Economist for @VinceCoglianese, @Heritage, @Comm4Prosperity, @Richzeoli, and @RichValdes
I may be wrong but it’s highly unlikely; VAMO
12 subscribers
Jan 16 • 68 tweets • 12 min read
🚨Senate hearing for Treasury Secretary nominee Scott Bessent is live - this is arguably Trump's most important pick given the precarious state of federal finances
Here we go... 🧵
Chairman Crapo praises Bessent in opening statement, citing Bessent's track record in the financial sector, Ivy League education, adjunct professorship
Crapo also alludes to Trump's promises of a Golden Era and the role Bessent will play in that
Apr 6, 2024 • 18 tweets • 7 min read
For convenience, here's all the info on the Mar jobs report in a single thread - sorry to be the bearer of bad news, especially regarding American citizens losing so much ground in this economy...
The headline numbers once again look good w/ over 300k payrolls added and the employment number from the household survey rising even faster, but what kinds of jobs are being created? Turns out they're all part-time:
Feb 13, 2024 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
Here's the CPI🧵 on today's dumpster fire of a report - hint: inflation isn't dead, you're $6,800 poorer b/c of it, and it's poised to get much worse next year...
First, the headlines:
CPI rose 0.3% M/M, 3.1% Y/Y
Core (ex- food and energy) rose 0.4% M/M, 3.9% Y/Y
Team Transitory™️ has egg on their face for the thousandth time: we haven't been trending toward 2% but 3% - we're there and there's no indication we're going lower:
Feb 2, 2024 • 14 tweets • 5 min read
Jan jobs report🧵- here's what you need to know that the talking heads and gov't statisticians won't tell you, including why the real unemployment rate is btwn 6.3% and 7.4%...
First the headlines:
Nonfarm payrolls rose 353k last month
Unemployment rate steady at 3.7% (more on that later)
Note that updates to the BLS' data make it difficult to compare Jan '24 to prior months, so this monthly change needs an important qualifier...
Dec CPI 🧵...
Inflation rips the stake out of its chest, looses a blood-chilling scream, and tells the Fed it's ready for another round; real weekly earnings are down 4.5% since Jan '21 and things are poised to get worse...
First, the headlines:
CPI up 0.3% M/M and 3.4% Y/Y
Core CPI (excludes volatile food & energy) up 0.3% M/M and 3.9% Y/Y
For all the talk of "disinflation," no one seems to have been paying attention to the trend that clearly shows us approaching 3%+ and not the 2% target...
Jan 5, 2024 • 18 tweets • 7 min read
Dec jobs report 🧵: there's SO much bad news under the hood of this report, including the economy shedding 1.5 million full-time jobs in a single month, big downward revisions, and a true unemployment rate between 6.4% and 7.5% - here's the truth you should know...
First, the headlines: nonfarm payrolls rose 216k on the backs of big downward revisions to previous months and unemployment rate remained unchanged at 3.7% - let's delve into why that rate is so low (hint: 676k people left the labor force in Dec)...
Dec 8, 2023 • 18 tweets • 6 min read
Another round of very mixed data, but in line w/ recession early next year - here's a plan English, deep dive 🧵 on the Nov jobs report, including why the unemployment rate is much higher than the official number:
First, headlines: nonfarm payrolls up 199k, as jobs "increased in manufacturing, reflecting
the return of workers from a strike" exactly as expected; unemployment rate down to 3.7% amid surge in household survey employment (seasonal adj problem?)...
Short 🧵 on the money supply: M2 fell a mere 0.1% M/M in Oct and remains $3 trillion above its pre-pandemic trend; M2 is not "collapsing" as some are claiming:
Looking at the weekly figures shows that M2 has moved sideways since mid Apr '23 and is down just 6.0% from all-time record in Apr '22; it's still 35.2% above pre-pandemic level; we have a long way to go in this inflationary cycle:
Nov 14, 2023 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
Here's a plain-English 🧵 on the Oct CPI report, including how the typical American family has lost the equivalent of $7,400 in annual pay since Jan '21; oh, and get ready for the most expensive Thanksgiving ever - Turkey isn't the only thing burning this year...
First, the headlines:
CPI components were mixed for the month with net change less than 0.1% since Sep; index is up 3.2% Y/Y while core (excludes food and energy) is up 4.0%, twice the Fed's alleged 2% target, but no one believes them anymore...
