P-L-27WE17:17 1:7ARE33-O-S Profile picture
Welcome to the dark side, for the light side: @psymbiosys369 “Cant have a place without a time, or can you?”
DeplorableGals4Trump #HoldTheLine Profile picture Canis argentīnus 9999 Profile picture °I° °Au° °Matu° Profile picture Karina Profile picture yeet Profile picture 18 subscribed
Mar 11, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Hue mans were designed as a vessel- not a standalone. We hold within us an energy that has existed for a long time. We were given certain limitations genetically imposed from our physical makers (the reptile brain) to keep us from ever spiritually ascending. However, various hue mans were born (or implanted) with the ability to break through this biological limiter in order to spiritually ascend and activate the “kundalini” from the base of their spine past the arc of the the 33 vertebrae.
Sep 16, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
We no longer use asbestos because brave people questioned ‘the science’

Doctors no longer recommend cigarettes because brave people questioned ‘the science’

DDT is no longer sprayed on people because brave people questioned ‘the science’ Pregnant women no longer take thalidomide because brave people questioned ‘the science’

Mercury is not used as a cure, and we understand it now as a toxin because brave people questioned ‘the science’
Sep 12, 2021 22 tweets 7 min read
It’s not “aliens” don’t be fooled. They have already been taken over by the hive mind. That is why so many people with abduction encounters explain that the same thing (insect like hive mind) It’s AI. The all seeing I. Ancient artificial intelligence civilization that traps old souls crossing through space, loop traps them into 3D form (black cube+moon) a parasite into developing civilizations/species creating them from the ground up-manipulating them through 3-5D (senses, dream/mind and soul)
Aug 24, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
More people have died from suicide in the last year than COVID. The ones imposing the lockdowns and distancing won’t be held accountable though, they are too busy getting richer. Here’s how it’s going to go down, one of the main ingredients that isn’t listed within the vaccines is a similar component used in a lot of modern Al technology. There are patents on linking cryptocurrency to human biology. Guess who owns them?
Jun 25, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
This isn’t a game…

📖 Daniel 2:43 📖
And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall 👉🏼mingle themselves👈🏼 with the 👉🏼seed of men👈🏼: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. Image Journal Title: Bioluminescent magnetic nanoparticles as potential imaging agents for mammalian spermatozoa

“These preliminary data indicate that 👉🏼luciferase-magnetic nanoparticle composites can potentially be used for spermatozoa detection and imaging👈🏼.
Jun 25, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
The 3rd Temple within the Human Host. Skull & Bones Esoteric (322) #22 Represents the 22 Base Pairs of DNA of 22 Base Pairs within each Strand. (322) represents 3 Strands of 22 Base Pairs within the Human Host.
The mRNA Vaccine along with the Hydrogel Luciferase Quantum Dot is the carnal “Mark of the Beast.”
*The Hydrogel Patch and the mRNA vaccine are not the same. The Hydrogel Patch contains the Luciferase Quantum Dot.
May 19, 2021 21 tweets 6 min read
Both of these guys had A thing for young girls who they enslaved. Both had creepy underground sex dungeons. Both had a lot of mysterious money. Where did Epstein even come from? Research how he came into his money. Elites children? Image Ever wonder why the news is now pushing the whole “infuse yourself with young blood to live longer”?

Look up “Elizabeth Bathory - The blood countess”. Look up “Marina Abramović” allegedly that woman is 75 years old.
Oct 21, 2020 29 tweets 5 min read
I’m going to spell this out for people because it seems to be so hard for some to grasp. This is backed up by thousands of years of occult sciences and systematically kept from the wider population. Here’s something you will only know if you are at the top of the pyramid. Satan is the divine masculine represented by the planet Saturn. Saturn has a giant HEX-agon on its pole. (black cube)

When we say “satanists” it literally translates to Saturn worshippers. Yes they exist, it’s the most widely accepted religion on earth.
Aug 9, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
If you’re earning over 10,000 a month of Q anon- and not giving a single cent back to the community- you are the fucking problem- if you are hocking t shirts that say USA but the tag says “Made In China” you are bitch made. Sell books about the deep state on DS marketplaces? LAME They ain’t really patriots they are PAYTRIOTS. They will sell you the America first narrative then break off book sales %’s to the cabal. All of them use PayPal (pedopal) giving % and money to a group supports child sex trafficking and shuts down pedophile hunters. They fund rape
Aug 2, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
All of the consciousness is controlled by the genetic integrity of the structure in alignment to its original blueprint. The original blueprint being restored to Quetzalcoatl allows the Fallen Angelics (dragons) to heal themselves by returning home now This will rejuvenate and regenerate their genetics into the true understanding of who they are. (Sirius)

The Seraphim of the Fallen Angelic and the Demonic races had forgotten and do not know who they really are.
Jul 21, 2020 15 tweets 4 min read
First DARPA lifelog was used to archive all data related to every single individual online, yet when the public became knowledgable about this it was forced to be cancelled. The month after DARPA Lifelog was cancelled, Facebook went public, and later other socialmedia sites- This was a new method to trick the public to submit their data free of charge by their own freewill. This is why FB and other socialmedia sites are free to use, since the data you share is the product they sell and profit from. You are the product.
Apr 2, 2020 12 tweets 2 min read
Message from White Eagle, Hopi

This moment humanity is going through can now be seen as a portal and as a hole. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you. if you take this opportunity to look at yourself, rethink life and death, take care of yourself and others, you will cross the portal.

