Richard Ngo Profile picture
studying AI and trust. ex @openai/@googledeepmind, now thinking in public.
6 subscribers
Jan 9 4 tweets 1 min read
Men and women are so psychologically different it's kinda weird that they WEREN'T very ideologically polarized until recently.

What changed? One hypothesis: dating forces you to compromise. But maybe political identities are now so strong that people prioritize them over dating. Another way of putting it: the stronger the forces behind memetic evolution become, the more political factions will end up polarizing on the most robust and deep-rooted axis of psychological variation. And that's gender.
Dec 11, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Hypothesis: the key constraint on the productivity of most conferences is that prominent people will only attend if they get to feel high-status, and they'll only feel high-status if they get to give a talk, even though talks are much worse than memos for conveying complex ideas. I talked to one prolific conference organizer who told me that she knows her events are too talk-heavy, but that's the only way to lure in the people she most wants to attend. Standing on a stage feels powerful! (I was there to give a talk too, so I'm part of the problem.)
Dec 2, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Here's a recent lightning talk in which I argue that the distinction between misalignment and misuse risks from AI is often unhelpful. Instead, we should primarily think about "misaligned coalitions" of both humans and AIs, ranging from terrorist groups to authoritarian states. There are still some places where the misalignment/misuse distinction matters, but IMO "misaligned coalitions" is a better default ontology.

Related thoughts from @bshlgrs, @EvanHub and @jacobhhilton:
Nov 25, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
A friend recently told me that not only do his internal subagents bargain with each other over how to allocate his time, they also charge each other interest when they overrun their allocated slots.

His internal family system has become a whole internal economy. His meta-level self, acting as the Federal Reserve, picked a prevailing interest rate of 5% per day. Pretty high! But at least I’ll be able to track his progress towards non-coercive motivation by watching his internal interest rate fall.
Nov 19, 2024 7 tweets 5 min read
My three most actionable suggestions for how to become much more emotionally integrated:
1. Talk to Claude about your feelings.
2. Try circling at least twice.
3. Identify the physical locations in your body where each of your emotions manifest.

Details in thread below. By “emotionally integrated” I roughly mean “your internal subagents have cooperative rather than adversarial relationships”. More on my intellectual framework for that:

The rest of this thread elaborates on the three pieces of advice above in…
Nov 16, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
The most valuable experience in the world is briefly glimpsing the real levers that move the world when they occasionally poke through the veneer of social reality. After I posted this meme someone asked me how to get better at thinking outside the current paradigm. I think a crucial part is being able to get into a mindset where almost everything is kayfabe, and the parts that aren’t work via very different mechanisms than they appear to.
Nov 2, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
Scott’s case doesn’t persuade me. He’s missing that:
1. The biggest story of the election is the massive realignment of US political coalitions.
2. Experience shows Trump’s claims should be taken seriously but not literally.
3. Most elite institutions remain leftist monocultures. One way of telling the story of the last few decades is that the Democrats had the support of intellectual elites, Republicans didn’t, and that’s why Republicans lost so much ground.

But with Silicon Valley’s pivot right Republicans now have an intellectual elite faction onside.
Aug 13, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
I worry that, just as AI safety has unintentionally provided cover for censorship of AI by companies, work on aligning AIs to “collective values” or “democratic preferences” will provide cover for censorship of AIs by governments. AI could easily lead to strong centralization of power, because a single model can be copied many times, and flexibly controlled.

IMO the worst misuse AND misalignment risks come from extreme centralization.

So it’s worth building protective norms now.
Jul 18, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
I increasingly believe that there are fundamental principles which simultaneously govern the designs of well-functioning minds, organizations and societies.

Once we pin them down with mathematical precision, we’ll understand the world more deeply than we can currently imagine. E.g. there are striking similarities between
- a person being non-coercive towards themself, and a state being non-coercive towards its citizens
- a self-deceptive person, and a preference-falsifying society
- a person with coherent goals, and an organization with a clear mission
Jul 17, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
Some thoughts on open-source AI:
1. We should have a strong prior favoring open source. It’s been a huge success driving tech progress over many decades. We forget how counterintuitive it was originally, and shouldn’t take it for granted. 2. Open source has also been very valuable for alignment. It’s key to progress on interpretability, as outlined here:…
Jul 17, 2024 14 tweets 4 min read
I’m trying to understand what a Trump administration would look like, and it’s been useful to interpret Vivek Ramaswamy and JD Vance as conducting an extended debate with each other about that via their speeches.

Some examples: Vivek’s common refrain, as encapsulated in his RNC speech: America was founded on ideals, and we need to get back to them.
Jul 9, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
Ideologies very often end up producing the opposite of what they claim to want. Environmentalism, liberalism, communism, transhumanism, AI safety…

I call this the activist‘s curse. Understanding why it happens is one of the central problems of our time.

Twelve hypotheses: 1. Adverse selection on who participates. The loudest alarm is probably false, and the loudest activist is probably crazy.
2. Entrenchment. Accelerating in one direction creates pushback in the opposite direction, which eventually overpowers you.…
Jun 10, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Eleven opinions on AI risk that cut across standard worldview lines:
1. The biggest risks are subversion of key institutions and infrastructure (see QT) and development of extremely destructive weapons.
2. If we avoid those, I expect AI to be extremely beneficial for the world. 3. I am skeptical of other threat models, especially ones which rely on second-order/ecosystem effects. Those are very hard to predict.
4. There’s been too much focus on autonomous replication and adaptation; power-seeking “outside the system” is hard. See…
Jun 5, 2024 19 tweets 5 min read
My former colleague Leopold argues compellingly that society is nowhere near ready for AGI. But what might the large-scale alignment failures he mentions actually look like? Here’s one scenario for how building misaligned AGI could lead to humanity losing control. THREAD: Consider a scenario where human-level AI has been deployed across society to help with a wide range of tasks. In that setting, an AI lab trains an artificial general intelligence (AGI) that’s a significant step up - it beats the best humans on almost all computer-based tasks.
Apr 26, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Environmentalism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. 1/N Environmentalism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. 2/N
Feb 20, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
So apparently UK courts can decide that two unrelated jobs are “of equal value”.

And people in the “underpaid” job get to sue for years of lost wages.

And this has driven their 2nd biggest city bankrupt.

Am I getting something wrong or is this as crazy as it sounds? There are a bunch of equal pay cases, but the biggest is against Birmingham City Council, which paid over a billion pounds in compensation because some jobs (like garbage collectors) got bonuses and others (like cleaners) didn’t. Now the city is bankrupt.…
Dec 3, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
In my mind the core premise of AI alignment is that AIs will develop internally-represented values which guide their behavior over long timeframes.

If you believe that, then trying to understand and influence those values is crucial.

If not, the whole field seems strange. Lately I’ve tried to distinguish “AI alignment” from “AI control”. The core premise of AI control is that AIs will have the opportunity to accumulate real-world power (e.g. resources, control over cyber systems, political influence), and that we need techniques to prevent that.
Dec 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
My picture of a good future is one where production is global but status games are local.

Globalization of manufacturing and innovation has huge benefits, but our social instincts scale incredibly badly. Local status can be positive-sum, because different people care about status in different communities. (I mean local in the social graph, not local in physical space - internet subcultures count.) Everyone is capable of becoming a key respected contributor in *some* community.
Dec 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Taking artificial superintelligence seriously on a visceral level puts you a few years ahead of the curve in understanding how AI will play out.

The problem is that knowing what’s coming, and knowing how to influence it, are two very very different things. Here’s one example of being ahead of the curve: “situational awareness”. When the term was coined a few years ago it seemed sci-fi to most. Today it’s under empirical investigation. And once there’s a “ChatGPT moment” for AI agents, it will start seeming obvious + prosaic.
May 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Overconfidence about AI is a lot like overconfidence about bikes. Many people are convinced that their mental model of how bikes work is coherent and accurate, right until you force them to flesh out the details. Image Crucially, it's hard to tell in conversation how many gears their model is missing (literally), because it's easy to construct plausible explanations in response to questions. It's only when you force them to explicate their model in detail that it's obvious where the flaws are.
Apr 28, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Our ICML submission on why future ML systems might be misaligned was just rejected despite all-accept reviews (7,7,5), because the chairs thought it wasn't empirical enough. So this seems like a good time to ask: how *should* the field examine concerns about future ML systems? The AC and SAC told us that although ICML allows position papers, our key concerns were too "speculative", rendering the paper "unpublishable" without more "objectively established technical work". (Here's the paper, for reference: