "havoc" during an emergency days later from someones warning days before? This makes no sense.
And, furthermore, if I issue a warning and the earthquake does NOT hit -- this means there is no emergency going on at all , right?! No emergency means no havoc obviously.
Either way you look at what they said about me... there is no way that a warning days before hand can cause havoc days later when a quake actually hits, or if a quakes does NOT hit.
If a warning is issued days ahead of time, and the earthquake hits as expected, less freak out happens, not more.
If you know to expect something, when it arrives there is less havoc because you knew to expect it, simple fact of life.
The media tried to destroy me with articles like these.vice.com/en/article/kz4…
The woman who wrote the article doesn't give a crap about earthquakes, got quotes from some of my biggest haters, and she made note of my SKIN COLOR being "white" as she said.
Pretty lame smear attempt.
And who did she magically know to get a hold of for a quote???? THE PROFESSOR WHO CAME AFTER ME for several years of all the people in the world.
That can't be chance.
May 5, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
I have published the STEP BY STEP METHOD anyone can repeat to test the earthquake forecasting method.
If you need help following the directions, let me know and I can walk you through it.
Dear community notes, you said that earthquake forecasting was tested and is no better than random. I'd like to see where my method was tested.
Since you made the claim, It shouldn't be too hard for you to provide a link to those very important tests you are referencing.
I need to make sure you guys followed the steps and grade your test to see if you did it correctly.
No way you would test it and not make record of it....
Community notes got caught lying , making stuff up yesterday about earthquake forecasting. They don't have any tests to reference or numbers to quote because there were no tests done.
you guys got owned , just sayin.
LOL @ denying earthquake forecasting here on X community notes and then linking an article which recommends a different earthquake forecaster who warns for M9.0's to hit california regularly!
That's pathetic on the part of X here guys.. sorry..but come on... wtf
Apr 27, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Secretary of Defense confirms Directed Energy Weapon satellites are in space -- says they belong to China and Russia.
Quotes : "fires at a distance" and "killer satellites"
This video was put out by the Department of Defense a few days after my controversial "viral video" when I accidentally captured the beams causing the fires on weather satellite live in front of an audience of several thousand people.
At the time, we were looking up weather and smoke for fires in California, then I caught it live..... as I was live I told my viewers to send to the DoD and other authorities immediately, just in case they didn't have anyone monitoring the civilian satellite feeds!
The beams were coming down and causing the fires, leading the fires.. it was unintentionally being picked up live on NOAA GOES weather satellite.
4-5 days later the Department of Defense came out with this video.
#weathermodification #DEW #directedenergy #laser #microwave #weathermod
Here is the beam captured live in front of my audience while looking up regular weather.. this is what got sent to the Department of Defense which then brought this response confirming what we were seeing.
NEXRAD RADAR's crossing their beams.. where the beams cross, the TR wave forms in the scalar (aka "scalar wave").
Action at a distance as Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden told us back in 1984 and again in 1988!
Diagram from Lieutenant Colonel Bearden attached as well as the full lecture :
sound effects on this are: 📡PEW PEW PEW⚡️⚡️⚡️ zap zap zap!
Mar 27, 2024 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
The @EMSC European Earthquake Agency did something VERY dishonorable and dishonest.
They smeared me in a research paper where they falsely accused me of doing things I never did.
The EMSC earthquake agency in Europe wrote a full research paper falsely saying that I used their name "emsc" to try to gain credibility for myself! Seen here:
They further go on to deny earthquake forecasting without testing the method!
They did this to try to interfere with the seismic research being done, and tried to use this as a reason to deplatform me off of social media.
They did this because they previously denied earthquakes could be forecast, so when I published the step by step method on HOW TO, they went overboard and completely nuts over me.
Hence the research paper making up lies.
NO WHERE DID I EVER USE THEIR NAME FOR CREDIBILITY -- no one even knows who the EMSC is, or if they're legit. lol
The ONLY reason I used them is because I had to. lol.. not joking though, it was in earthquake3D (the EMSC) choice, I didn't know who the hell they even were !
None of my viewers would give me credit for using an agency who just provides earthquake information like the EMSC does.
It would be like saying I'm saying the name USGS to get credibility... its funny to think about since they're all so behind the times on research -- they think they're hot stuff but I wouldn't really want my name tied to them at all!
Look at the kind of "research" they're doing instead of forecasting earthquakes, they're writing research papers on disinformation which contain blatant lies and disinformation made up by people like the EMSC!
They made it up.... @EMSC you made up your accusations about me using your name for credibility. You were also dumb enough to put it in writing.
See the catastrophe bullshit research paper from the EMSC here... scroll down to the bottom footnotes to see what is linked! They linked an article by some opinion author from an unknown site called "inverse" as their backing on why they dissed me.
Meanwhile, their research paper does NOT list my name directly because according to their footnotes, they don't list my name in the paper they wrote about me because they didn't want to give me any name cred!
They're really caught up on this "name cred" thing apparently over in Europe! WTH???!
Bizarre they did this. Here it is
Shame on EMSC
The authors of the paper are obvious paid pet shills.
