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Sep 12, 2023 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
Will Bunch: On 9/11 I was the writer for the Philly Daily News who covered anything big that happened. When the 2nd tower was hit, I was watching the Today Show, which I rarely did. (con't)
Will Bunch: (con't) I'd taken my new puppy outside & it was a gorgeous day, blue sky & 85*, completely different from the horror on TV. Then I had to go in to work to write about 9/11; I'd said that America would never be the same again. I was right.
Aug 10, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Jim Williams, Jr.: The administration is trying to label Bidenomics as the new policy as opposed to Reaganomics. Part of this is reinstating parts of the Davis-Bacon Act.
@Jimmy_iupat @GoIUPAT
Jim Williams, Jr.: In the Depression, we had the most public works ever b/c the gov't wanted to put people back to work in good paying jobs. They came up with prevailing wage laws through the Davis-Bacon Act. (con't)
@Jimmy_iupat @GoIUPAT
Jul 18, 2023 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
Jeff Bryant: People other than teachers' unions need to be talking about this--public schools are foundational to democracy. Once they're privatized, the most vulnerable kids are screwed.
@jeffbcdm #NN23
Jeff Bryant: School vouchers are sold as a ticket out of poverty for poor kids but 3/4 of the people who use vouchers never had their kids enrolled in public schools to begin with. (con't)
@jeffbcdm #NN23
Jul 14, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Erica Chomsky: SHIRE is a digital campaign office lobby. It's bringing volunteering home. Too many times when we try to volunteer, we get asked for money instead, but sometimes all we can afford is our time. In our world, every voice has a home & will be heard.
@getshire #NN23
Erica Chomsky: Shire helps us reach rural voters & it lets people volunteer for as little as 20 min/day instead of making an 8 hr/day commitment.
@getshire #NN23
Apr 25, 2023 • 13 tweets • 6 min read
Lee Saunders: People don't want us to understand our history or the importance of our history. To get to where you want to go, you have to understand where you've come from. @AFSCME
Lee Saunders: The history of civil rights is so important. The "I Am" story goes back to 1968 when sanitation workers weren't treated well despite providing a necessary service to the people of Memphis. (con't) @AFSCME
Apr 25, 2023 • 10 tweets • 7 min read
Amy Hanauer: Taxes are how we make the decision about who gets what in this country. Inequality has been growing & soaring for decades now, with incredibly concentrated wealth. @amyhanauer@iteptweets@taxjustice
Amy Hanauer: Compared to other countries, we don't make it easier on working people to raise families. If we want kids to thrive in America, we need to start with fair taxes. It's the way we can deliver the essentials to children & families. @amyhanauer@iteptweets@taxjustice
Apr 22, 2023 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
Bob Ney: I think the main point of Dominion was that Fox knew they were in trouble & they didn't want their emails exposed, showing problems. SmartMatic will be emboldened, based on Dominion's suit. Wouldn't you ask for more money, too? @bobney
Bob Ney: SmartMatic has a floor, & they're starting out with Dominion's amt, plus they'll want a retraction & more. Unless there were no emails talking directly about SmartMatic, but I doubt that.
Rick: It's a good thing Fox has deep pockets. @bobney
Mar 3, 2023 • 8 tweets • 6 min read
Jesse O’Connell: I think the word of the day on Tuesday was "skepticism." We saw skepticism from a number of justices; states are bringing these suits [regarding Pres. Biden's student loan debt relief program'. @jesseocnl@CAPAction@AMProg
Jesse O’Connell: This admin is taking every opportunity to forgive student loans through every avenue they have. Wiping out the debt for half the debt holders would really make a big impact on their lives. @jesseocnl@CAPAction@AMProg
Mar 3, 2023 • 12 tweets • 7 min read
Sarah Burris: I'm just gonna say: The Pope wears a dress.
Rick: The folks in TN banning drag shows in public don't follow the Pope.
