Dr. Renee Levant Profile picture
Philosophy(Ph.D) Ethics & Ethnic Studies . Campaign To Enact The Genocide Convention , River Valley CodePink Organizer, Psychotherapist(MA), Cat Mom
thehermitonthehill Profile picture Dr. Renee Levant Profile picture Jean-Marc /Othman Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jul 27 5 tweets 1 min read
♦️♦️🚨🚨UMASS AMHERST. Arrested students, staff, faculty and community members receive notice that they are banned from campus for two years!🚨🚨‼️‼️1/n🧵 Image 2/n 🧵♦️♦️🚨🚨UMASS AMHERST. Image
Jun 13 8 tweets 7 min read
THE UNITED NATIONS ARE complicit in genocide by permitting “surging humanitarian aid” to be linked to the US led “negotiations”

Ceasefire in Rafah is ordered by the ICJ
Opening all crossings and surging aid is ordered by ICJ

For weeks since the orders Israel has
—committed massacres in Rafah and throughout Gaza
—Illegally seized and closed Rafah Crossing
—Prevented most aid from arriving so that Famine has expanded, deaths from injuries increased etc
—and more


Instead The criminally liable Israeli partner lies and links its plans to control the “next day” and deny Palestinian Self-Determination to the plan…all while blaming Hamas and falsely claiming Israel supports a ceasefire.

✅LIFT THE BLOCKADE AND REMOVE ISRAEL FROM ILLEGAL CONTROL OVER GAZA. UN must take control of Rafah and all aid deliveryImage 🇵🇸Campaign to ENACT the Genocide Convention 🇵🇸🧵
Of River Valley Branch Code Pink —
Program as of 5/31/2024

🧵1/n Description of The Campaign To ENACT The Genocide Convention and River Valley Code Pink's Position on Next Steps, and Who We

Note: Campaign in transition from INVOKE The genocide convention TO ENACT The Genocide Convention.

The Campaign To Invoke The Genocide Convention of River Valley Code Pink, has been dedicated to ending genocide in Gaza and upholding the rights of the Palestinian people and their liberation movement, while fostering a caring and supportive community among our members. Our action plan, steadfast in the face of varying outcomes at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) or any imperialist legal institutions includes:

1. Advocating for an immediate ceasefire by Israel and its allies, and cessation of military supplies to Israel until hostilities end completely

2. Calling on UN States supportive of Palestinian Independence and Self-Determination to initiate a Uniting for Peace Resolution, leading to the establishment of a UN Protective Force.(see example below) and lifting the illegal Seige on Gaza The key point is the UN cannot leave the blockade in place and under Israeli control and make more than a dent in the genocide and catastrophic conditions left by Israel. The blockade and Occupation are the conditions at the root of hostilities and injustice

3. Urging all states to sever diplomatic ties and trade agreements with Israel and impose sanctions on Israel until it ends its genocidal campaigns and fully withdraws from Gaza and the Occupied Territories.

4.Calling for release of all Palestinian Prisoners and detainees held by Israel in exchange for all held by Palestine,

5.Insisting on a long term solution chosen by the Palestinian people and their united representative factions, advocating for an end to the siege and occupation of Palestinian lands, a fully sovereign Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital, and enforcing relevant UN resolutions, including the Palestinian Right to Return.

6. Establishing a special UN Tribunal empowered to quickly investigate war crimes and human rights abuses in occupied territories and prosecute crimes

7. Supporting the Palestinian Liberation movement and the right to resist colonial oppression -in all its forms-(peaceful and armed ) and factions. Self-Determination means the people’s movement only ones who have a right to determine the acceptable solutions and who will govern how it will be decided and so forth.

In addition….

We can be contacted on ex or Twitter @reneeLevant or Facebook: @rlevant

PLEASE Retweet or tweet this especially to tags below

@un @antonioguterres @MYANC @SAMissionNY @Algeria_MFA @NicaraguaONU @FSLN @IranUNMission @IRIMFA_EN @svg_un @mofa_svg @ReneeLevant @UNRWA @samhusseini @unga

#invokegenocideconvention #CeasefireNow #LiftTheblockade #UniteForPeace #SelfdeterminationNotOccupationImage
Jun 13 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵✅✅Thread. Hamas on CeaseFire Proposal”✅✅
⭕️ First: Hamas dealt positively and with national responsibility with the latest proposal, and with the previous proposals, aimed at reaching a ceasefire and a release of the detainees.

Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas)
June 13, 2024
*Official website - Hamas movement*Image 🧵✅✅Thread. Hamas on CeaseFire Proposal”✅✅

⭕️ The Hamas movement has demonstrated, in all stages of negotiations to stop the aggression, the required positivity to reach a comprehensive and satisfactory agreement, based on the fair demands of our people for a definitive cessation of aggression, a complete withdrawal [of occupation forces] from the Gaza Strip, the return of the displaced, the reconstruction, and a serious prisoner exchange deal.

Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas)
June 13, 2024
Official website - Hamas movementImage
May 27 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵♦️1/5. The Israeli occupation's targeting of a displacement center in Rafah was an unimaginable catastrophe that has become a stark reality, exacerbated by the fact that not a single hospital in Rafah is fully functional due to Israel's relentless attacks.

