Rep. Matt Gaetz Profile picture
Official X for Congressman Matt Gaetz. Proud conservative who is honored to serve the First District of Florida. 🇺🇸
Bagwon Pro American Profile picture Gina McBrayer Profile picture Elite_Dems_R_Anti-🇺🇸 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Profile picture GOLDENPATCHES Profile picture rene riveralaboy Profile picture 18 subscribed
Jul 29 6 tweets 3 min read
Woke ideology has infiltrated the military!

The Air Force has a 27-page guidebook produced by the 552nd Air Control Wing in Oklahoma that focuses on so-called “microaggressions” and approvingly cites a book by communist agitator Angela Davis. Image Under Kamala Harris, the Air Force tells people “that’s savage” is a microaggression.

I’m sorry, but I WANT a savage military to protect us from China! I will be calling on the Air Force to make clear if they agree with this radical document! Image
Jun 26 6 tweets 3 min read
Today, as I and other members have suggested, Chairman @RepLoudermilk filed a brief that supports Steve Bannon’s emergency motion in federal court.
Image Chairman Loudermilk is the right guy to file this, and he has help from Stephen Miller’s great @America1stLegal.

As the man who can speak for the whole House on these matters, Loudermilk has been investigating the illegal J6 Committee’s actions. Image
May 6 5 tweets 4 min read
More than 1,000 U.S. service members are functionally being held as HOSTAGES in Niger. They are being used as pawns in negotiations that have left America at the bended knee of third-world criminals and thugs! Today I’m filing Part II of my Interim Report “Unwelcome in Niger.”

Our troops aren’t getting food, fresh water, and critical medicine for serious conditions. Multiple active duty whistleblowers in Niger have confirmed this in my latest report.

A real President would direct C-130s to Niger TODAY with the water, medicine, and food our troops need with a full fighter pilot escort. If the government of Niger even tries to turn on their air defense systems, we should show those thugs what the target package looks like on THEIR houses and family members! READ "Part II Interim Report – “Unwelcome in Niger” HERE:…

Apr 18 8 tweets 9 min read
BREAKING - STATE DEPT COVERUP IN NIGER: A senior enlisted whistleblower stationed in Niger has EXPOSED a coverup by the State Department! He is sounding the alarm over the imminent danger our troops are facing as a result of the Biden administration’s suppression of intelligence.

Our troops in Niger have been pleading for help. They’ve sent intel reports stating that they rarely get safe water. There are no diplomatic overflights to receive medicine, fresh troop rotations, or even basic supplies.

The current government of Niger has called the U.S. presence in the country “illegal.” The deteriorating conditions may lead to another Benghazi-style attack.

Today I’m releasing “Unwelcome in Niger: An Interim Report by Congressman Matt Gaetz on the American Troop Crisis in Niger.” You’ll learn of the victims of this cover up: the 1,100 U.S. Troops who are currently stationed in Niger, functionally stranded by a Biden Administration which cares more about saving face than saving their lives.

I exclusively shared our investigative report with @BreitbartNews and explained how our inept Department of State’s suppression of information on the mission failure in Niger has now put our troops in harm:

“More than 1,000 U.S. troops are effectively being held 'hostage' in Niger with medical supplies running low — stuck between the military junta-controlled government’s demands for them to leave and the Biden administration’s refusal to let them go home after the end of their deployments, according to a report prepared by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and obtained exclusively by Breitbart News.”

Mar 21 6 tweets 6 min read
The #SwampOmnibus is full of insane earmarks that should be REJECTED.

For example, New Jersey Senators are asking for nearly HALF A MILLION in taxpayer dollars to fund a state organization that force-feeds the LGBT agenda in schools.

This group assists in finding gender mutilation surgeries for minors and harasses schools that prevent biological men from using women’s bathrooms, participating in women’s sports, and more.

These conversations belong in the home, not at school. This is sickening!

Massachusetts Senators want nearly ONE MILLION in taxpayer dollars to fund a leadership academy for a leftist political organization that explicitly caters to “non-white” women.

This organization also advocates for woke criminal justice reform, including the elimination of "use of force statutes/policies" for police.

Mar 5 5 tweets 3 min read
Our country desperately needs significant spending cuts to our bloated federal budget. Congress seems to have no interest or sense of urgency in doing so.

At a minimum, the federal government is set to spend over $95 MILLION taxpayer dollars on wasteful alternative energy earmarks in the FY24 Appropriations bills.

Here are some of the most egregious examples:Image Over $53 MILLION in wasteful spending for electric vehicle fleets, charging stations, and more under the appropriations bill for Transportation, Housing & Urban Development, and related agencies 👇Image
Jul 11, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Today I spoke in support of my amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) before the House Rules Committee. Here are some of the critical amendments I introduced:

1. Female service members are reporting record instances of biological men/transgenders using……
2. Bans the military from using taxpayer dollars to fund any and all gender mutilation surgeries.
Mar 29, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: General Mark Milley commits to ENDING drag queen story hour events on military bases after I presented evidence to him during today’s House Armed Service Committee hearing.