Sarah: Bless their hearts. @SarahBurris@RawStory
Sarah Burris: It's funny how groups who purport to dislike this or that group of people end up being part of that group. Maybe that's something they need to explore about themselves. @SarahBurris@RawStory
Mar 3, 2023 • 13 tweets • 7 min read
Milo Vassallo: What we're dealing with right now is the consequence of a whole bunch of legislative decisions over the past years, with an oligarch--Rupert--who doesn't care about us & is making a conglomeration of media. @FixMediaNow@MAD_Democracy
Milo Vassallo: Technology has changed & is the root at a lot of what is happening. The Fairness Doctrine applies specifically to broadcast television & radio waves, not satellite TV. @FixMediaNow@MAD_Democracy
Mar 3, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
The Railway Safety Act of 2023 is a good start but isn't enough. It would increase the fine the federal gov't can put on railroads from $225,000 to 1% of annual operating income, which could be tens of millions of dollars. #RickShow
Detection devices when there's hazmat on the train checks for things like heat every ten miles. The train that derailed in East Palestine? The detection devices were checked either every 20 miles...or not at all. (con't) #RickShow
Mar 2, 2023 • 13 tweets • 8 min read
Randy Korgan: Rupert Murdoch was the kingpin behind deregulating the media, incl the Fairness Doctrine. Now money controls the media. @1932teamsters@teamsters
Randy Korgan: Corporate America's greed--they can't control themselves. They deregulate this, take away that. A completely free market is slavery, & that's where we started as a country. We're going down a slippery slope. @1932teamsters@teamsters
Mar 2, 2023 • 15 tweets • 5 min read
John Russell: We're no strangers here in the Ohio Valley to polluting, but the train derailment in East Palestine was big enough to shock people out of their political corners. It's really bad here. @heyjohnrussell
John Russell: Most of the testing that says the air/water quality is good enough to return is sponsored by the state or by the company, yet when the people return home, their eyes are burning. @heyjohnrussell
Mar 2, 2023 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
Steven Greenhouse: We've seen a wave of workers organizing at places like Starbucks, Chipotle, & more, & we've also seen a huge pushback by corporations against these workers. @greenhousenyt
Steven Greenhouse: A judge said Starbucks committed "egregious" labor violations & must reopen stores it closed in the wake of organizing efforts by employees & must rehire the 7 Buffalo store workers who'd been fired. @greenhousenyt
Mar 1, 2023 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
Will Bunch: East Palestine, on some level, is the effect of deregulation. We know the trains need better braking system. Norfolk Southern spent millions buying politicians to avoid regulations. Unions have been bringing this issues to light for years. @Will_Bunch
Read Will Bunch's piece on the East Palestine derailment here:… @Will_Bunch
Mar 1, 2023 • 11 tweets • 6 min read
Andrew Lawrence: We've been saying it for years, & it's obvious to anyone who puts on Fox News. That's why we have the trans panic, the race panic. Fox chooses their topics by what will keep eyeballs on them. @ndrew_lawrence@mmfa
Andrew Lawrence: Murdoch said it's not about red, it's not about blue, it's about green, & that's really true. It's all about putting money in Rupert Murdoch's pocket. When it comes with a news channel, it's incredibly dangerous. @ndrew_lawrence@mmfa
Mar 1, 2023 • 14 tweets • 8 min read
Alex Lawson: If you make a million dollars a year, today from this day forward you won't pay another nickel in Social Security taxes. @alaw202@SSWorks
Alex Lawson: The cap makes funding Social Security incredibly regressive. The richer you are, the smaller the taxes. It makes no sense. The remedy is so obvious: expand SS benefits for everyone & get the millionaires & billionaires to pay on all their wealth. @alaw202@SSWorks
Feb 9, 2023 • 14 tweets • 10 min read
Randi Weingarten: The President of the US of America spelled out an economic strategy that would help virtually everyone, & he talked to people who'd lost their jobs to outsourcing. @rweingarten@AFTunion#InnovationFund
Randi Weingarten: Sarah Huckabee Sanders said she's anti-woke. She wants to defund public education; she doesn't want public schools to be the center of the community. @rweingarten@AFTunion#InnovationFund
Feb 8, 2023 • 10 tweets • 8 min read
Bob Ney: I think the longest State of the Union speech was Reagan's at 1 hr 50 min.
Rick: Wasn't Clinton's 2 1/2 hrs?
Bob: I was there! We knew it'd be long when he leaned around the teleprompter. @bobney@POTUS#SOTU2023
Bob Ney: The theme of "workers" was all throughout Biden's speech. And instead of introducing 19 new things he was going to do, he mentioned a couple of things he'll work on but recapped all the things he's accomplished so far. @bobney@POTUS#SOTU2023
Feb 8, 2023 • 9 tweets • 8 min read
Scott Paul: We've seen 800,000 new manufacturing jobs in 2 years. All of these factories are just getting on line & will be filling up over the next couple of years. @ScottPaulAAM@KeepItMadeinUSA@POTUS#SOTU2023
Scott Paul: I think some of these infrastructure items are bulletproof. Also, Pres. Biden did get the GOP to agree not to cut Medicare & Social Security, which is a big feat. @ScottPaulAAM@KeepItMadeinUSA@POTUS#SOTU2023
Feb 7, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
81% of teachers say they've given out toothbrushes & toothpaste to students.
Teachers seem to be the ones at the bottom of the hill catching all the sh*t that rolls downhill. (con't) #RickShow
(con't) For years teachers have told me they keep food in their desks for kids who are hungry. This comes out of their pockets, & Repubs accuse them of being groomers. #RickShow