Greg Boulden Host of America Emboldened Profile picture
Independent Journalist, Educator, Host of America Emboldened,
CBStrike27 Profile picture TheKellyJaye Profile picture 3 subscribed
Aug 19, 2023 93 tweets 50 min read
Reposting from IG: (@)lahaina_ohana_venmo

Aloha. We are the official @venmo mutual aid initiative by Lahaina residents for Lahaina residents affected by the August 2023 fires. Our focus is on sharing Venmo’s for those who’ve lost life and homes.

Posts are vetted by……

My name is Evy Miller and I am reaching out on behalf of my incredible sister and her family of 5. Travis Okano (6 generation Lahaina descendant), Haley Miller (pillar of health and wellness in our Lahaina community who has also served as a doula and helped many women in Lahaina……
Jul 2, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
This person does not exist. I repeat. Does NOT exist. This is election interference starting early. I will not even link to their page because it is dangerous to continue to follow and engage. This is an account bot linked to Belgium.

This also shows how easy our elections are……
This account is linked to a consulting firm in Belgium.

Michael Zachrau is behind the liberal dystopian bot triggering conservatives.

He’s a digital marketing, SEO, who labeles himself as “social selling”.

Let that sink in. Social selling.…