Rebecca Chan Profile picture
Lived under white supremacist minority rule in HK. Woke up to 🇬🇧🇺🇸imperialism in 2014 with the 1st US-backed colour revolution. Unite the Global Majority ✊
Feb 1 7 tweets 3 min read
Homes are for living in, not for speculation. Home prices going down and being more affordable for young people is the goal of the Chinese government.

Don’t you wish your government would think about you for a change? Ghost cities is something Presstitutes have been selling since the mid-90s. Overdevelopment occurred in some areas. Low rents, low home prices. It’s all good for the masses.

🇨🇳tightened the money supply to the property sector n redeployed it to AI n the 4th Industrial Revolution
Feb 24, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
And where and when did the samurai in feudal Japan get their guns?

After Cmd Perry regime changed Japan with his gunboat diplomacy tours to 🇯🇵 beginning in 1852.

The “Meiji Restoration” helped cover up America’s funding, training and militarisation of 🇯🇵 to act as its proxy. Guns appearing before Perry is not surprising. But it was US funding and training after the regime change which turned Japan into a war machine on behalf of the US Empire. The Americans used Japan to start proxy wars against China, Russia and Korea, colonising Korea and Taiwan.
Feb 4, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
The Brits imported the Indians into Hong Kong to police the Chinese and turned local Chinese into 3rd class citizens.

The Brits and Indians executed the Chinese with abandon until the locals submitted to white supremacist minority rule.🧵… 🧵The Brits imposed white minority rule on the Chinese for 156 years and only stopped when China told them their 99 year lease was up.

In 1997, the Brits and the Americans changed from being champions of white minority rule into champions of “freedom and democracy”. Overnight.
Aug 19, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
The US regime changed Japan in 1852. Prior to Commodore Perry’s invasion of Japan, it only traded with China and shunned the white supremacists.

The US funded, militarised, trained, and provided Japan with everything it need to launch a proxy war against China in 1894.

1/ By 1895, Japan had colonised Taiwan for its white supremacist master and was squatting on Korea.

In 1931, America launched its second proxy war against China using its Japanese attack dog yet again.
Aug 18, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
“Houses are for living in, not speculation” - Xi

🇨🇳WANTS to push down housing prices to make homes affordable for young people

🇨🇳does not care about billionaires n property speculators getting crushed

🇨🇳is NOT🇺🇸, a debtor nation where people borrow against the housing bubble Americans see housing as a measure of wealth because they are encouraged borrow from it. Few actually own their homes n the government will seize your home if you can’t pay your annual property rent. Americans are debt slaves for live.
Jul 27, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
“In 1852, Perry was assigned a mission by American President Millard Fillmore to force the opening of Japanese ports to American trade, through the use of gunboat diplomacy”

His job was to turn Japan into a military base for the Anglo-America Empire…
“The Japan–US Treaty of Peace and Amity was signed under threat of force, it effectively meant the end of Japan's 220-year-old policy of national seclusion.”

Japan did NOT have a 220-year-old policy of national seclusion. Japan traded peacefully with China for many centuries. Image
Jun 15, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
China started the AIIB because the white supremacist World Bank denied financing to underdeveloped countries at the behest or the White Supremacist US Empire.

But what can one expect from the likes of the FT which is part of the Empire’s Presstitute Brigade. The WB and ADB were designed to set up debt traps and the White Supremacist Reich is loathed to build any essential infrastructure in the Global South. Keeping former colonies poor is how you can continue imperialist rape, pillage and plunder under the guise of “helping”.
Apr 12, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
“The inventors and the applicants were the four missing Chinese and the recipient is none other than Freescale Semiconductor. What luck!”

We all know how important semiconductors are to the US

What is killing 227 with 153 being Chinese to the US? MH370…

The NSA had been spying on Huawei and ZTE for well over a decade before Snowdon’s revelations. The U.S. had plenty of details on the key engineers working there. The U.S. would know their flight details.

Mar 15, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
“Today’s China-bashers are neo-racists who may eat dim sum with an open-mind with Chinese friends who endorse their biased views. But a Chinese who supports China and its policies for sound and factual reasons is to be suspected and derided, even caricatured…1/ “In other words, a person of Chinese ethnicity is okay, as long as he’s not really Chinese.”…
Mar 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Certain thing cannot be forestalled indefinitely.

This is why the U.S. needed war here, there and everywhere.

They kicked the can down the road after the 2019 crash of the repo market with the Plandemic. But the US Ponzi economy basically crashed then. Image De Dollarisation Kills Its First US Bank.

US treasuries are toxic. Image
Mar 11, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Obama’s mother was married to one of the murderous Indonesian generals and Obama’s father was a CIA asset for the recolonisation of Kenya.

They slaughtered the Chinese Indonesians.… “The deep CIA penetration of Africa was evident in the Agency’s apparent recruitment of Barack Obama Sr., a protégé of Tom Mboya, an anticommunist, pro-capitalist Luo from Kenya who … received covert CIA funding through the AFL-CIO.”
Mar 10, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: A seismic shift in West Asia -brokered by China in Beijing. 
The world is coming together - rapidly - against the rapacious West.

"Iran and Saudi Arabia have reached an agreement in the Chinese capital of Beijing to restore their diplomatic relations and … “The agreement was struck on Friday after several days of intensive negotiations between Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani and his Saudi counterpart in Beijing. It was officially announced in a joint statement by Iran, Saudi Arabia and China.”
Feb 7, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
“Is Japan actually the chief candidate to become “Asia’s Ukraine,” rather than Taiwan? A careful consideration would suggest so.” - Thomas Polin “Full implementation of such schemes would put Japan at the forefront of any war with China — as Ukraine has been in the faceoff with Russia. It would be a colossal setback for peace in the entire Asia-Pacific region, so hard-won in WW2 and maintained for eight decades since.”
Oct 24, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
From Robert Tan on 21SilkRd on Telegram:



These are the people who will lead China side-by-side with Xi for the next ultra-turbulent 5 years.
🧵 Priorities: dual circulation of the economy, of course; emphasis on tech independence; even more emphasis on the PLA; BRI across Eurasia and Africa; SCO and BRICS+; and most of all, Taiwan.
Oct 22, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Not a conspiracy.

After the 2003 SARS biological warfare attack on China, the CPC made rolling out universal healthcare a top priority.

The only way to quickly trace another biological warfare attack is for there to be no hesitancy in seeing a doctor due of cost concerns. China was prepared for another biological warfare attack when it hit Wuhan in 2020. All the protocols were in place to lockdown Wuhan and the province of Hubei and build three massive hospitals in a matter days.

The CPC is not locking down the country for 5226 Covid deaths.
Oct 7, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
Sudan recognised PRC back in 1959 and China has been doing business there ever since.

China invested tens of billions in Sudan with oil exploration, extraction, ports and roads to connect the oil producing South with ports in the north.
🧵 Image…