In shock at the overwhelming casualties, the Rafah Municipality appealed to Egyptian authorities to provide ambulances and facilitate the transfer of the injured to hospitals in El Arish, Egypt.Image 🧵♦️2/5 Image
Apr 18 4 tweets 6 min read
🧵1/3 Well this is weird: 👇🏼 the linked article from an Arabic Version (Al-Alaraby ) of The New Arab Article

1. Egypt says that the US and Egypt agreed to a months long ceasefire to allow evacuation of foreigners and getting in needed aid

2. The US approved the ground invasion of Rafah exchange for Israel refraining from a large scale retaliation against Iran

3. Israel has denied both of the above!

4.Also describes Egypts preparations for the invasion

Translations below :

Egyptian sources familiar with Cairo’s movements regarding the situation in the Gaza Strip revealed “full readiness and readiness of the agencies and forces present in North Sinai, and along the 14-kilometre border strip with the Gaza Strip, as part of a plan to deal with the scenario of preparation for the repeated Israeli announcement of an invasion of the city of Rafah

According to an Egyptian source, “the increase in readiness, which has increased in pace since last Monday evening, came after contacts from the Israeli side, linked to the occupation government beginning preparations for the military operation in the far south of the Gaza Strip, which (Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu describes as the last stronghold of the Hamas movement.” According to his claim, there are four brigades of the movement’s military wing.”

Egyptian source: The American administration showed acceptance of the occupation’s plan regarding the operation in Rafah in exchange for not carrying out a large-scale attack against Iran.

The source pointed out that “the occupation army launched air strikes on several areas adjacent to the border strip between the Gaza Strip and Egypt,” pointing out that “the relevant officials in Egypt were notified before carrying out some of those strikes, which came in the Philadelphia axis on an empty plot of land adjacent to the border with Egypt.” “Allegedly, it is being used to smuggle weapons to Hamas.” He explained that Cairo "found itself forced to deal on the ground with the anticipated military operation, in order to mitigate the severity of its repercussions, in light of the new understandings between the American administration and the occupation government ."

America accepts the operation in Rafah
He pointed out that "the American administration showed acceptance of the plan previously presented by the occupation government regarding the military operation in Rafah in exchange for not carrying out a large-scale attack against Iran . " He pointed out that "the Israeli plan relies on the method of displacement, by dividing Rafah into numbered squares, so that one square after another is targeted, prompting those in it to move away from it, specifically towards Khan Yunis and the Al-Mawasi area." The source pointed out that "as part of the Egyptian preparations in this context, there was an increase in the capacity of the camps in the city of Khan Yunis, which is managed by the Egyptian Red Crescent, and an increase in the amounts of aid entering them in coordination with the Israeli side."

newarab.com/news/egypt-say… 2/3 🧵Egypt/US Ceasefire Agreement? US/Israel deal to green light Rafah Invasion and Bears…Oh My


The Egyptian Red Crescent has established two camps to accommodate the displaced in Khan Yunis since last January. The first camp accommodates seven thousand displaced people, while the second accommodates four thousand, at a time when the relevant Egyptian authorities began working on preparing a third camp. Last Monday, Israeli Security Minister Yoav Galant held a meeting about preparations to launch the military operation to invade Rafah. The ministry stated, in a statement, that “during the meeting, Gallant discussed with the participants a number of measures that must be taken as part of the preparations for the operation in Rafah.”

On the other hand, Western diplomatic sources in Cairo, familiar with international communications regarding the release of Israeli prisoners held by resistance factions in the Gaza Strip, suggested that “talk about a broad Israeli military action against Iran will decline, after the attack launched by Tehran via drones and ballistic missiles.” In the interest of the upcoming military operation in Rafah.”
Facilities to attack Rafah

A prominent Western diplomat told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, “Netanyahu was able, through political maneuvering, to obtain American facilities for the military operation in Rafah, which was not welcomed by the United States at this time, in exchange for retreating from carrying out a large-scale military operation against Iran.” "In response to her latest attack." He considered that "talking about an Israeli response to Iran, contrary to the desire of the American administration, was not realistic, in light of Tel Aviv's conviction that the United States had the largest role in repelling the Iranian attack and its failure."

Professor of Public International Law, Dr. Ayman Salama, confirmed that “the Israeli occupation’s claims and lies that Egypt supplies the Palestinian factions with weapons and ammunition through the Philadelphia axis are nothing but an attempt to justify its miserable failure before the world.” Salama told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, “Egypt is a sovereign state, and will not accept any changes in Israel’s military presence in the region, without its approval, especially since the international conventions linking Egypt and the Israeli occupation, including the peace treaty that was signed in 1979, stipulate "There is not a large number of forces on both sides."