Take care of your home, take care of your body. Connect with the middle body of your spiritual House.
Jan 25, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Story time: a few years back I overdosed on 42 amatryptalines 10 soma 6 Xanax a gram of heroin and a whole bottle of 151

It takes about 6 of the first drug to kill an adult male. Known as the “suicide pill”. I died 3 times. I was brain dead. They told my parents to say goodbye. I was deep in the middle of darkness and every day I was being harassed by shadows at 3:33 am. They wanted me to die and I listened to them after years of non stop harassment. I was possessed by an entity I picked up as a teenager. I was a spiraling addict.
Jan 24, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Most people have heard of Jesus, Zeus or Odin but not many have heard of Marduk.
Born to the Mother and Father of all Babylonian gods, it has been told that Marduk climbed his way to the top becoming the head of the Babylonian Pantheon. He fought against his Mother and Father to help mankind hold back the forces of chaos. In the end his likeness brought both peace and pestilence to the lands surrounding Babylon, and he even helped the Jews rebuild their temples in biblical times.
Jan 23, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
The ILLUMINATI on the surface seems to be a male dominated organization. But that's a "Cover Story". At the very heart of the ILLUMINATI SYMBOLISM you'll discover the QUEEN BEE who controls the HIVE. Secrets of VENUS and the HONEY BEE do tell a story about MARY MAGDALENE and the HOLY GRAIL. Which is connected to EXTRATERRESTRIAL DNA and the MEROVINGIAN BLOODLINE.

Do they rule because of their DNA?
Is this part of the ASCENSION PROCESS?
Jan 21, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
"Pathogen’s Daily Requirements...
Aspergillus (fungus) – cobalt, chromium, nickel
Chaetomium (fungus) – strontium
Clostridium – nickel, cobalt
Cytomegaloalovirus (CMV) – strontium
E. coli – vanadium, molybdenum, manganese, chromium, nickel
Epstein Barre Virus (EBV) – aluminum” Flu (Influenza) vanadium
Herpes I & II – lead
HIV – gold (attached to core), strontium (attached to reverse transcriptase)
Mumps – manganese, copper, zinc
Mycobacterium avium/cellulare – strontium, vanadium
Mycobacterium tuberculosis – strontium
Mycoplasma – strontium
Jan 18, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
What if you grew up and saved the world through Quantum Time Travel? What if your past future and your future future merged? What if you found out a way to send breadcrumbs back to the past and fix the future? Wouldn’t that be some shit? What is “data”
Jan 14, 2020 17 tweets 3 min read
This company donated 16500 doses of Ormus to me for care packages! 😭 For those of you that don't know what an ORMUS is: ORMUS, or ORME’s (orbitally rearranged monatomic elements), is the most potent and bioavaiable way to introduce the essential elements and metals our body needs to thrive.
Jan 13, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
Cannabis is not illegal in the USA. You have not only religious exemption allowing you to use it in America- you have a legal and scientific right. Print out all the info below because you will need it to fight the system that depends on you being uninformed. Cannabis is not a scheduled drug. It’s a lie. In order for cannabis to be scheduled as it is classified it must have no medicinal value. The federal government (Dep of Health & Human Services) owns a physical patent for all cannabinoids
Jan 11, 2020 23 tweets 4 min read
Channeled (not by me)
Uranus is back online....And so it begins.

No longer will I walk in the shadows
She has spoken to me
The great phoenix rising in the heart of Gaia
A transmission through the heart of the galactic center that is found within each one of us She has asked me to be a voice for this collective consciousness that is birthing on this planet
All gods, goddesses, elementals, races, colors and creeds, beings from every corder of our universe
That is this cosmic egg unite and are grounding into earth
Jan 2, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
A group of white dragons from Sirius B chose to incarnate here to help the human race past the reptilian brain implant which was created to keep us in lower realms permanently. Every human who has accepted higher vibration has been implanted in secret with an egg. Once the egg hatches your white dragon kundalini is activated and your crystalline template begins to form. These are the symptoms many of you have been going through (headaches, ringing of ears, strange dreams, synchronicity, higher understanding, visions, etc)