Richard D. Bartlett Profile picture
vibes mechanic, goosebumps researcher, breadcrumb dropper
Vivien Leung Profile picture Potato Of Reason Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jun 10 9 tweets 2 min read
I was called in to mediate a conflict today, made me think how crucial & high-leverge this skill is. I wonder how many people would know how to do it?

I’m not a v sophisticated mediator but I’ll share my mental model here in case it is useful... when two parties have escalating tension, when a lack of trust or shared understanding means that they’re exceeding their relationship’s capacity for divergence, thats the time to bring in a 3rd party mediator
Aug 12, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
ok not to sound dramatic but I used to be kinda dumb and now I'm smarter than like 80% of people and I know when & how it happened & I think the same method would work for most people for me it happened during the Occupy Movement. specifically, participating in lengthy deliberation, with skin in the game, for days on end
Jun 28, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
"I never would have believed how quickly you can develop trust & belonging with a group of strangers" — we routinely get this feedback at the end of a 2-3hr workshop

I wanna explain how we do it... people are lonely because they lack the social context that invites meaningful connections, NOT because the "right people" are so hard to find
Jun 22, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
for the misfits & awkward freaks who never fit in back home, twitter is the biggest city in the world to move to, find anonymity and, free from the judgement of unloving peers, creative self expression, and eventually, companionship, love, family & self acceptance this is why the discourse around vibecamp & the other meetups we organise in this part of twitter can feel so high stakes: for a significant fraction of participants these gatherings represent a rare chance to experience a real homecoming, sometimes for the first time
Jun 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I want to design a game to visualise status in a group

maybe use "how many people here know your name" as a heuristic break a group into random pairs, you each get 1 point if you know each other's name. you get 2 points if you don't know their name but they know yours

randomise and take 5 pairwise samples like this
Jun 15, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
maybe you're lonely because you're fundamentally broken or maybe it's because we spent the last 70 years dismantling social structures that took centuries to develop and we haven't replaced them with anything yet here, have a mass produced microtargeted identity, here's 100,000 people with the exact same values, beliefs, triggers and psychological baggage as you. yummy yummy why don't you enjoy this cozy monocrop community why are you still feeling isolated??
Apr 19, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read
I had a heckin big insight this morning

it's too raw to be able to write about well but I wanna hack out a rough thread while it's still fresh I had a rough couple days, stuck, caught in a loop of feeling bad about a thing, dissociating, feeling bad, dissociating, not getting anywhere
Apr 2, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
there was a woodpecker outside as I was waking up this morning. until a couple of years ago woodpeckers were mythical creatures to me. it was such a treat to finally meet one in the flesh. I feel like a little kid when I encounter a new animal in the wild: fox, squirrel, falcon the woodpecker goes prtrtrtrtrt in a perfect machine burst of quick taps. cld be a drummer playing blast beats. I can't capture the sound in text. perfectly regular, rapid, a sonic ellipsis with about 7 taps. like a carpenter driving a nail, but sped up so it takes half a second
Apr 1, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
here's some half finished thoughts about agency as an endlessly accumulating feedback loop and what that means for leadership and spooky action at a distance... when I create a "high agency opportunity" eg an event where all participants create the agenda, it's obvious that people arrive with more or less agency

give someone a lot of freedom, and their immaturity or learned helplessness may cause them to flail around aimlessly
Mar 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I got up early this morning, the sun obscured by light cloud making the mountain range a monochrome silhouette. as I sat and watched, the sunburned off the clouds and 1, 2, 3 distinct mountains emerged into three dimensions with intense colour saturation and contrast water vapour collected over each summit into 3 lenticular clouds, an echo of the wet sea air meeting the mountain currents. the lens clouds merged into a single rug, pushed and pulled in and out of valleys. all this movement as quick as a human getting ready for the day
Mar 1, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
if you're thinking about AI apocalypse & unsure how to manage the emotional/psychological impact of contemplating existential risk, there are numerous ecologists & activists who've developed good strategies over decades

examples in thread The Work That Reconnects from Joanna Macy

ritual practices to face apocalyptic crisis, work thru the hard feelings, and come out with a commitment to action
Feb 17, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
I want to share what happens in the conversations I have with the ppl I'm coaching (without breaking confidentiality) so I'm going to assemble a thread to document some of the themes that come up

if yr a collaborative leader who needs a thinking partner, check the link in my bio 1st thing: space to reflect

I work with ppl who're usually running at the limit of their capacity

can't really learn while you're in fight or flight. so the coaching conversation is a space to breath a little deeper, step back & see more clearly, make better choices on purpose
Feb 16, 2023 8 tweets 1 min read
good writing is clear, persuasive, entertaining

great writing is disturbing, ambiguous, disorienting good writing lays out a sequence of ideas in a straight line, everything neatly packaged and delivered on time

great writing kicks the loose jenga blocks out the bottom of the stack of stories you've been telling yourself for years
Feb 16, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
years ago my friend told me about Ring Theory, it helped me to be better at taking care of people in crisis

I've never heard it discussed since then, so I'll write up my understanding here bc I think it could be useful person X is in distress. they're in the inner circle, surrounded by concentric rings of people. first ring could be their spouse. second ring, siblings or close friends. third ring, acquaintances, friends of friends etc
Feb 15, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
we are living sensors equipped to feel the evolution of life directly, without cognitive intervention. the instinct to reproduce is well understood. but evolution is not just happening in the material plane, life is growing through culture & ideas too extending Eigen's theory: you will feel dead inside if you're not spending time with novel ideas that promise new life

Dec 22, 2022 24 tweets 5 min read
imagine any group experience is a simple game. you earn points if someone in the group:

- knows your name
- looks at you
- speaks to you personally
- is closer to you than the average interpersonal distance
- physically orients towards you

1/x go into any room and play this game, keep a rough tally of who gets points

most groups have 1, 2, or 3 people who get many more than anyone else
Dec 14, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
holy shit I just learned in the Haudenosaunee Confederacy the clans cut across nations, so everyone has dual loyalty. genius!

eg wolf clan member of the Mohawk and a wolf clan member of the Seneca nation are considered relatives, shouldn't marry, have mutual responsibilities
Dec 14, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
by today's standards I grew up with an extreme level of social capital. our household finances were close to poverty line at times but we were held in a social fabric that was v generous, flexible, resourceful

time for a thread on the economics of community life... the whole of my political mission: every kid should have 30+ aunties & uncles

that's what I grew up with, an abundance of families that would take care of me when my parents couldn't
Dec 9, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
I think I'm seeing a pattern in people's emotional responses to climate change

there's at least 4 stages, as agency increases & hopelessness recedes stage 1: denial, avoidance, numbing, joking... I don't want to think about it bc if I did it would probably be depressing bc we're probably fucked and there's nothing I can do about it anyway so get out of the way I'm trying to watch the footy mate
Dec 9, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
hello good afternoon have you gotten the bread yet oh no hearing reports from dear friends they went to get the bread but it had already been gotten 😢
Dec 8, 2022 11 tweets 1 min read
reasons to feel overwhelmed by climate change

you don't know what piece of the puzzle is yours to work on so you're trying to eat it all at once and you're choking