Samir Ragheb: Egypt seeks, through negotiations, to postpone or cancel the Rafah operation
He explained that "Egypt's approval is required before any amendment to the actual military situation, and that Israel will not be able to establish buffer zones on the Egyptian-Israeli border or amend the security annex to the peace treaty between the two countries under the pretext of the urgent need for security in cases of direct threats, such as the ongoing conflict with the Palestinians." Salama said, “The Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty itself includes what is called the security annex, which regulates the presence of forces and the type of their armament in the three areas (A), (B), and (C) in Egyptian territory in the Sinai Peninsula, and (D), inside Israel.” ". He pointed out that "Egypt could suspend certain provisions in the treaty in response to possible Israeli actions, but it will not suspend the sensitive security annex, which constitutes the core of the treaty." He added that Egypt "may threaten or partially suspend some of the texts and clauses of the peace treaty, including those related to diplomatic and consular relations, and the ambassador may be withdrawn."
Mar 31 9 tweets 5 min read
🧵1/n. Enough ! Stop Killing our Arab peoples and our Lands! Stop denying us justice, human rights, the right of self-determination, democracy, and full health & economic well-being & freedom. Stop Killing Palestinians, Lebanese, Yemenis, Syrians and Jordanians! Thank you Jordan & Palestine for leading the way.! End US/Israeli Aggression!

كفى! توقفوا عن قتل شعوبنا العربية وأراضينا! توقفوا عن حرماننا من العدالة وحقوق الإنسان وحق تقرير المصير والديمقراطية والرفاهية الصحية والاقتصادية الكاملة والحرية. توقفوا عن قتل الفلسطينيين واللبنانيين واليمنيين والسوريين والأردنيين! شكرًا للأردن وفلسطين على قيادة الطريق! أوقفوا العدوان الأمريكي/الإسرائيلي! 2/n MAKE THIS SPRING AN ARAB SPRING Thousands of Iraqis demonstrate in al-Tahrir Square in the capital Baghdad, in support of Gaza and the resistance.
Mar 28 10 tweets 7 min read
🧵Let’s go through the ICJ New Order

1/n It reaffirms the relevance of all provisional measures from January 26th and states that the famine having become a reality rather than a danger warrants additional measures Image 🧵Let’s go through the ICJ New Order

2/n. The court orders Israel to fully cooperate-erase with the United Nations in providing all urgently needed services and assistance including Food, Water, Electricity, Sanitation , shelter requirements All medical Supplies and Medical Care throughout Gaza by all means including increasing capacity and number of land crossings and maintaining these as long as necessaryImage
Mar 21 27 tweets 13 min read
/n 🧵📌‼️‼️AL-SHIFRA THREAD‼️‼️📌

This looks bigger and more horrific each time I check news so a thread with dates so we can follow what is happening and responses to this unimaginable crime

I believe this video is from March 20th

"Do not try us.. our soldiers will shoot you" Israeli occupation forces besieging the area around Al-Shifa Hospital threaten Palestinians in the vicinity using megaphones atop their tanks.’ 2/n 🧵📌‼️‼️AL-SHIFRA THREAD‼️‼️📌

This looks bigger and more horrific each time I check news so a thread with dates so we can follow what is happening and responses to this unimaginable crime

March 21st

🚨 Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor:

The "israeli" occupation army is detaining medical teams in Al-Shifa Medical Complex, which has been undergoing a military operation for the fourth consecutive day, at a time when patients are dying slowly without care.

We have received horrific statements about the death of 3 patients in the last few hours, apart from the slow death threatening the lives of dozens of patients and the injured, either by denying them any medical care and medication or by starving and dehydrating them.

The statements showed that the occupation forces detained all doctors and nurses in an unknown location within the Al-Shifa complex and prevented them from performing their work, leaving the patients and the injured without any healthcare or medication.

We warn that the occupation army has turned the Al-Shifa Complex into a public slaughterhouse amid field execution operations.

The ongoing "israeli" crimes inside Al-Shifa Medical Complex have led to the martyrdom of at least 200 Palestinians by the time of the statement's release, many of whom were subjected to deliberate killing and extrajudicial execution after their arrest.

We have received statements about the occupation forces evacuating dozens of patients from some buildings in the Complex, while some severe cases and the elderly, whose fate is threatened by death, were not evacuated.

We fear that the entire Al-Shifa medical complex might be bombed following the explosion of some of its facilities, alongside the burning of buildings and homes surrounding the ComplEX
Mar 10 4 tweets 1 min read
Prison Conditions for Palestinians are more severe than those in Guantanamo Bay. 🧵1/4 Image Prison Conditions for Palestinians are more severe than those in Guantanamo Bay. 🧵2/4 Image
Mar 9 4 tweets 5 min read

**FAQs on Supporting Laila's Journey to Safety**

**1. Is it legal to contribute to someone leaving Gaza?**
Yes, it is legal to contribute to someone's efforts to leave Gaza under the current circumstances. The funds are used for registration and coordination services, not for any activity that would violate international laws. This type of humanitarian aid is recognized and respected globally, aiming to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals in crisis regions.

**2. Is my donation tax-deductible?**
No, your donation is not tax-deductible. It is considered a personal gift to assist Laila and her family in their time of need. As such, donations are not subject to tax deductions from the donor's end. However, it's important to note that the recipient might be subject to gift taxes depending on local laws.

**3. Where does the money actually go?**
Your generous contribution goes directly to Simple Giving, a reputable UK funding platform known for its reliability and transparency. Upon receipt of your donation, you will be issued a confirmation. Jeremy, who has successfully managed campaigns for Laila's community initiatives before, is overseeing this campaign. Once the target amount is collected, Jeremy will transfer the funds to a designated representative holding legal authorization (Power of Attorney) from Laila. This representative will then handle the registration with HALA, an Egyptian coordination service, to officially place Laila on the registry for safe passage out of Gaza.

**4. How does the donation help her get out of Gaza since Gazans are not free to leave?**
The donation contributes towards the administrative and coordination fees required to register Laila and her family for safe passage out of Gaza through the Rafah Crossing into Egypt. This complex process involves coordination with both Egyptian and Israeli authorities and requires approval from both. The registration with HALA is a critical step in this process, as it officially places them on a list for potential departure.

Given the high demand and the increasing number of individuals seeking to leave, the timeline for approval and scheduling can vary significantly. While the process can sometimes be completed within days, the current volume of requests means it could realistically take up to a month for Laila's family's names to appear on the "reveal" list, which specifies the date and time they must present themselves at the Rafah Crossing.

We understand the anxiety and questions many of you may have regarding this effort. Our goal is to be as transparent and informative as possible to ensure that your generous contributions are going towards a cause that is not only urgent but conducted in a manner that respects legal and ethical standards. Your support can make a tangible difference in the lives of Laila and her family during this critical time.

Any other questions please ask and we will answer as promptly as possible. To pledge to donate pm @ReneeLevant 2/🧵 Money transfer for to helping exit Gaza

Addressing concerns regarding financial transactions and support for regions like Gaza involves understanding the complexities of international banking and the specific restrictions imposed on occupied territories. Companies like PayPal and other financial institutions often abide by requests from governments, such as Israel, to limit services within these areas. This is part of a broader framework of regulations that aim to comply with international laws and agreements.

Additionally, banks and financial services frequently set limits on the amount of money that can be transferred at any given time, further complicating efforts to provide substantial aid or support. These measures are in place to ensure compliance with global financial regulations, aimed at preventing money laundering and the financing of unauthorized activities.

For our campaign to support Laila and her family, we have conducted thorough research to navigate these challenges effectively. The dynamic nature of financial regulations and service availability means that our strategies must be adaptable and informed by the most current information.

The transfer of funds directly to Egypt, instead of Gaza, presents a strategic advantage in this context. While biases and restrictions from countries like the US and the UK still influence financial transactions in Egypt, their impact is generally less severe compared to Gaza. This reality provides us with a more viable pathway to ensure that the necessary funds reach their intended destination.

Our team is actively monitoring the best methods for transferring funds, with dedicated individuals in Egypt prepared to assist with the process. By staying informed and responsive to the ever-changing landscape of international finance, we are committed to finding the most effective solutions to support Laila and her family, ensuring that our campaign operates within the bounds of legality and ethical considerations.
Feb 29 11 tweets 6 min read
‼️‼️HUGE MASSACRE AND WAR CRIME Omg the numbers are still going up Northa. Gaza people gathered to get food,


At least 150 hungry citizens have been killed and at least 1000 others wounded in an Israeli massacre in northern Gaza.

Israeli tanks shelled thousands of hungry civilians, who were waiting for flour at Al Rasheed Street. Israeli snipers continue to target everyone approaching the victims in some locations.

The director of Kamal Idwan Hospital told Al Jazeera that the victims were directly targeted in the upper part of the body, indicating that the intention was to kill.

Also today Israel IDF sent warnings to cell phones telling Palestinians “Go South if you hope to survive”

This is nuts at a time when Israel is claiming that it’s abiding by the provisional measures

@AlgPresidency @ClaysonMonyela @SAMissionNY @UNGuyana @Iran_UN @MYANC @ALGERia_mfa @AlgeriaUN @antonioguterres @reneelevant @MFA_China @Chinamission2un @RussiaUN @SLOtoUN @MZEZ_RS @mfaguyana @CIJ_ICJ @NicaraguaONU @FSLN @IranUNMission @IRIMFA_EN @svg_un @mofa_svg @maltaunmission @MFAMalta @Morocco_UN @arableague_gs @OIC_OCI ‼️‼️HUGE MASSACRE AND WAR CRIME

🇵🇸🏥Director of the Nursing Department at Al-Shifa Medical Complex:

We received hundreds of wounded as a result of the Israeli bombing of citizens in the northern Gaza Strip, and what we are witnessing today reminds us of the Baptist Hospital massacre.

“We have 3 small operating rooms that operate with limited capabilities to treat hundreds of wounded people.”
Feb 21 4 tweets 4 min read
🧵1/ Let’s talk informally (unedited etc) on what is happening now as it impacts the Palestinian Solidarity Movement and Palestine

1.♦️♦️Breaks in US Empires Alliances-Arab Reaction

I believe that a major happening in capital “ P” Mid East politics in is that reactionary Arab nations have been unhappy with US domination over the process are speaking up moderately. I don’t think it’s that they are on the Palestinian side so much as that they don’t really want the US/ Israel to become even more powerful and controlling of the MiddleEast

So yes, it is good when we see UAE, Egypt, Qatar and Kuwait doing a press conference condemning the US Veto and calling the extermination of Gaza a Genocide.

