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Oct 6, 2024 47 tweets 8 min read
Why did this differece between the relative and equivalent forms of value matter to Marx. It does seem abstruse and geeky when we read it, belatedly.
But Marx was trying most intensely to accomplish two things.
To show how arrangements were pernicious and passé. To denaturalize property and capital, to deactivate the fetish of value by exposing its liberating truth. So to do this he had to show the real actions movements, needs practises of people in society that were producing the fetish of value and capital and why they'd inevitably lead to mass
Mar 11, 2024 17 tweets 4 min read
The roger waters 'doc' is lib zio mystification, tabloid style obscuring explanation of imperial mediq, separates IsPal so one does not consider rlthe exact same phenomena in coverage of Haiti, Iraq, Qfghanistan, Vzla, Yugo, UkrRus. OSLO MYTH revived. OBSCENE defense of BBC. Talking heads are across the board imperial booj, scope of attention excludes all resistance, even Nasrallah is unseen, unheard, doesn't exist JUST LIKE ON CNN AND BBC. It's creating an illusiom of functioning independent broadcast news malfunctioning on one topic due to PR pros
Apr 13, 2023 38 tweets 7 min read
that c. j. hopkins talk is the perfect example of the fascist babytalk decoy dissent. it's hilarious. he has ISIS as the resistance to Globocap, Globocap (not black workers) as the valiant liberator of us all from racism, but the form is heads i win tails you lose. he says the media will say youre either with globocap against racism or with isis against Globocap's Great Reset, and....that's true! Glocoap media is absolutely correct. therefore leftists should support isis and, (doesnt trouble himself to explain how) Putin who is in league
Apr 6, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Let me ask you what exactly are you imagining could happen. @DanielFooksArt Let me put it this way

It is wrong and a kind of psychosis to think of 'thr financial system' in isolation. It is justs set of social relations. The ruling class faces risks absolutely. All those risks are political. Except an asteroid/nuke or something that cut off the power
Apr 6, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
c j hopkins is a grown man very proud of himself for realizing teevee is making up crazy stories about terrorism russia and plague, but still unable to see it is manufacturing the illusion of his beign surrounded by a duped audience, alone undecieved tho inexplicably mesmerized and if someone points out to him or his fans that yes he has noticed the obvious but he is still being gulled by the teevee, and having it implant in his imagination a false notion of the reality he only perceives indirectly through it, and then slandering us because MSNBC
Apr 5, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
all the fascist entryists today, from shitzek himself to cory morningstar, work above all on portraying the battle _against_ white supremacy -- that battle to unify the working class by healing the rift of racialization -- as the real cause of racialization and disunity. this gambit that is now the ecstastic left bashing, the avid seizure of the license for homophobnia and ferocious antiblackness that nancy pelosi in rainbow kinte cloth has given them, began as an internal trotskyist sort of thing, cf Ellen Meiksins Wood. I remember her trolly
Apr 4, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Steppling is really incorrigible, now loony fascist entryist. Claiming to speak in the name of Marxism, he attacks Marxism/ists with decrepit fascist canards. Ep 79 there is a truly disturbed rant against the entirety of Marxist historiography of the transition, not a word of which does he appear to have read. Really malign.
If any newcomer is interested in these debates, start with the collection from Science & Society journal, in a Verso volume, then the later Brenner debates, from Past & Present (Cambridge U Press). Jim Blaut, Samir Amin and
Mar 25, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
the clerks think their own moral sense and awareness is resulting in these empty exclamations about the explosion of homelessness and poverty. in fact these images are being put in front of them for them to produce these reactions, just as the jan 6: its prepping and aligning them for the next phase, giving them their scripts, their motivations. Notice these clerks are just adorning themselves in aghast attitudes regarding this growth of shantytowns and bidonvilles in the rich core: theyre not being propelled into any intervention or even political
Mar 25, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Even when these booj intellos are kinda perceptive, as Fromm and even moreso Neumann were, their stance as diagnosticians and shrinks of the masses makes their analysis really impoverished, blinkered, finally trivial and wrong.
Its like theyre always trying to figure out why a woman is growing a foetus inside her abdomen without knowing anything about a womb, eggs, and without any notion of conjugation. Just keep saying why is she doing this? And maybe they notice she was alone with a man, sure sure, but not thinking it significant.
Mar 25, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
lemme explain something
they did stage 1 in 2006 but they added something important because they couldnt knock over the regional banks mostly then
so: banks have liabilities (mostly deposits) & assets (mostly treasuries, mortgages, and some other gov bonds from states)
so the fed made them on paper insolvent, kinda, borderline, maybe, tho functionally perfectly solvent, with interventions on BOTH red & black columns
hike interest rates just gives then asset side a haircut, unrealized, by lowering TODAYs value of these yielding assets, while
Mar 24, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
the aim of Vighi and all these academic ford foundation spooks is this:
which is the final liberation of the ruling class from the contradictions of capital.
the lpe gang have resignified 'PoliEcon' they will not debate real Marxists who understand finance and ruling class praxis.
Mar 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
"My friend and I cannot bear the moon: by its light the disfigured dead emerge from the tombs, especially women wrapped in white shrouds, the air is filled with greenish shadows and sometimes it gives off a sinister yellow smoke, everything is to be feared, every plant, every leaf, every animal, on a moonlit night. And what's worse, it forces us to roll around moaning and barking in damp places, in the meadows behind the haystacks; woe is us then if one of our kind appears before us! In blind rage we would tear him to pieces,
Mar 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Dont overlook one stacked function

The Silicon Valley Enterprise money is just being stashed for a time
Where the employees who are owed wages
CaNT Get It!

To accelerate the cull of this class,whose turn it is The bank was solvent
A run was engineered

The depositors arent going to lose their money.

It's just the operating capital of tech firms is kind of frozen just long enough to accomplish some aggressions otherwise impossible.

Lord$ were made whole in adVAnce by CARES
Feb 4, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
the working class needs to wager on the accuracy of its assumptions all the time; the petty bourgeoisie delegates most active science -- engagement with the world -- involved in its reproduction to servants so it doesn't.
Artists (especially musicians) used to be exceptional in political tendecies, very likely because of the perpetual scientific wager they must make to accomplish what they intend. And more generally this was true in the arts, and for intellectuals of some kinds, because of STANDARDS, that now have vanished and taken skill
Feb 3, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
It's clear they have a programme to systematically disseminate fascist antiintellectual antihistorical mystifying canards by passing these idiocies off as the wisdom-bullets of famous commie leaders teachers and intellectuals (Gramsci, Stalin, Lenin, Marx, now Zinn!) Their extremely sinister fascist purposes with all this disinfo are very clearly when you put their bowdlerized, mangled, concocted "quotes" (which they make up or get from spooky academics and sophistical Dengists like Losurdo) side by side with the text that's being misrepped
Feb 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
She was talking about the _mountain of treasuries_ that is soc sec. Not the private funds. (And her analysis in this case rests on one big error in her paradigm, which I have explained and will explain again.) Unlike ordinary proprietor class, Monotti doesn't seem to understand that private retirement funds are heritable unlike state and many old skool employee pensions.
It's funny he seems to model his persona here on Chance the Gardener
Feb 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
a. that's somethign wrong and idiotic he has indeed said
b. he says repeatedly these "so-called prejudices" are true and accurate. He says it over and over, about Jews, about Rom, about Arab Muslims and Black people.

anyone can verify this, if someone needs citiations just ask n a Kosovo lecture he said "racist beliefs are always based in truth." He has often advocated for racism explicitly, like other Nazis do.…
Feb 2, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Charles W. Mills the Racial Contract is an important book now. Because tho the details of the raciology are mutating, this is the key to the incompatibility of the explanations and paradigm of the canny libertarian rightists (eg CAF) and Marxism they seem at times adjacent to Fundamentally these critics of the ruling class praxis - very useful critics because they understand finance, flawed because they see it in isolation and can't totalize - have a kind of hazy assumed anthropology where there just always are lying around lots of propertyless
Feb 1, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
So Pynchon,
he really was crochetting real yarns
The first US Postmaster General, Osgood
founded Citibank (City Bank of NY)
the history of which we know so well
and which is the core pillar of Citigroup
which is now the largest share owner of the NY Fed.

that's for "threaders" I wanted to write this to demonstrate how this framing works,
Something is already there, if I am going to talk about the praxis now that Monotti and Vighi the Bozogoth are fictionalizing.
What has been laid out by that little summary, what's the paradigm established
Feb 1, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
It's maddening. It's like a nightmare STOP pretending to be an imbecile
the 'pandemic' QE and fed policy was inflationary as a strategic element of the programme and it's pretty fucking simple
they bought assets not from retail banks but from the ruling class across the board
the lockdown was politically necessary
Feb 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
he's still at it.
someone ask him to walk you through these vague and figurative claims, to substantiate in a grown up way what he is alleging actually occurred and why. i guarantee you there is no argument at all at the other end of these images and prevaricating priestly pseudo claims.
you can compare of course to the sources of the fragments that are mixed into his horsheshit stew:

1. MY Audios +tl
2. gold bug John Titus' vids,esp w CAF