🌲 Mostly Peaceful Jawbone Enthusiast 🌲 Profile picture
Husband & father of 4. Blue-collar family man. Friendly neighborhood Christian Nationalist. Christian Nation gooder than transing kids.
Jan 14, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
Thread: The Vindication of The Unvaccinated Has Arrived.

For the unvaccinated, it is hard to imagine being more vindicated than we currently are. Everything dissenting qualified expert opinion warned could happen has happened. The vaccine was not effective, it was not safe, there were no end of boosters, it escaped from a lab, bioweapon that we funded, on and on.

The goal posts repeatedly moved, the narrative repeatedly re-crafted, and yet now finally the dam is breaking.
Dec 6, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read

One of the reasons multi-culturalism worked to a degree in America is because of the influence of cultural Christianity.

If Christ truly has taken the dividing wall down then there truly is now no more Jew or Greek but all are one in Christ. Christ is the way to a true, authentic, multi-culturalism.

America had a church that could actually model that for her, and the culture followed.
Nov 26, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
When the dust is settled over the Achord saga, whatever the end, an irreversible fracture will remain.

What you are watching play out is a power struggle for control of conservative protestant intelligentsia.

Two clear and irreconcilable factions will emerge from this. One faction is genuine men doing genuine work (Wolfe, Wilson).

They are the faction that must be destroyed, because the other faction are the regime-friendly controlled-op.

That faction must function as gatekeeper on behalf of the regime, thus they must destroy the other.
Nov 4, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read

I firmly believe what we are seeing with the divide over Christian Nationalism is another fault line, & God is using MAGA country, who would be sympathetic to a Christian order, to provoke backsliding & apostate nominal Christians wed to this present evil age to jealousy. In Romans 11 Paul shows that unbelieving Jews were "broken off" from the covenant people, analogous to a tree, and believing Gentiles we're grafted in.

But don't miss this. Gentiles we're grafted in to provoke unbelieving Jews to jealousy v14, so that some believe.
Nov 4, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read

CN is not a utopian vision, quite the opposite, and this is one of the major ways Christian political theology differs from secular pol philosophies.

We still live with the ever-present consequences of the fall, and thus evil will manifest itself. Thus, when evil manifests itself in a way that it is a detriment to the public good it is the jurisdiction of the State to punish and suppress it.

This is precisely the thing that our current secular administration state increasingly cannot do, and it shows.
Nov 3, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read

The ruling class can be more credentialed, more accomplished, more wealthy, more intelligent, and more reputable than you but your formidability against them in debate is directly linked to the extent to which they have sinned against what they know to be true. The natural law consequence of corruption is always weakness.

The more corrupt an institution is, the weaker it is.

Corruption offers a temporary advantage in exchange for a permanent weakening.

Men, and their institutions, always reap what they sow.
Oct 31, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
It saddens me to think good pastors will read this article and be unnecessarily hardened against CN by poor arguments & thinking. If you might be one of those, let me encourage you to follow @tlloydcline, @William_E_Wolfe, @PerfInjust & the @AmReformer.
9marks.org/article/christ… This is what bothers me the most about @9Marks. If they would truly stay in their lane and just deal with ecclesiology, that would be far better than their foray into politics, often by platforming future woke figures with a coddle left/punch right disposition.
Oct 31, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read

I'm sure others will have more formal responses to @JonathanLeeman's contribution here to the CN discussion, but I'd like to get the ball rolling.

Jonathan's article is premised on an influence vs identity distinction. The latter being rightly named CN, the former not. The first thing that becomes apparent out the gate is that this distinction does not seem to keep him from making some of the same misrepresentations we have been fielding from opposition.

I have asked him for examples.

Aug 21, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Aforementioned Thread:

I thought I'd provide an example of why Moscow Presbys and RW dissident Baptists are more invested in maintaining good relations then either realize in the midst of an emotionally-charged rhetorical dustup. A while back, in one of a number of private conversations I had with @William_E_Wolfe on the topic of Christian Nationalism, I had passed along this blog and mablog Doug Wilson had produced entitled "Mere Christendom."

Imo, one of his most profound...

Aug 20, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read

I want to clear the air.

The point of my meme's targeting @CrossPolitic isn't to tarnish their brand or encourage people to drop them.

Don't be reactionary.

They're doing some heavy lifting folks. The point is to fight for a reformed-evangelical catholicity.

Something that CP is showing a pattern of undermining with their shock-jock approach to fraternal debates.

