Half man, half-wit.
Spirit Level. In shops April 2024
Rep'd by @KNLitAgency
Jul 7, 2024 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Random memory of when I was doing a food tour in Paris and the guide was waxing lyrical about French butter to the point where he went round everybody on the tour "Where are you from? US? Your butter is terrible? Netherlands? Not as good as French butter." and so on (1/2)
Then he got to us and we said we were from Ireland. He paused and then with extreme gravity he said "Irish butter is comparable to French." and I randomly felt a bout of National pride I've never experienced before or since.
Dec 16, 2021 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
I had a hankering for more Web-Head so we're we're watching 2012's Amazing Spider-Man.
For all we made fun of Tobey Maguire playing a teenager. Garfield is fully three years older than him playing the role.
He was 29 when it came out.
Dec 1, 2021 • 31 tweets • 5 min read
So I have another Christmassy M&S story.
Before we start I feel like I need to throw a caveat that this is not a nice family tale like the last one. So lower expectations accordingly.
This is the direct-to-video sequel with none of the main actors.
Nov 26, 2020 • 29 tweets • 6 min read
The most stressed out I've ever been about Christmas was when I was 16 and I got my first ever job, working at M&S in Dundrum.
As soon as I started I kept hearing these myths about the Christmas Eve Waste Sale, where all the food that wasn't sold on the 24th was marked down 90%.
Everyone I worked with kept telling me not to get anything in beforehand because there was so much left that you could get your whole Christmas meal after the shop had shut on the 24th.
Dad & I argued for weeks about it. Going back & forward on whether to get a turkey beforehand