Possum Reviews Profile picture
I'm a possum and I find garbage.
2 subscribers
Feb 24 12 tweets 3 min read
• Postmodern "deconstruction" of a genre that thinks it's more clever than it really is.
• Everything is ironic because they're afraid attempts at sincerity will be seen as cheesy.
• Bathos (when something serious happens but the drama is immediately undercut by a joke). • Fucked up moral lessons such as portraying selfishness as good.
• Aversion to heteronormative romance.
• Unlikable "strong female character" who talks down to everyone.
• Fetishism masquerading as progressivism.
• Villain is a thinly veiled stand-in for the writer's dad.
Sep 18, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read
A good character design is one you can look at and instantly know what they're all about without having to be told.

Would you have guessed that the character on the right is meant to be a healer?

I'm gonna look at the characters from Concord and see what I can guess about them.Image
Keep in mind, I don't know anything about Concord's story or characters, so I'm trying to figure out what these characters are based purely on how they're designed. Tell me if I'm right.

Here we have some kind of lady in a hazmat suit holding a grenade launcher. Maybe she shoots poison gas. Perhaps she works as some kind of space bug exterminator.

In terms of gameplay, I'm gonna assume she's a support class who sets traps or uses area-of-effect weapons to deny the enemy team access to locations.Image
May 3, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
"WhEn YoU aDjUsT fOr InFlAtIoN, gAmEs ArE aCtUaLlY cHeApEr Now!"

THEY NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN OVER $50 IN THE FIRST PLACE. "You don't understand! Games are so much more expensive to make now! See, we just have to have celebrity voice actors and Hollywood level visuals! We just can't turn a profit unless we sell you half a game for $70 and make you buy the rest as DLC, on top of microtransactions!"
Jan 30, 2024 18 tweets 7 min read
I just watched the Hazbin Hotel pilot. I had seen it before, but I couldn't remember it.

I hate the art style. Almost every character design is like some kind of edgy DeviantArt OC. Most of them are overdesigned and make no sense. Image Why does the Radio Demon have fox ears? He has no other animal features, and it makes me wonder if the only reason he has them is to make his silhouette more distinct. Aside from him carrying around a staff with a microphone, nothing about his design reflects his radio motif. Image
Dec 17, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I keep telling you, the cyberpunk dystopia you're gonna get isn't gonna be Blade Runner.

It's gonna be Her.Image This isn't a joke. There's a loneliness epidemic that's getting worse every year, and even though it's probably being caused by technology, we will become increasingly dependent on technology to cope with loneliness, to the point that entire industries will spring up around it.
Nov 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
"We're not allowing ad blockers on YouTube anymore. Disable your ad blocker or you can't watch anything."


[Clicks on video. Waits for two pre-roll ads.]


[Mid-sentence ad break.]


[Another ad break.] If a YouTuber doesn't specify their own ad breaks in a video, YouTube will just put ads on their video, whether or not the uploader wants them there, and they will just put them at random spots in the video, even less than 90 seconds apart.
Nov 14, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
"Well, people of Narnia, it's been fun, but we need to give up our royalty and go back to the human world for no fucking reason where we have to pay taxes and ride the subway."
"Wow, Peter. I sure am glad that we gave up being the kings and queens of a magical kingdom to come back here." Image
Jul 15, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I explained why this shit happens in my review of Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.

It ain't for artistic reasons. The reason they use CGI for things that don't need to be CGI is so they can change them at any point in post production when executives inevitably demand changes based on market research or the censorship laws of other countries.
Jun 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
It's kind of astonishing how grown adults don't understand that if a movie costs $300,000,000 to produce, it making $300,000,001 at the box office doesn't make it a success. By the way, The Little Mermaid still hasn't broken even, and The Flash is tanking.
Apr 23, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Why sacrifice for a career to get a house and family when that can all be taken from you in a divorce?

Why do the dirty and dangerous jobs if they won't get you respect from women?

Why join the military and risk your life for a civilization that says you're worthless and evil? An entire generation of men has grown up being told women can do anything they can do but better, and that neither women nor society in general need them, and they are the cause of all of society's problems.