Nov 3, 2023 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
Here's a plain-English 🧵 on the Oct jobs report, that not only points to recession, but that something is seriously wrong w/ BLS' initial data, and it needs to be taken with a BIG grain of salt...
First, the headlines:
Establishment survey gained 150k
Household survey LOST 348k, that's the biggest drop since Apr '20 (covid lockdown); it's an unprecedented divergence btwn the 2 surveys; BLS' firm birth/death model added 412k jobs in Oct that likely don't exist:
Oct 26, 2023 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Here's a plain English thread on the latest GDP numbers and why this is totally unsustainable - oh yeah, and inflation's not dead...🧵
Real GDP jumped 4.9% in the third quarter, but what's fueling the rise vs. what's not growing speaks volumes about the economy's trajectory - the key driver of economy growth, real private fixed investment, is flat since Q1 '22:
Oct 12, 2023 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
Sep CPI comes in hot, as forecasted, w/ no sign inflation is going away; typical American family effectively $7,300 poorer compared to Jan '21🧵...
CPI 3.7% Y/Y and 0.4% M/M
Since Jan '21, prices are up 17.1% on average, w/ many consumer staples up much more - energy prices are devastating consumers, prices up 23%-77%...
Oct 6, 2023 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
Latest Jobs Report looks good w/ headline numbers blowing away expectations, but the devil is in the details - here's a plain-English thread on why this is a very troubling report🧵...
First the headlines:
Sep nonfarm payrolls jump 336k; Unemployment rate flat at 3.8%; Labor force participation rate remains depressed at 62.8%; Those not in the labor force rose to roughly 5 million more than pre-pandemic - this is artificially pushing down unemployment rate:
Oct 5, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Unwinding of the balance sheet continues; repayment of FDIC and other emergency loans is bringing total assets down faster ($46B) than total securities ($28B) but will still take quite a while to return to "normal" which means serious losses at the Fed are going to continue...
Here's what those losses look like: over $100 billion and counting; they managed to lose money despite having a money printer...
Sep 13, 2023 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
Hot CPI numbers as expected - inflation accelerated again in Aug; here’s a plain-English, deep dive thread explaining the real-life impact of inflation 🧵...
First the headlines: 3.7% increase in CPI and 4.3% increase in core CPI, over twice the 2% target; monthly CPI rose 0.6%, hottest monthly reading in 14 months, an annualized rate of 7.8% - at that pace, prices double every 9.2 years:
Sep 4, 2023 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
For Labor Day, here's a plain English overview of America's labor market, context of where we are (including an alternative unemployment rate), and where we're headed 🧵...
Job openings (proxy for labor demand) have plummeted and previous levels revised down, level now below pre-pandemic trend for 1st time since Mar '21; job opening rate also below pre-pandemic trend too; lower demand means lower price (wages), implying slower wage growth:
Sep 1, 2023 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Terrible numbers in Aug #JobsReport and it gets worse with the increasingly suspicious "revisions"...
Here's a deep-dive, plain English 🧵 with what you need to know...
First, the headlines: 187k nonfarm payrolls added as unemployment rate climbs to 3.8%
But last two months just lost 110k jobs in downward revisions - meaning 59% of the jobs "gained" in Aug were jobs we thought we already had:
Jul 12, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Today's CPI print is further confirmation 3% inflation is the new normal - very troubling data being ignored while celebrating retreat from 40-year high inflation...🧵
First some important context: annual inflation has outpaced weekly earnings growth for 26 of last 30 months as people pay hidden tax of inflation:
Jul 7, 2023 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
#JobsReport for Jun is lackluster and contains #recession indicators...
209k payrolls added - lowest in 2 and a half yrs
Unemployment rate: 3.6%, up 0.2% YTD
452k additional part-time jobs from economic reasons:
“partially reflecting an increase in the number of persons whose hours were cut due to slack work or business conditions..."
More people are trying to get full-time jobs at same time businesses are cutting them...
Jun 28, 2023 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
What is #Bidenomics? In a word, failure. Talking points aside, here's a thread of nothing but the facts on how the American people have been impacted...
Inflation went from 1.4% under Biden to 40-year highs, and remains "sticky" i.e., not going away; it has risen faster than wages for the last 26 months - a record; so your paycheck is bigger but buys less...
Jun 15, 2023 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
From NY and Philly Fed Banks: manufacturing continues leading the way towards recession 🧵...
NY Fed manufacturing survey has gyrated violently recently but has averaged below zero (contraction territory) for a year; price increases have slowed but not stopped; labor market contracting; planned investment remains low: