FPL Reuser Profile picture
Thinks too much about FPL. Three consecutive Top 10k finishes and one Top 25k finish in last five seasons. Career high OR - 30 Best finish OR - 1874
Jan 31, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
A VERY SPECIFIC WILDCARD (self- indulgent thread)

Thanks for all the lively conversation this week - sharing my wildcard team. 11 changes made.

It's a wc built with a very specific purpose in mind - an alternative chip strategy.

Bench Boost gw29
Navigate gw31

1/n Whilst I don't like to pencil-in too many transfers in advance, I plan to stick to the following whether possible:

GW26 - Roll FT
GW27 - Aguero to Jiménez
GW28 - Grealish and Woods to H Barnes and Vardy
GW29 - BB and roll FT.
GW30-31 - Bring in gw31 players

Jul 22, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read

Shots are great. They sometimes lead to goals. ⚽️

But which players averaged the best scoring opportunities (xG per shot) over the 18/19 season - excluding penalties?

Minimum 30 shots taken.
Opta data model.

(1/8) Average xG per shot isn't necessarily a measure of who is best FPL-wise.

Other factors to consider are finishing skill and volume of shots taken - but what is does show us is which players tend to get good chances on a regular basis. Across which playing positions.

Jul 18, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read

When valuing players, set-piece duties are rightly seen as a desirable "added extra". An opportunity for additional goals and assists throughout the season.

But how much value do freekicks and corners actually add?

(1/7) The answer very much depends on the player (and their team-mates), but an analysis across all players indicates that only 9 players gained 15 or more points across the season due to free-kicks and corners (not accounting for bonus points awarded).

Jul 16, 2019 9 tweets 4 min read
A FOLLOW-ON THREAD - Expected Goals on Target (xGOT) revisited.

Many thanks for all your comments and feedback regarding my original thread on xGOT. It was great to share something that was new to me and hopefully might prove useful to us all.

(1/n) On the suggestion of @ahopcroft13, I have re-run the analysis with a focus on a particular type of player - those whose shots tend to be in (or around) the pen area.

In addition, realising that xGOT data was available from 17/18, the sample was extended to both seasons.

Jul 13, 2019 19 tweets 5 min read
A (LONG) STATS THREAD - Expected Goals on Target (xGOT)

Those of a nervous disposition when it comes to expected stats should probably look away now. 😬

I'm going to discuss a concept that is new to me - xGOT. And how it might help FPL managers.

(1/15) Jokes about Game of Thrones and "Swords and Shields" aside, xGOT stands for "expected goals on target".

Whilst xG looks at the quality of a chance, xGOT looks at the quality of the actual shot. Is the shot high quality (in the corner of the goal) or low (centre of goal)?

Jul 9, 2019 19 tweets 2 min read
A THREAD - Minutes per Expected Goal Involvement (18/19)

Top 5 players - Club-by-Club

- Excludes players who have since left the Premier League
- Excludes players who played under 1000 minutes
- Promoted team not included
- Based on Opta model ARSENAL

Aubameyang 102.5 mins per xGI
Lacazette 162.6
Mkhitaryan 174.9
Iwobi 218.4
Ozil 259.1

(Ramsey excluded)