Going further than just "hard words."
Aug 19, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read

The growing RW Reformed-Evangelical coalition is experiencing a growing pain.

Which is exposing a weakness.

We are a coalition afterall, so we will not all be agreed on all things.

How we navigate that reality is crucial for the coalition's sustainability. The weakness isn't in our differences but rather in our posturing, or inability to pivot and change gears with our rhetoric.

This presents itself as an unwillingness to back down, to admit fault, to say "I shouldn't have said that."

There's a couple reasons for this...
Jun 28, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
Thread: Ask The Right Question!

*The Right Question*

Why, when they have had many opportunities to do so, has the Democrat party chosen to not pursue a constitutional amendment for abortion?

Now let's answer the question... In the eyes of the leftwing intelligentsia, abortion, as monumental of an issue as it is to the rest of us, is *not* the issue at all.

It's a proxy war.

What they're really after is the constitution.

The real prize is law by fiat over representative government.
Jun 27, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Thread: Enchantment

The left moved their agenda through the courts and brought the public along through story-telling/enchantment.

They never won an argument. They didn't have to. Through positive and sympathetic depiction in art, they captured hearts, and the mind followed. As the bitter fruit of irrational, natural-law defying, wickedness begins to be felt by the public,, and repealed in the courts, the left is losing because they never really developed arguments beyond superficial and disengenious talking points.
Jun 27, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Oh wow! TGC has been busy folks... Image Agent Joe Carter is leading the way! Image
Jun 26, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Thread: It's Getting Real

It's one thing to, as a Christian, take the contrary view to Christian Nationalism in theory, when we are talking about something nobody thought was anywhere close to the realm of possibility. It is quite another to be looking at the real potential for a Christian nation and saying, "Nope, I'd rather stick it out with the liberals" even after getting a foretaste of the madness and judgement to come.
Jun 22, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Thread: An Autopsy of Liberalism...

Liberalism's achilles heel is that it must accommodate evil rather than punish it, and evil, once established, has no intentions of returning the favor. It's not even that evil, once established, won't tolerate or accomodate the good.

It's that evil also will not tolerate liberalism.

You will reject idealistic pluralism at the onset or you will come to reject it under the boot of totalitarianism.
Jun 21, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Thread: The Changing Of The Guard

We are living through a strange phenomena due to evangelicalism's determination to follow (instead of lead) the culture, the result of which is a culture that is reforming and an evangelical establishment that isn't. Image This disconnect is reinforced due to the evangelical establishment largely living in the urban, academic, corporate bubble the left currently occupies.

Where politics and leverage determine what people say and do, who gets promoted, and who gets cancelled.
Jun 7, 2022 26 tweets 5 min read
Thread: On Pride Month

One of the things we are told to celebrate about sexual perversion is that it no longer has to be "in the closet."

"In the closet" is a euphemism for "publicly suppressed."

Let's skip LGBTQ stuff for now.

Let's talk about if public suppression is bad. The first thing to note, as a side, is that public suppression is always happening.

It's why we have cancel culture.

So it's not *whether* we will publicly suppress expression.

It's *which* expression will be suppressed.

Not whether, but which.

That's important to remember.
Jun 6, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read

Since the SBC is a cooperation, and we clearly aren't cooperating very well, because we clearly do not all want the same things or have the same goals, it would seem wise that if we do begin to see another conservative resurgence that a managed split is negotiated. Since the SBC is a cooperation and not a hierarchal denomination, the only thing we are really fighting over are the institutions, the messaging, and the money.

Certainly going our separate ways would be better no?
Jun 5, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read

I genuinely think Paul Washer's "Shocking Youth Message" started a genuine reformation, was partly co-opted by the YRR for the purpose of steering youth toward neo-marxism, and 20 years later we are seeing two tribes emerge from it.

Reformers and Revolutionists. In that sermon Washer says a lot of profound things.

He's a perfect system shock to those in a spiritual slumber.

One of those things that I think is most profound was him saying...

"You do not make Jesus LORD, he *is* LORD."

Reformers never lost this perspective.
Jun 4, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read

White boy summer memes are a wholesome way of fight hate against the most hated people group in America.

The fact that, even among some conservatives, they are found offensive shows how much the tilted scale of identity politics still frames matters of race. What is wrong with telling white boys they have a place and value?

That they don't have to embrace the guilt and self-loathing society demands of them?

To enjoy their summer? Work hard, play hard, invest in family, and go to church?

As their ancestors did before them.