Rex Valachorum Profile picture
Naturalized American, survived 26 years of failed socialism in Romania. Always eager to learn about "what real socialism is" from American Gen Z college kids :)
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Aug 28, 2024 23 tweets 16 min read
🧵A Wonderful Socialist Life- Part 5 "Planned Economy"
Since I have lots of new followers who didn't read the threads on socialism I posted before the Great Twitter Purge, I am re-posting one of my articles (revised and extended) so they can be familiarized with my writings.-->Image Why socialist economies always fail
In socialist economies the lack of competition and government regulated prices inevitably lead to stalling in technological advancements and product innovation.
In every societal and economic aspect socialism always was and continue to be about quantity, not quality. A couple of examples: in socialist Romania, the Party leadership wasn't interested about the quality of a manufactured product or how was the product going to perform against similar products made by other competitors.
Jul 28, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Yes, I agree. I came to the US in 1998 and I can attest racial tensions and division only flared up again the year Obama set foot in the White House. The most ironic thing is, a majority of whites voted for him, but not for the right reasons one should vote for a President. Some voted for Obama to make up for the racial wrongs of the past. Others voted for him because he was young and charismatic. None of them were dissuaded by the fact that he had a Marxist upbringing starting from childhood, and all the way until he was proposed to run for Senate.
Jul 14, 2024 19 tweets 4 min read
Patriots: the unhinged radical left attempted yesterday to kill President Trump. They hate you, they hate all of us, just as much as they hate Trump. They want him dead, they want us dead. Want proof? Read their social media accounts. They don't even hide their intentions. Image Within minutes of the images of the assassination attempt taking place bring broadcasted, many of them expressed their regret it failed. Within hours, mainstream media talking heads blamed Trump "heated rhetoric" as the motive that pushed the would be assassin over the ledge.
Jul 2, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
After much research and painstaking detective work, I compiled a list of horrific things fascist Trump and his MAGA people will do to end democracy in America: If Trump his MAGA people (I will abbreviate TMAGAP) will win the 2024 election, they will send FBI agents to go to school board meetings and keep an eye on all atheist people who express their displeasure with teaching of religion in schools.
Apr 7, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
🧵Most Paleosimians still seem to be incapable to understand the simple concept of cause and effect we in the West refer to as FAFO.
All Israelis wanted was to be left alone and live in peace. That's why they ceded Gaza in 2005 and left the Paleosimians self govern themselves. 21 Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip were unilaterally dismantled and thousands of Israeli citizens and the IDF evacuated from inside the Gaza Strip. Those who refused to accept to voluntarily vacate their homes prior to the August 15, 2005, deadline were forcefully evicted.
Jan 14, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
I love Trump, I believe he did a terrific job as president but man...his hiring skills suck bad. Like really, really bad. And please stop with apologies like "he didn't know those people were pushed up on his hiring list by the Deep State". So OK, he didn't know about the first bad hire being a Deep State plant, or the second, or third, but almost every single one of them? Watch the video above and tell me how this man wasn't duped again and again by the same people who he trusted in making his hiring decisions.
Nov 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
@K12ssdb In 1948 Romanian communists took peoples guns. Then they started arresting and sending those who opposed them to gulags. My grandfather was one of those imprisoned. 6 years is a forced labor camp.
You are literally insane if you believe people will willingly give up their arms. @K12ssdb So what are you going to do if we say no? Are you personally going to knock on tens of millions of American home doors and try to get their guns? Or do you think the cops and the Feds will do it for you?
Perhaps they will try, at least in the beginning.
Apr 12, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
This thread is for all the Democrats who believe America would be better if we would replace the Republic form of governance with a direct democracy.
Here are the thoughts of Petre Tutea - the Romanian philosopher, anti-communist political prisoner about direct democracy: "Democracy should not be talked about in such a glowing way. I rely on two classical thinkers, Plato and Aristotle. Plato argues that there are three degenerate forms of government: tyranny, oligarchy, and democracy .
Apr 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Dumb a a bag of hammers leftist journo tries to smear the brightest, most visionary man & entrepreneur of the 21st Century: what did the silly journo thought was going to happen, other than he was going to be clubbed like a baby seal?
😆 @RexValachorum “Many people are saying”
Apr 12, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
I'm so old, I can recall what happened to children in my native country Romania when the State decided it had more rights over their lives than their own parents.
Remember how the lives of the powerful couple who liked to be called "the mother and father of the nation" ended?

