Redcountessa #PeaceAndJustice # PRNOW Profile picture
Green Socialist, Ex-Labour member, gardener, wild-life & cat lover, beyond cross with this government Retweets don't nec signify agreement/ endorsement. #BDS.
Apr 30, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
I am sick & tired of my generation being totally neglected. We are sneered at as rich & complacent by the MSM who seek to turn the young against us. Yes they've a really crap deal & I will fight for them to have better but who is fighting for me? What've I got to look forward to? Many rely solely on poverty rates of our State Pension & are having to pay exorbitant private rents many damp & drafty so extra heating, many of us have no savings & can't even afford a social life never mind a holiday. Imagine living maybe 25 to 30 years of your life like that!
Mar 22, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
No I won't be going on the sodding march tomorrow in spite of the fact I voted REMAIN and here's why: - 1. I respect that many of my fellow Lab comrades voted to LEAVE & that any move we as a party make must reflect that as well as the REMAIN side. 2. That is why it took 6 hours at conference to reach a consensus around what our strategy should be on this issue. Sadly, there are some MPs in our party who wish to ignore conference & take up either extreme LEAVE or REMAIN positions.