Why should they contribute to a society that hates them?
Apr 3, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
How did the Fire Nation take over the world when Earthbenders exist? I would Earthbend the minerals in a motherfucker's bones. I'll waterbend the fluid in your intervertebral disks and stretch you like the fucking Godskin Apostle.
Sep 11, 2022 17 tweets 5 min read
I started watching the "live action" Pinocchio remake which isn't really live action because it's 99% CGI.

I'm about 36 minutes in and so far the whole thing has been carried by Tom Hanks. In fact, he's practically the only thing we see for the first fifteen minutes. Disney decided to make this movie nearly two hours long for some reason, so the scene with the Blue Fairy is needlessly stretched out. In the original, the Blue Fairy scene goes on for three minutes. In this one, it's about double that.
Sep 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Sometimes, I see things that are popular but are so bad that I can't imagine how anyone likes them, and then I wonder how many people who claim to be fans of that thing genuinely like it or just pretend to for social reasons. I know a lot of "Top 50" charts are full of songs that were paid to be put on there by record companies, and some of those songs are so bad and so interchangeable that I have to assume at least some of the people who listen to them only do so because they feel socially pressured.
Sep 7, 2022 22 tweets 4 min read
"I don't care about plot holes. If the plot was strictly logical and characters behaved consistently with their characterization and motivations, it would be boring. I think it's more important for a story to be emotionally satisfying than to make sen—" First of all, no one has ever complained about a story making too much sense.

Second, there's no reason a story can't be both logically satisfying and emotionally satisfying at the same time. Actually, I would argue that logic is necessary for an emotional payoff.
Aug 12, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Here's my horrifying theory:

We don't see any alien civilizations because there's a narrow window of time when a civilization has the ability to colonize other planets before technology-related societal, economic, and environmental problems compound and make it impossible. Right now, the window is closing for humanity. We won't be able to spare the effort it takes to explore space once we're too busy trying to survive the in the disease-ridden, poverty-stricken, polluted, pleasure-obsessed, tribalistic mouse utopia we're creating for ourselves.
Aug 6, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
I don't know why "Mary Sue" is trending, but I guess now would be a good time to explain what a Mary Sue actually is.

A Mary Sue is not an overpowered character. It's an overly idealized character; an "author's pet" if you will. A Mary Sue is often the author's subjective idea of a perfect person. Whatever flaws they have are not real flaws, such as being "too kind" or "too beautiful". Since they are already perfect, they have no room for character growth, which makes them boring to the reader.
Jun 28, 2022 44 tweets 11 min read
I started watching Turning Red.

I'm fifteen minutes in and every character is horribly obnoxious. I hate energy of this movie. It's like Scott Pilgrim on crack. Everything is heightened as if designed to be as annoying as possible, especially the scene where the mom embarrasses her in front of the boy she likes, which is so over-the-top that I thought it was a dream sequence.
Jun 19, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
Developed countries have higher suicide rates than the developing world (with some exceptions) because 1) poorer countries tend to be more religious, and religious people in general are less prone to depression, and 2) technology has had a negative affect on our mental health. Not only does electronic news and social media expose us to depressing news about the state of the world, but now we have quick and easy access to dopamine rushes thanks to the online entertainment and social media, so now everyone wastes time and feels unaccomplished.
Jun 17, 2022 48 tweets 13 min read
I just saw Pixar's Lightyear.

Some dumbass who bought a $20 refillable popcorn tub just left it there, along with their garbage so an employee had to clean it up. Anyway, Lightyear was okay. My sister didn't like it.

One minor thing that bothered me was Buzz Lightyear— a trained Space Ranger— needed time dilation explained to him. I understand that was for the sake of the audience, but they probably could have written it differently.
Jun 10, 2022 39 tweets 10 min read
I just saw Jurassic World: Dominion.

It was better than the last one, but that one was like a Syfy Channel original movie with a bigger budget, so that's a low bar. Image Blue is barely in the movie, so if you have some emotional attachment to that character for some reason, you'll be disappointed to find out she's only in a handful of scenes at the beginning and end.

Replacing her for most of the movie is her son, Beta. Image
Jun 2, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
"This verdict is a setback for survivors of domestic abuse and violence."

How? The victim in this case, Johnny Depp, got justice against his abuser, Amber Heard. You should be celebrating this.

Unless, of course, you view this through the lens of "men = bad, women = victims". "I was hitting you... you're such a baby."