@RexValachorum Yep. Thankful we got out of Transylvania in 1910 (officially emigrated via the port of Fiume in 1912). Impeccable timing. Missed holodomor and all the other fun stuff during the near century of socialist rule.
Apr 11, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Another shameful historical truth for the Demsheviks besides the creation of the Klan: FDR tried to rob the American people of their privately held gold.… @HungarianFalcon The new Demshevik Party icon. Used to be Kennedy, but Kennedy was too patriotic and didn't hated guns.
Did you know FDR's wife first counsel of which advice FDR was listening all the time was a Soviet spy and influence agent? Read Venonat Secrets
Apr 10, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I actually support her decision not to reproduce. That's a good thing.
The problem is she'll find a way to mess up other people's children, like becoming a teacher or a social worker. @RexValachorum And this is why men are marrying less and having less children. This is the breeding stock. I’m glad I’m not in my 20’s.
Apr 9, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
2.8 billion Christians around the world celebrate Easter today.
Google: @RexValachorum Amazing.

They're such schmucks. They'll highlight some Latinx trans chemist who writes poetry, but Savior of the world? "Oh, was that today? "
Apr 9, 2023 10 tweets 1 min read
🧵 Range day
AR15 22LR conversion supressed Yugo SKS
Apr 9, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
@OfficialSPGB @J3ffMiller @realchrisrufo I'll thoroughly enjoy the look on your faces when communists will put you against the wall in front of the firing squad, and when you'll start begging for your lives wailing "This isn't the real communism", the comrade commander will tell you "This is exactly what communism is!" @OfficialSPGB @J3ffMiller @realchrisrufo "State capitalism" WTF is that, 🤡 LOL!
Alright, alright, I got it...people in 50 different countries around the world tried communism and failed because they were stupid. And 150 million died. But you are smarter than all of them and know how to do communism right, isn't it?
Mar 26, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
🧵Jan 6 was a well-planned, choreographed and precisely executed coup against Trump and his supporters. We now have video evidence that 4 different organizations acted in concert to entrap peaceful protesters by luring them into the Capitol. Each organization had a specific role to play:
1. The FBI had agents and informers like Ray Epps wearing MAGA hats and insignia. Epps and other agents were caught on video removing barriers themselves and inciting people to breach into the Capitol grounds.…
Mar 19, 2023 32 tweets 7 min read
🧵The arrest of Donald Trump ordered by the leaders of the Demshevik Party and executed by their FBI and NY DA lapdogs isn't the first time in history when communists overthrow a wildly popular Party leader through falsified elections, then had him arrested, jailed and murdered. 1947 Romania: a communist Court sentences Iuliu Maniu the 71-year-old President of the National Peasant Party to life in prison.
Born in Austro-Hungarian occupied Transylvania, he was the architect of the 1918 unification with the Romanian Kingdom, forming the Greater Romania.
Mar 5, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
🧵It's mind boggling how today Western armchair communists (including the writer of this article and his colleagues who are running @Jacobin), still didn't learned anything from the lessons of the past. Say what you want about Stalin but he wasn't a fool. He realized that a bunch of idealistic, young Western communist refugees once arrived in the USSR will soon understand the myth of the Soviet workers paradise was bunk and communist rule was based on terror and murder.
Mar 4, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
Prof @AsatarBair is right: as a former happy citizen of a socialist country, I can bear witness that once the landlords are eliminated and land and agriculture are collectivized,there is plenty of cheap food produced and distributed. Take a look below:
How food stuff inside a a tipical "Alimentara" (that's how we called grocery stores) was arranged on the shelves: the glass jars and cans you see spread on all shelves contained two items: green beans and tomato paste. There was nothing else edible inside the store.
Feb 26, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
You have a kid attending public school. He's in the 5th grade and for a long time, years maybe, he often came back home with a bloody nose, his lunch money taken and a blackened eye. Your kid and other less athletic kids like him are the favorite targets of the school bully - a 6'4", 280lb, 7th grader named Ivan. The bully has uncontrollable violent tendencies; he believes he has the right to terrorize, beat and rob every kid in school that is weaker than him
Feb 25, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Communist prof: "reactionaries bad because they support free speech but not for communists like me."

Also Communist prof: "Stalin had to eliminate reactionaries because their speech & ideas were threats to the Soviet revolution. But that was OK because of the greater good". You see, in more than a couple of countries communists came to power by using tools of democracy like free speech, free press and free elections. But every time after succeeding taking over a country, the first thing they did was to eliminate the very tools they used to win.