To the extent that that means that they may support the @Algeria_UN resolution by brining it to the General Assembly @unga this can make a great deal of difference. If they call for a cease-fire, and an end to Israeli Occupation that is good. We can hope and push even be willing to maybe help make that happen by pressuring US and Arab and Muslim Regimes especially @arableague_gs and @OIC_OCI which also include so,e genuine allies of our movement

But we also need to keep in mind that the UAE and Egypt and even Qatar are not our most reliable friends [understatement] in Palestine solidarity

We have a strategic challengeright now, which is to take advantage of the split in the imperialist coalition between the United States, Israel and Arab reaction .. to benefit the Palestinians

Some states like South Africa & Nicaragua are genuine friends. But not the ones mentioned above and the likes of Saudi Arabia are so NOT

Continued..Image 🧵 2/Let’s talk informally (unedited etc) on what is happening now as it impacts the Palestinian Solidarity Movement and Palestine

2. ♦️♦️Breaks in US Empires Alliances-US, Israel

To a great extent the US and Israel remain a united team. There are some differences emerging but these differences have nothing to do with supporting the Palestinian people, or opposing Israel’s role as a dominant force in the Middle East.

Rather, the issue for the US is from I mentioned above the number one. Its problem is that some of the way Israel is doing this openly is creating tension with US Arab Allies. While the US is willing to be isolated, politically in a general sense… It’s aim for the Middle East requires cooperation and normalization with its Arab allies. And that is what Israel is making difficult not impossible at the moment..

Solidarity, point of view, we need it to be impossible !

Arab nations have to worry about the opposition of their people to the genocide that’s happening, as well as the attempts of the US and Israel to give them less political, military, and economic power.

So the more pressure on them the better. The more rejection of the genocide with Israel the better. Unfortunately those who actually oppose occupation on the left are still very small. . Ironically though this gives them a disproportionately, large voice.

You’ll notice many of the trolls (a number of whom are actually paid, and others are actually set up to do so by the Mossad) keep pushing the idea that things are not really as extreme as what has been said .

Of course, their impact is limited by the number of soldiers and Israelis, who put up explicitly fascistic and genocidal support post and videos , as well as those from members of its government from top to bottom.

So their strategy is to blame it on Netanyahu . You see if the problem is just this right wing government government then there is no need to overturn the occupation to the extremes that even some moderate Zionists find problematic. Continued
Feb 19 36 tweets 16 min read
1/ 🧵‼️BREAKING| at IC j 2/19
Palestine Foreign Minister, Riyad al-Maliki:

“The UN enshrined in its charter the right of all peoples to self-determination and pledges to rid the world of colonialism and apartheid. Yet, for decades Palestinians have been denied this For over a century, the inalienable rights of our people to self-determination had been denied and violated.

Palestine was not a land without a people. It was not! as Israeli leaders have described it "the wasteland".Image 2/2/🧵‼️BREAKING| at IC j 2/19. Attorney Zimmerman. Addressed importance of court opinion because all negotiations are supposed to be on the basis of international law and UN RESOLUTIONS thus court answering general assembly is essential to the courts role
Feb 14 6 tweets 10 min read
1/🧵@antonioguterres says he reminded the security council of their “critical role demanding compliance with Resolution w417 …and holding those who breach it to account”

Nothing conflict named nor how they can be “held to account. Sigh! I hate this weird indirect ways of dealing with a genocide!

The resolution follows:Think he has some conflict in mind? I know we do😤😭🤨

Adopting Resolution 2417 (2018), Security Council Strongly Condemns Starving of Civilians, Unlawfully Denying Humanitarian Access as Warfare Tactics

The Security Council today adopted a resolution condemning the starving of civilians as a method of warfare — as well as the unlawful denial of humanitarian access to civilian populations — with members welcoming it as a landmark expression of unity on those critical issues.

Unanimously adopting resolution 2417 (2018), the Council drew attention to the link between armed conflict and conflict‑induced food insecurity and the threat of famine.  It called on all parties to armed conflict to comply with their obligations under international humanitarian law regarding the protection of civilians and on taking care to spare civilian objects, stressing that armed conflicts, violations of international law and related food insecurity could be drivers of forced displacement.  Underlining the importance of safe and unimpeded access of humanitarian personnel to civilians in armed conflicts, it also strongly condemned the unlawful denial of such access and depriving civilians of objects indispensable to their survival — including wilfully impeding relief supply and access for responses to conflict‑induced food insecurity.

Urging those with influence over parties to conflict to remind the latter of their international obligations, the Council also recalled that it could consider adopting sanctions, where appropriate and in line with existing practices, that would apply to individuals or entities obstructing the delivery or distribution of humanitarian assistance to civilians in need.

Lise Gregoire Van Haaren (Netherlands), speaking after the adoption on behalf of the resolution’s co‑penholders

— Côte d’Ivoire, Kuwait, Sweden and her own country — said this week’s open debate on the protection of civilians had provided ample evidence of the urgent need to adopt such a text.  “For the first time, this Council unequivocally condemns starvation as a method of warfare,” she said, noting that the landmark resolution recognized the need to break the vicious cycle of conflict and food insecurity.  Importantly, it placed the world’s most vulnerable people firmly at the centre of its agenda.  Among other things, she said the resolution would help ensure full respect for international law, support early warning efforts and compel parties to conflict to ensure full humanitarian access, while also allowing the Council to consider its full range of tools — including sanctions — to achieve those ends.

Stephen Hickey (United Kingdom) said millions of civilians trapped in armed conflict situations continued to suffer from starvation that was used against them as a weapon of war.  Today’s resolution showed that the Council was not unable to address that issue.  In South Sudan, for example, 1 million people had been declared food insecure as of 1 January 2018 — a 40 per cent increase since the same time the previous year.  The country had suffered from famine conditions and overall more than 7 million people would require food assistance during the upcoming lean season.  While humanitarian aid was crucial, political solutions were the only way to resolve such crises, he stressed, calling for more regular reporting to the Council on country‑specific situations.  For its part, the organ had today taken a major step forward by unanimously condemning starvation as a tool of war.more.no 2/ UNSC ON STARVATION 7 Denial Humanitarian Needs as weapons of war

Elaine Marie French (United States), noting that the resolution underscored the Council’s ability to address the clear connection between war and hunger, said the body had today demanded unanimously that parties to conflict comply with their obligations under international law.  It had laid out clear expectations that those parties refrain from impeding humanitarian assistance, she said, encouraging the Secretary‑General to proactively alert the Council on situations of concern in that regard.  “We have shown here today that we have the will to address conflict‑related hunger,” she emphasized.
Mr. Pronin (Russian Federation), welcoming the drafters’ constructive and sensitive negotiation efforts — which had resulted in a well‑balanced text — said armed conflicts were only one factor impacting a population’s food security.  Imbalances in the global distribution of food, climate change, fluctuations in food prices and the imposition of sanctions could all make it difficult to ensure food security.  In that regard, he said, finding solutions to those challenges went beyond the Council’s scope.  Efforts were also needed to liberalize trade, address the impacts of climate change and refrain from imposing unilateral restrictive measures.  Challenges related to food security could not be resolved without comprehensive international efforts to develop a fairer economic system.
The meeting began at 10:05 a.m. and ended at 10:19 a.m.
Feb 12 5 tweets 8 min read
🧵MAJOR STATEMENT ✅✅ 🟢 Senior Hamas leader Osama Hamdan at Hamas’ press conference today, February 12th 2024 (1/5)

For 129 days, the genocidal war waged by the zionist occupation, in partnership with the United States and some Western countries, continues in all its brutality. The latest of its stages occurred at dawn today with massacres in the city of Rafah targeting homes, mosques, and displaced people, resulting in the ascension of dozens of martyrs, most of whom are children and women.

The continuation of this Nazi war places all participants, supporters, and those who are silent or negligent in condemning and criminalizing it and stopping it, accountable to a historical political, humanitarian, and ethical responsibility. They will bear the legal consequences that will not be subjected to a statute of limitations and will remain a disgrace that follows them throughout history.

We are engaging in difficult talks on multiple tracks, dealing responsibly with all initiatives and efforts that meet the aspirations and expectations of our people in the Gaza Strip, to stop the aggression, end the siege, and achieve relief, reconstruction, and the liberation of prisoners in the enemy's prisons.

We send a salute of pride and honor to our people in the Gaza Strip who continue to challenge and confront the genocidal war, starvation, and thirst, with more patience, perseverance, steadfastness, sacrifice, and determination to adhere to the land, thawabet, and sanctities.

War criminal Netanyahu threatens to pursue civilians to the city of Rafah, which has approximately 1.4 million residents, after it has become a massive displacement center from various areas of the Gaza Strip. People are crowded in schools, streets, and open areas in miserable conditions, and have been subjected to brutal bombing for days, leaving dozens of martyrs, despite the zionist entity and the American administration's claims that Rafah is a safe zone.

After 12 days of following those with a human conscience, it was revealed that the child Hind and four members of her family, including her cousin the child Layan, were martyred by the bullets of the fascist occupation army, in addition to the heroic paramedics: the paramedic Youssef Zeino and the paramedic Ahmad Al-Madhoun, who rushed to rescue the family, with the complete destruction of the ambulance.

We affirm that this compound crime, in which the occupation army, devoid of the slightest standards of humanity, targets children and medical teams performing their work guaranteed by international and humanitarian law, is a stain that time will not erase.

Hind and Layan have been added to more than 12,000 children martyred by the occupation army deliberately and in cold blood, in barbaric crimes beyond description and unparalleled in modern history, without the terrorist criminal finding anyone to deter him. Instead, the fully complicit American administration continues to support him in all fields: political, financial, and military. ✅✅ 🟢 Senior Hamas leader Osama Hamdan at Hamas’ press conference February 12th 2024 (2/5) The terrorist occupation army continues its siege on the Nasser Medical Complex in Khan Younis, deploying snipers around it, targeting patients and medical teams, in an ongoing war crime against what remains of the medical sector, repeating the policy of targeting hospitals and health centers, as happened in hospitals in the northern Gaza Strip.