@SecDef Austin however denied that they were happening at all… @SecDef Here’s the evidence of drag show events I presented to General Mark Milley and SecDef Austin at today’s hearing:

"Joint Base Langley-Eustis hosts drag show at kid-friendly festival"

Mar 8, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
We must end the war in Syria and bring our troops home.

I do not believe what stands between a caliphate and not a caliphate are the 900 Americans who have been sent to this hellscape with no definition of victory, no clear objective, and purely existing as a vestige to the……
Oct 21, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The DOJ official that prosecuted Steve Bannon is a longtime Democrat activist. Matthew Graves was on the domestic policy committee for Biden’s 2020 campaign, he helped the Kerry campaign with VP vetting, and worked advance for Clinton’s re-election. (1/4) That’s important context for what is a clear political prosecution against Bannon. Bannon will be the first person to go to prison for contempt of Congress in 51 years. (2/4)
Mar 31, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
During this time of crippling inflation, high energy prices, and failed leadership from the White House, the powers that be are struggling for solutions. Unfortunately, (1/10) the latest purported solution on the House floor today not only ignores our most salient problems confronting the American public, it subscribes to the narrow Democrat dogma of socialist-adjacent, top-down economics. H.R. 6833, the Affordable Insulin Now Act, (2/10)
Mar 10, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The Government Spending legislation considered by Congress today makes virtually every problem created by the Biden Government worse. I’m not voting for it.

Printing trillions more for eternal government programs will worsen inflation, not solve it. (1/4) Funding a Department of Homeland Security that is handcuffed from securing the border is a cruel joke. A Department of Justice that targets parents at school board meetings should not be given additional authorities and resources. (2/4)
Mar 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Today I voted against the "American Energy Independence from Russia Act." While we should take steps to expand domestic production of energy by reauthorizing the Keystone XL Pipeline and allowing land-based drilling and fracking, this legislation contains a poison pill...(1/4) ...and actually helps Russia.

It would abolish the moratorium on new oil and gas drilling leases off Florida’s coast. It would harm Northwest Florida’s military mission. It would impair the research, development, (2/4)
Sep 23, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
NDAA WINS FOR NWFL: $395 Million authorized for military construction to @TeamEglin Air Force Base! #FY2022NDAA

@TeamEglin NDAA WINS FOR NWFL: $100 Million for the planning and design of an Air Force Weapons Technology Integration Center in Okaloosa County!

Apr 8, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: The Women of U.S. Congressman Matt Gaetz’s Office Speak Out in Defense of Rep. Gaetz

"After the shocking allegations last week in the press, we, the women of Congressman Matt Gaetz’s office, feel morally obligated to speak out. (1/7)… During Congressman Gaetz’s time in office, we have been behind the scenes every step of the way. We have staffed his meetings. We have planned his events. We have traveled with him. And we have tracked his schedule. (2/7)
Mar 4, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
For all their accusations about Republicans harming Democracy, House Democrats have jeopardized the legitimacy of every future U.S. election by passing H.R. 1.

It erodes the verification process in voting, literally banning state-enacted photo ID safeguards. (1/4) House Democrats apparently think voting is less worthy of identity protection than boarding aircraft or buying cigarettes. (2/4)
Dec 23, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
President @realDonaldTrump has done the right thing by vetoing the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

This bill, which I opposed on the House floor, is a slap in the face to the America First movement. (1/4) It greatly limits the President’s ability to remove troops from foreign lands, and to draw down endless, unconstitutional wars.

Additionally, it does nothing to reform Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. (2/4)
Dec 22, 2020 9 tweets 1 min read
Democrats quietly acknowledged the outlandish provisions in their omnibus legislation tonight by splitting their original legislation into two separate votes. (1/9) I voted “yes” on the half of the bill which funds our military and provides a pay raise for the brave men and women who serve America. (2/9)
Oct 15, 2020 25 tweets 6 min read
Twitter has censored @nypost, @JudiciaryGOP, @kayleighmcenany, and thousands of other users for sharing this damning story on Hunter Biden.

So I'm tweeting the entire story line by line in a thread below 👇

RT BEFORE IT'S DELETED! "Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad" via @nypost
Apr 17, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Members of Congress are not released from their constitutional responsibilities during national crises.

It is a dereliction of duty for Congress to be absent from DC, and unable to pass life-saving legislation, during this consequential time in our nation’s history. While President @realDonaldTrump remains in Washington, working tirelessly to protect the American people, @SpeakerPelosi has receded to her San Francisco mansion.

I agree with @POTUS: Congress should be back in Washington working alongside him to combat this pandemic.
Mar 11, 2019 10 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: Anti-Trump Democrats in Washington have egg on their face. They’re reacting inconsistently and frantically as the Mueller investigation winds down absent proof of collusion.

(Read full op-ed via @FoxNews here:…) Adam Schiff has promised for months that he “had the goods” showing “demonstrable evidence” of Trump’s collusion with Russia. It’s evidence we’ve never seen because it doesn’t exist.…