Rep. Andy Barr Profile picture
KY-06 District Congressman & Member of House Foreign Affairs, Financial Services, and Select China Committees
Nov 2, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵: A group that refers to itself as “Kentucky for Palestine” has issued a call to action demanding that I, as a U.S. Representative in Congress, “stop funding the genocide in Gaza.” They also insist that I support a “complete ceasefire in Gaza so that innocent people do not continue to be massacred.” Let’s unpack all of this, and not mince words. My strong support for the State of Israel and its unqualified right to defend itself, and its sovereign territory, is not supporting genocide; it is preventing it. And a “ceasefire” now, after the unprovoked attack on innocent men, women and children by barbaric Hamas murderers, does not advance peace; it rewards terrorism. Specifically, I have four messages for the group calling itself “Kentucky for Palestine.”
Jan 21, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Thread (1/5) President Biden’s blitz of divisive unilateral executive actions yesterday directly conflict with his rhetoric about the need to unify the country. These executive orders and proposals — bypassing Congress to rejoin the flawed Paris Climate Accord, (2/5) ending the Keystone XL pipeline and other projects that help make America energy independent, opening our borders to terrorist threats and drug cartel caravans, canceling a commission to promote the teaching of traditional American history in schools,