We condemn in the strongest terms the oppression and torture inflicted on Dr. Mohammed Abu Salmiya, the director of Al-Shifa Medical Hospital, including breaking his hands and deliberately humiliating him and forcing him to walk on his limbs, all because he refused, despite all the pressure and torture, to record a video accusing the resistance of using Al-Shifa Hospital as a military headquarters.

We salute the heroic Palestinian doctor Amira Al-Asouli, who was in Egypt at the start of the aggression against our people and insisted on returning to her country to serve her people and tend to their wounds. The world saw how she risked her life in front of the enemy's snipers to rescue one of the wounded.

We renew our call to the international community, the United Nations, and international organizations, especially the World Health Organization and the International Committee of the Red Cross, to take up their humanitarian, legal, and ethical responsibilities, and to intervene immediately to protect the hospital and its facilities from systematic targeting.

The occupation army continues its Nazi crimes against our people in the occupied West Bank, where the number of martyrs since the start of the aggression has reached more than 405, most of them in field executions, with thousands wounded and injured. They practice the most heinous crimes through the destruction of homes and contents, the establishment of hundreds of checkpoints, the closure of roads, and assaults on passers-by.

The occupation continues its violations against prisoners in its jails, where released prisoners have testified to the horrific horrors that prisoners, male and female, are subjected to, including psychological and physical torture, insults, and serious violations. Several have died under torture, the latest being the martyr Mohammed Al-Sabbar, who ascended as a result of torture and medical negligence.

The assaults by settlers on our people in the West Bank are escalating, through road blockages and land seizures, while the occupation's plans to Judaize the land and confiscate it continue. Recently, settlers, protected by the occupation army, established a new settlement outpost on the lands of the town of Tuqu' in Bethlehem, south of the occupied West Bank, in a blatant violation of all United Nations laws and resolutions.
Feb 12 16 tweets 7 min read
A thread with updates news from Rafa this evening
And any updates on actions to address it this evening


Violent and unprecedented 7pm airstrikes on Rafah right now.

Four people, including a little girl, have been killed while dozens have been wounded due to the Israeli heavy bombardment through land, air, and sea of Rafah, where over 1 million and a half civilians are taking refuge.

The strikes come following statements by US President Joe Biden, which were understood as a green light to Israel to start its attacks on the city.

@AlgPresidency @Algeria_MFA @AlgeriaUN @un @antonioguterres @ClaysonMonyela @MYANC @SAMissionNY @NicaraguaONU @FSLN @IranUNMission @IRIMFA_EN @svg_un @mofa_svg @ReneeLevant @UNRWA #invokegenocideconvention #CeasefireNow #JusticeforPalestine #LifttheBlockade #SelfdeterminationNotOccupation #RafahUnderAttack 2/ ‼️🧵RAFAH Sunday Feb 11th PM (EST)

7:30pm hIsraeli strikes targeted a mosque in Yebna refugee camp in Rafah.

@AlgPresidency @Algeria_MFA @AlgeriaUN @un @antonioguterres @ClaysonMonyela @MYANC @SAMissionNY @NicaraguaONU @FSLN @IranUNMission @IRIMFA_EN @svg_un @mofa_svg @ReneeLevant @UNRWA #invokegenocideconvention #CeasefireNow #JusticeforPalestine #LifttheBlockade #SelfdeterminationNotOccupationImage
Feb 6 8 tweets 4 min read
1/ 🧵NOT GOOD! #Algeria’s Security Council Resolution #UNSC draft 2 is out .They do not intend to bring it to a vote this week because it “must pass” . They are seeking US agreement.The US will not agree unless they are willing to give up ALL Palestinian Self-Determination More ..@Algeria_MFA @SAMissionNY @MFA_China @Iran_UN @NicaraguaONU @CUBAONU @UNGuyana @sec_council @CIJ_ICJ @reneelevant #CeaseFireNow #LiftTheBlockade #SelfDeterminationNotOccupation #invokegenocideconvention #JusticeForPalestineImage 2/🧵NOT GOOD The draft, revision and now 2nd revision came after the @USAmbUN publicly warned that a vote for permanent ceasefire would jeopardize “delicate” negotiations on a humanitarian pause aimed at releasing hostages, increasing aid, and "move all parties one step closer to creating the conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities."

@Algeria_MFA @SAMissionNY @MFA_China @Iran_UN @NicaraguaONU @CUBAONU @UNGuyana @sec_council @CIJ_ICJ @reneelevant #CeaseFireNow #LiftTheBlockade #SelfDeterminationNotOccupation #invokegenocideconvention #JusticeForPalestine
Feb 1 8 tweets 4 min read
‼️‼️Torture and Abuse Undeniable as some prisoners return
AN INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL ON CRIMES related to the occupied territories especially the 2023 War.

Horrifying scenes of released abductees, who have been subjected to torture after being kidnapped from Gaza by Israel's military

One of the abductees, who were released today by the Israelis, became unable to speak because of the severe torture to which he was subjected for weeks.Image 2/ 🧵 International Tribunal Occupied Territories

Q1: Wait, can there be such a thing?

The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) was established and conducted its proceedings while conflicts in the region were ongoing. The tribunal was created by the United Nations Security Council in 1993 to prosecute serious crimes committed during the Yugoslav Wars, even as hostilities continued in some areas. This tribunal represented a significant international effort to address impunity and enforce international humanitarian and international law during an active conflict.

