Naomi Wu 机械妖姬 Profile picture
China's #1 Tech & DIY YouTuber Open Source, 3D Printing & Digital Fabrication, Automation, Infosec 1/18th synthetic 'It's all about merit until merit has tits'
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Jun 14, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
Ok folks, Far-UVC lights are live:…
Please read the page, it explains why we're doing it this way and should answer any questions. The spectrometer readout is posted with the images of the product. This is a first batch, once they sell out I will roll the…… I'm keeping the margins very, very slim on these to keep them accessible. The best thing you can do to help is be an evangelist- read the citations, understand the pros and cons of Far-UVC, and be willing to answer questions when people see you use these. The more comfortable we……
Jun 3, 2023 5 tweets 8 min read
方晓彤 🕯️ 刘继禧
THEY WERE NOT "FRIENDS". SHE DIED TRYING TO SAVE HER. DO NOT ERASE THEM. Image Fuck this and fuck everyone who keeps calling them "friends" or "two women" or trying to find a male savior in all of this. It was a hate crime.
Everyone- including all the men stood around until the attack was done. The attacker clearly targeted Fang Xiaoton out of the crowd- the Tom/butch of the obviously lesbian couple, and continued to attack only that lesbian couple, no one else, then stopped and waited for the police once he was done with them. That's a pretty specific fucking mental illness.
The only hero was Liu Jixi, she died trying to protect Fang Xiaoton, and now they are trying to wave off a clear hate crime as an unfortunate episode of mental illness.
Liu Jixi ran back into that knife again and again for her girl- she died for love and these motherfuckers would erase her? She's braver than any of us will probably ever be. Show a little fucking respect you revisionist media ghouls.

The Wiki is pretty accurate (for now)

Every trigger warning imaginable- you won't sleep but it needs to be seen what they are trying to erase- remember their names- Fang Xiaotong & Liu Jixi. They loved each other and died for…
May 22, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Good news everyone, it turns out that when the guy smashed the back of a woman's head with a stool it was all just a mutual understanding and really everyone's fault because he was drunk.

Glad we cleared that up, like the last dozen similar "misunderstandings".…… Gosh darn "misunderstandings" just keep happening.
May 19, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This is the saddest thing I've seen all day😢 I hope no one is paying taxes because if you are, you're getting ripped off... ImageImage
May 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Bahahahaha we just slapped a surgical mask over an electric fan and made moon suits. I want to bring some kids to Walmart in the US like this and give the minimizers seizures🤣 Image
May 2, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I really don't want to hear it.

People who choose to work for media outlets that Out at-risk women in authoritarian countries for cheap clicks, are by definition, bad people who deserve no support or sympathy of any kind. I'm sorry if some of you can't accept that.………
Apr 30, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The degree to which @Dyson has been able to obtain uncritical media coverage of one of the most hazardous to public health products released to market in years is honestly amazing. It was interesting how bad it is, now what is fascinating at how effective their campaign to keep tech media from discussing those issues- even hinting at them, has been.

Apr 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Let's abuse the Americans some more with trains *and* gadgets😅

Via @RaymondSeow1983 USians- ease up with the fragility, it's a running joke and getting sensitive about it is super cringe. Trains are nice, someone flexing a nice train is not an indictment of your entire way of life and social framework.
Apr 26, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Apr 26, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The fuck? Ok for the half-wits trying to justify this because they can't do anything about it. No, it does not make sense.

One of the primary jobs of a hospital is infection control and triage- determining who is sick enough to need a higher level of care before things get far worse.……
Apr 25, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Got to say, British engineers. Americans ones I've met are quite competent, solid by the numbers output, but having worked and chatted with dozens of hardware startups- they're behind UK, Aus, and NZ in a sort of wily, lateral thinking cleverness. If I wanted to make a car- sure Americans. But if I wanted to solve a tricky problem- do something new, with minimal resources, that needed to be very clever, Brits, Aussies and Kiwis all the way.
Apr 5, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Imagine being "pissed off" at someone who has never seen snow, doesn't have snow as part of their threat model, and is impressed that someone was well-prepared with good equipment for it.

Very rational person. This is what many Chinese own to escape from high-rise fires HOW DARE YOU NOT KNOW ABOUT IT, THINK IT'S UNUSUAL OR INTERESTING! /s
Apr 3, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
OSHWA board member *shocked* that OSHWA members are moving away from OSHWA certification after @ohsummit completely screwed up engagement in China- the primary region of concern for nearly all of them. Well, it's a good thing you decided you didn't need competent advocacy here👍🏻 Who could have predicted this? Oh right, literally anyone.

Apr 2, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Very interesting development- militant pro-AI Chinese netizens going after pro-copyright netizens, doxing, online harassment- what we call Human Flesh Search Engine, very nasty business.… This Chinese artist, like many in the West was against AI being trained on their work and spoke up about it:

"We will resist the use of AI and AI derivatives until worldwide copyright and regulations are clarified."
Apr 2, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Very interesting analysis on the impact of ChatGPT on East Asian education. I don't have time for a full translation but will give you gist of it and some @DeepLcom translations.… Given our foundation is rote memorization, and ChatGPT does that better- will a key advantage be lost? It details some of the ways ChatGPT potentially corrects key faults in our educational process. Patience, individualized instruction, it doesn't "teach to the test".
Apr 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The degree to which some of you are invested in telling the planet how you are far too special and important to pay any money for any extra convenience on a platform many of you spend hours a day on is hillarous. Sure, ok? Don't? But blue check discourse is not a substitute for a…… I got a blue check before Elon, it was withheld over bullshit, the entire process was bullshit, it remains bullshit of a different kind under Elon. I deal with far worse on YouTube.
I draft tweets in Chinese, when you are going from Chinese to English the text expands 30%- extra……
Mar 26, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Test of @elevenlabsio and @D_ID_ 😂 Original photos for reference:
Mar 22, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
I didn't. They do, so the discussion often reflects that. As soon as my work is treated the way less accomplished white tech bros work is treated I'd be delighted to consider the issue less relevant. As long as they make race and gender part of "merit", it's part of the…… Remember I have all the receipts. There's really no doubt that different standards are applied.

Would the first mass-manufactured infinite-Z printer have gotten tech media coverage if it had been brought to market by a white guy?
Mar 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Not at all. @sama is desperate to limit the capabilities of AI. Disruption for thee and but not for me. "Move fast and break things" when its artists and blue-collar jobs- but when it's SV jobs, sudden protectionism.

AI "guard rails" are Affirmative Action for tech bros. Should there be safe limits on AI? Sure. But that's not the only motivation. When your primary skills is corporate doublespeak, writing briefs and maybe the ability to keyboard mash together an MVP software concept for real coders to clean up- you are now redundant.
Mar 19, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Here for dude bros smugly basking in the privileges of a US passport.

"Oh what you wanted access to Paypal/Kickstarter/GoFundMe you dirty foreigner? Sucks to be you😂"

So of you folks are completely clueless about how immense an advantage that access is. Start monolithic tech companies that crush all non-US-based companies in the global marketplace.

Allow Americans- but not citizens of countless excluded countries to profitably market goods and services from said countries.

Mar 18, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Guess not

Now let's do all the accounts that reply to this to tell me it was "a joke". Image