Richard Moorhead Profile picture
Law Prof | | PO Scandal | | RTs not endorsements etc | HCAB Adv Bd
May 8 11 tweets 2 min read
BAKC evidence to the Inquiry so far. Although PO recruited him partly for his political connections he was not aware. Recognises it was unusual for him to put a mini-CV on his opinions emphasising his pedigree. Speculates this may have been or the Board's benefit.
Apr 10 18 tweets 2 min read
Hooper’s evidence, Part II I found quite moving. I'll explain in the thread where and why…. Post Office lawyer Roderic Williams tried to get him to help to delay publication of second Second Sight report. He required it to be it to be sent to some of the mediation applicants anyway.
Apr 10 10 tweets 1 min read
The main points for Hooper’s evidence so far. This one… …Post Office entrenched view that Horizon was robust made them solving the cases impossible (as had failure to investigatenprobkems when they occurred)
Oct 27, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
The lawyer who wants more academics to ‘come out’ as working class | So, my parents regarded themselves as working class geordies. I’m not sure I’d agree, more like lower middle escapees. Am I? Unlikely, although the older and more experienced I have…… …become, the more I have seen the impact of class and the various kinds of social capital that come with it. And the more important the q seems. Not having an accent, and being a fairly pushy man shielded me quite a lot (loads). Being first gen Uni student and comp educated.
Oct 16, 2022 94 tweets 12 min read UKGIs interesting opening written submissions to the PO Inquiry. Tl,dr. They indicate, from where they are sitting, it was largely the fault of PO execs, interim GC Aujard and CEO Vennells feature heavily. 1/ #postofficescandal… It has a strong ‘let the finger pointing’ begin vibe. The claim is the Board we’re kept in the dark. The admission is the non execs did not do their job until 2018 at any rate. And while they do appear to have learnt several lessons, I predict they’ll learn more 2/
Oct 15, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
I’m now reading the submissions from @edwardhenry1 he makes the really important and under appreciated point that, even on the evidence as it was, false accounting should arguably not have been run. #postofficeinquiry And the equally important point about equivocal pleas. A point almost ignored so far, including by me. The customary anguish when I read about @CastletonLee or @Janetsk20073533 is accentuated with gut wrenching economy
Oct 15, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Sam Stein KC saying individuals in Post Office may have perverted course of justice in Bates litigation strikes he as a very important point. Day3 #PostOfficeInquiry Also his points on what helped PO cover up. And then this…

In reality, this Inquiry is not about the Horizon

System, with all of its faults and problems, but about

a sickness which lay at the core of the Post Office. 2/
Oct 14, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
Trust and Ethics, has the legal sector lost its way?

A thread ⬇️… I was asked to put up the text of my introduction to yesterday's LSB panel event on lawyers' ethics (…),.
Sep 29, 2022 21 tweets 5 min read
Don’t Pannick, the Lawfare Boomerang

A thread ⬇️… Lord Pannick’s opinion on behalf of Boris Johnson continues to make the news (…). There is a suggestion this is was a misuse of public funds by the Johnson Government.
Mar 5, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
So, the idea it’s a Gov diversion tactic to blame lawyers: from the Russia Report…51. It is not just the oligarchs either: the arrival of Russian money resulted in a growth industry of enablers – individuals and organisations who manage and lobby for the Russian elite in the UK. …Lawyers, accountants, estate agents and PR professionals have played a role, wittingly or unwittingly, in the extension of Russian influence which is often linked to promoting the nefarious interests of the Russian state. 2/