Jan 29 4 tweets 3 min read
✅✅🧵 1/ The orders of the International Court of Justice cannot be implemented without a ceasefire in Gaza

Written by journalist Wissam Zaghbar
Director of the office of Al-Hurriya Magazine in the Gaza Strip and a member of the General Secretariat of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate

The Israeli occupation forces did not stop continuing their barbaric and brutal aggression and crimes of genocide, ethnic cleansing and transfer against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, despite orders issued by the International Court of Justice, which constituted an indirect accusation against Israel of committing the crime of genocide in Gaza.
Disappointment prevailed among the Palestinian people and dozens of countries and the complainants, namely the State of South Africa, after the issuance of the orders of the International Court of Justice, which did not obligate “Israel” to immediately stop its war and its barbaric and barbaric aggression against the Gaza Strip ✅✅🧵 2/ The orders of the International Court of Justice cannot be implemented without a ceasefire in by journalist Wissam Zaghbar

It is clear that although the decision related to temporary precautionary measures did not confirm that “Israel” committed the crime of genocide, it put “Israel” in the dock for the first time before the international community and the international microscope to monitor the Israeli crimes committed in the Gaza Strip, and also that the lawsuit submitted by the State of South Africa is on its way to proving that “Israel” later committed the crime of genocide.

According to observers, implementing the orders issued by the International Court of Justice requires a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. For example, the International Court of Justice called on “Israel” to take temporary precautionary measures to prevent any acts that incite genocide, and that “Israel” must commit to avoiding all Regarding killing, assault and destruction against the residents of Gaza.
Jan 28 7 tweets 5 min read

Oh boy , so the story of this “intelligence’ on the basis of which 12 Palestinians were fired from their jobs, & the US and its allies stopped funding to UNRWA—was shin-bet interrogations of individuals detained from the Gaza Strip. Which individuals that were detained? Remember the pictures of the men taken from the UNRWA shelter strip of their clothing on a long truck…blindfolded with their hands tied behind her back?


REMEMBER how Israel claimed they were a militants , but we were able to actually a number of them— a doctor, an artist, teacher, press etc.? And remember our concern about where they were being taken and how they would be treated ? And how this was not conveyed their families and no one was told?

Oh yeah…

A Zionist, pro-Israeli Israeli reporter inadvertently has made clear that interrogation of the shinbet - likely from the torture of these men is the source of information. More info in further postsImage 🧵. 2/ BREAKING. ‼️UNRWA: ABUSE OF CIVILIANS—-THE SOURCE OF “INTELLIGENCE “UNRWA STORY‼️

Well…. Here is what Quds News Network Reported ..

Axios reports that a senior Israeli official said the Shin Bet and Israeli military intelligence provided information, based on interrogations of alleged militants kidnapped from Gaza, that linked UNRWA staffers with Hamas' military operation on October 7.

Israeli media had previously said that most of those kidnapped by the IOF from Gaza are civilians, while several organizations documented the arrest of journalists, doctors, and civilians after accusing them of affiliation with the resistance.

Reports by several Human rights organizations, including HRW, had previously proved that both Israeli agencies are engaged in a systematic pattern of ill-treatment and torture when trying to extract from Palestinians confessions or information about third parties.
Jan 19 8 tweets 5 min read
🧵UNICEF STATEMENT ON RETURN FROM GAZA 1/18/24. Deputy Executive Director Ted Chaiban

1/7. I have just finished a three-day visit to the Gaza Strip, where I have been able to coordinate with local and international organizations about the emergency response and take stock of humanitarian operations since the last time I was in the Gaza Strip two months ago. But more than that, I was able to meet with children and their families suffering some of the most horrific conditions I have ever seen.

Since my last visit, the situation has gone from catastrophic to near collapse. UNICEF has described the Gaza Strip as the most dangerous place in the world to be a child. We have said this is a war on children. But these truths do not seem to be getting through. Of the nearly 25,000 people reported to have been killed in the Gaza Strip since the escalation in hostilities, up to 70 per cent are reported to be women and children. The killing of children must cease immediately. UNICEF STATEMENT ON RETURN FROM GAZA 1/18/24

2/ 7. On Tuesday, I met an 11-year-old girl called Sama at Al-Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis. She was skipping with friends when they were hit by shrapnel from a bombardment. The shrapnel sliced through Sama’s abdomen, forcing her into surgery to remove her spleen. She is recovering in hospital, isolated from everyone around her because she is now immunocompromised in a war zone full of disease and infection.

“10 minutes later I met 13-year-old Ibrahim. He was in a designated shelter with his family, in an area they were told was safe, when everything collapsed around them. Ibrahim’s hand was badly damaged and quickly became infected. Without medicine, gangrene took hold and he ultimately lost his arm during an amputation without anaesthetic. Ibrahim’s mother, Amani, who accompanied him to the south of the strip for life-saving treatment in Al-Nasser asked for help reaching her remaining six children and husband who had remained north of Gaza City. She has not heard from them in two months.

“A matter of hours after we left, many families fled Al-Nasser hospital as fighting closed in on the area.