Laure Fallou , Marina Corradini , Rémy Bossu , and Jean-Marc Cheny , four dishonorable liars who put their lies in writing (foolish).frontiersin.org/articles/10.33… frontiersin.org/articles/10.33…
This is proof that big agencies and companies tried to stop earthquake forecasting by interfering with the researchers in a very personal and unjust way.
Imagine what you would do if you're a highschool graduate only, you make a big discovery on something and top agencies , doctors and professors come after you personally, make things up about your motivations and then try to get you deplatformed by calling you disinformation!
This is what people like the @EMSC and @USGS did to me.
Meanwhile, I published the step by step method for anyone to test and repeat on earthquake forecasting .
This is proof that professionals interfere with other peoples research.
EMSC you need to explain to the world why you did what you did... and... I'd like to see your proof of ME USING YOUR NAME FOR CRED. Where did I do that?
Do you have a mind reading and motivation finding computer program that tells you my inner thoughts and motivations?
You made that up about me and put it in a white paper.
I'm going to hold you to this and make a big deal about it.
I'm not going to stop.
Mar 24, 2024 • 6 tweets • 8 min read
I hear people are denying "chemtrails" again?
Let's clear something up, chemtrails is a slang term for man made clouds from aircraft.
The clouds are made of chemicals from burnt jet fuel, mixed with soot and water molecules! Chemical induced clouds from jet fuel, not nozzles.
Now that we've cleared up what they are, to anyone denying the "MAN MADE CLOUD" issue coming from aircraft... anyone denying the man made clouds are having an effect.......
The deniers of the problem dismiss the man made clouds as 'contrails'.. and never say anything about the massive banks of clouds which form and effect the weather overall.
Whole skies hazed out, reflecting sunlight or trapping it or both....
NASA and the gov is aware of the "man made cloud" problem.. and they called it a PROBLEM in 2010 before social media by the way.
They deleted this above page to which somewhat hid what they said, but its in the way back machine.
Here is a well know Geoengineer weather modification scientist discussing the use of the same substances for geoengineering the weather
"Both SO2 (which forms sulfate particles) and soot particles from aircraft exhaust are aerosols—microscopic particles suspended in air. They act like seeds. Water molecules can condense or freeze on them to form cloud particles.
Aircraft exhaust produces contrails—condensation trails in the atmosphere about 5 miles above the Earth's surface. At these high altitudes, contrails and cirrus clouds form depending on the quantity of water vapor and atmospheric conditions.
Contrails and cirrus clouds both reflect sunlight that would otherwise warm the Earth's surface. At the same time, they absorb heat from the ground instead of allowing it to escape. Do they contribute to global warming or global cooling? The scientific community is still trying to answer that question.
Contrails contribute to the phenomenon known as "global change." Right now this effect is small, but it is growing. Although scientists are uncertain about the impact of contrails on global change, they believe that persistent contrails, those that last longer than a few minutes, gradually develop into cirrus clouds. Over the past 40 years, cloudiness seems to have increased. If this is in fact true, then this continual increase in cloudiness may lead to global climate change because it will change the amount of radiation entering and leaving the Earth's atmosphere. This characteristic of aircraft engine exhaust may act in a way similar to the effects produced by greenhouse gases.
What effect, if any, do contrails have on weather? Answering this accurately is difficult because so many factors affect weather. However, many meteorologists believe increased jet traffic and the contrails it produces have altered the weather. They point out that areas of high jet traffic show the greatest change. Although circumstantial, evidence seems to indicate that contrails do affect climate. Glenn's contribution of a new generation of highly efficient, clean-burning aircraft engines will reduce the amount of aerosols in the upper atmosphere, which will in turn lessen the effect of increased air traffic on climate."web.archive.org/web/2010032504…
Biden gave the thumbs up for the research / the start of geoengineering (weather modification) using these substances last year
Using particulates from different sources (aircraft one of the source) to spread SO2 and other particles which will reflect sunlight after they spread out into cloud banks or across whole regions like a "reflective haze" as it was called in other studies in the past.
Most people don't know that in 2020, when I accidentally caught the DEW (directed energy weapon) beaming down into the California fires live on weather satellite in front of an audience of thousands.......... that within days of capturing it live, the Department of Defense responded, and confirmed DEW's exist / are in space now.
When I captured the DEW live, I told my viewers to send to the Dept. of Defense immediately while I was streaming, in case they didn't know something was showing on civilian weather satellite.
Days later, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper responded directly by CONFIRMING DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS ARE IN SPACE.
Quote him : "killer satellites" and he mentions "fires at a distance".
Links to the original DoD press release, and speech are below the video.
This is the video Secretary of Defense Mark Esper was responding to that week
Jul 1, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
I officially propose this:
The weird weather, odd temperature variations, and other "warming" / "cooling" issues we are seeing across the planet in the past 100 years or so is due to:
Radio transmitters are the source of the weird… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Its now pretty obvious the rollout of shortwave radio across the midwest and western states in the 1930's caused the famous dust bowl.. fried the surface of the soil , and made hot dry winds.