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Account for Champagne Sharks, Intersectional Antiracism podcast. Subscribe to bonus episodes at https://t.co/Eyf2T5ms1z. Instagram: @champagnesharks
Mar 19, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
Freddie DeBoer wrote a piece defining (nu)wokeness and how everyone knows what it refers to that I think is pretty correct freddiedeboer.substack.com/p/of-course-yo… People posted that Bethany Mandel and others use different definitions and said that's proof he's wrong. I disagree, and I'll say why People like Bethany Mandel and Matt Walsh may be using different, extremely broad and sweeping definitions to define wokeness when compared to Freddie's definition but the reason for the difference is simple: those conservatives are lying and not acting in good faith.
Jan 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
It wasn’t a great idea for people to constantly post on social media humble brags about how little they actually worked and how much free shit and eating and drinking they did at these tech jobs. I wonder if it made shareholders pressure them to cut employee bloat in lean times I read an article that shareholders were applying pressure to google to cut jobs and I have to imagine they were like “we see employees on Tik tok eating chia breakfast, spending 4 hours socializing in vague “meetings” then leaving early for happy hour tacos and tequila. Fire em”
Dec 30, 2022 22 tweets 5 min read
The craziest thing about it turning out that the pizza box theory this person spread about Andrew Tate being made up headcanon by this person is that they are a Harvard Law Cyberlaw expert who has testified before Congress about things like disinformation lol In theory disinformation is a great field but in practice it's just a bunch of people trying to become DNC shills but giving it an academic sheen. It's just a weapon of propaganda. I call what serves me disinformation while calling my own disinformation the truth
Dec 30, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Again, the Buzzfeedication of media. Not only can you get an AI to do this, you can actually get it to write better than this article. This week I've been sharing how ChatGPT can write a convincingly bad Buzzfeed or Root-style modern article But something I also found is it's gotten so bad and AI so good it can actually surpass most modern writing now
Dec 30, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I am finally finishing Everything Everywhere All At Once, and the best way I can describe it is as if a TedX Talk and a Funko Pop directed a sci-fi movie. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with that but it's just not my cup of tea big problem with a lot of millennial art that prides itself as subversive. It prides itself on the idea it’s subverting conflict by doing what I call the millennial care bear stare. Things always lead toward a traditional good vs evil fight but instead a hug or convo fixes it
Dec 29, 2022 25 tweets 9 min read
I'm going to build on this quoted thread and get a little conspiratorial: I don't know if a lot of people know this but Buzzfeed actually started out as a chatbot itself that curated and compiled news stories. Image It was just a chatbot with no humans but the tech wasn't there yet so founder Perretti started hiring humans as editors and content creators to build around the chat bot and create original content Image
Dec 29, 2022 11 tweets 6 min read
I decided to put this theory to the test by seeing if I can use squares from the @ChampagneSharks Bingo Card to program ChatGPT AI to replace modern black blue check writers. Here is the first article I got Our recent theory is that social media and the internet has turned media people into human bots in how they think and write, essentially meeting AI halfway so that AI can imitate and replace them as writers and personalities easier. We’ll keep testing it out in this thread
Dec 28, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Remember when Gone Girl came out and the popular sentiment at time among modern blue check critics was to hate it because it made the female character look bad and had false rape accusations. Interestingly I feel it's been reappraised but only because they found a feminist spin ...where she is the product of male gaze and society's pressures on women to be phony (Cool Girl speech). Like the discourse didn't evolve such that it was accepted women can be awful too but instead they found a way to say the awful woman actually lacked agency cuz patriarchy
Dec 26, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Okay here’s an example of what I mean when I say people use weird “decoy” defenses instead of stating their real issue, which is they feel entitled to never hear an opinion they disagree with. What does it being a Disney movie have to do with anything? If being a Disney movie makes it too trivial to criticize, then it should also make it too trivial to rage in loving defense of as well. Yet he has at least 7 angry tweets railing at me for not liking it. So obviously being a Disney movie doesn’t stop HIS passionate reaction
Dec 26, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Can y’all just read a tweet you disagree with and chill? I wish people on here could just be more honest and say “I feel entitled to never see a negative opinion about something I like therefore this tweet upsets me” instead of making up arbitrary rules about “watching movies and chilling” or whatever else they come up with…
Dec 19, 2022 59 tweets 15 min read
I read Kindred by Octavia Butler for the first time this month and it’s a really bad book. The big crime of the Hulu adaptation and why a lot of the reason why Black blue checks will hate it and some will love it is the show takes a lot of the subtext of book and makes it text I kind of realize now that Kindred is patient zero for a lot of bad Black blue check creative habits. Like I can see the dna for stuff like Slave Play and Kara Walker and Antebellum and the Harriet movie in this
Apr 30, 2022 14 tweets 7 min read
When white people are mad about something they always try to find their favorite black people to pretend to be mad like them so they can pretend it’s really about protecting us somehow I haven’t even read the article yet but if the article isn’t written by a white person, it’s written by a black person I bet is way overinvested in Democratic and electoral issues and cites other black users who are politically and culturally similar
Apr 4, 2022 25 tweets 8 min read
I’m married to a woman of South Asian descent so I’m clearly not judging people who want to marry outside their race. I’m just wondering why they’ve been pushing this specific man and his message for 12 years? nypost.com/2022/04/01/why… Image Major news outlets have been pushing this guy since like 2010. He’s been covered in tons of major newspapers and magazines and even appeared on network and cable news a ton preaching this gospel. 10 years ago CNN had him on 3 times in a single year. I remember it!