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sad angry anarchist. transfeminism enjoyer. they/them. 🐘: bluesky:
2 subscribers
Feb 5 8 tweets 2 min read
a component of the left's misogyny problem is the way it silences criticism of its misogyny with appeals to its own reputation, the left's importance and need to not be "discredited" anyone familiar with the most basic 101 criticisms of misogyny and patriarchy will immediately recognize this as contiguous with standard defenses of men's violence & misogyny with appeals to the importance of their reputations & the need to protect them from "discrediting"
Mar 16, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
because women's bodies are sexualized by patriarchy & seen as the domain of cis male ownership by default. a female body that is perceived as sexualized is therefore perceived as a signifier of the supremacy of cishet male desire, an affirmation of cishet male sexual subjecthood the reason this same picture could easily be framed as an example of "hollywood degeneracy" is bc sweeney's cleavage can also be read, not as a positive signifier of male desire, but as a negative signifier of female sexual excess uncontrolled by male authority
Sep 7, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
something i need people to understand is that abuse apologia, or "abuse-supportive myths" if you prefer, are just like any other deeply rooted hegemonic ideology, like misogyny, racism etc: ingrained into our culture & thinking & requiring active effort to deconstruct. @rechelon & they were *terrifyingly successful.* the reactionary discourse spearheaded and codified by LB in particular, but also a few others like Uriel, have become hopelessly entrenched in "left twitter" spaces, and have only memetically multiplied. we are in a BAD way.
Aug 25, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
one reason the left is so floundering and helpless against "groomer" propaganda is that the left has no coherent politics of (sexual) violence against children as a form of structural oppression and a core *social practice* of cisheteropatriarchy. CW: CSA

they uncritically accept the same terms of engagement as the right wing by treating children as essentially "outside society," as a largely symbolic figure that ethical subjects make value judgments ABOUT, but not political or ethical subjects in their own right
Jul 27, 2023 29 tweets 5 min read
CW: CSE references
It is important to understand that QAnoners consume QAnon AS pornography. it is NOT about "protecting children," it's about the consumption of children's bodies as sites of highly sexualized boundary violation, the "violated innocence" fantasy Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives @dom_lucre The photo on the right is an image from the video that was sent. It is the one year old named Daisy. She was one of the babies that was rescued thankfully.  351 Retweets 14 Quotes 5,306 Likes 23 Bookmarks QAnon mobilizes simultaneous affects of desire, arousal, and disgust. This is not new! as a personal example, when christian men used to explain to me what kind of rape they consider "real rape" versus "she brought it on herself," they went into graphic detail about what
Apr 22, 2023 38 tweets 11 min read
CW: CSA, harm to children
the use of electroshock therapy on children deemed mentally ill was pioneered by Lauretta Bender, an influential figure in autism research, who is also one of the most popular sources in nambla/p3do propaganda bc she claimed CSA did not harm children. Lauretta Bender was the head of the child psychiatry ward at the infamous New York Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital. She performed experiments in ECT on children as young as three, without anesthetic or paralytic agents. Patients at Bellevue were disproportionately Black.
Apr 22, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
sort of relatedly, the aetonormative way in which we view ancient texts leads us to imagine their protagonists as being a very different age than they canonically are. For example, how old do you imagine Beowulf being at the beginning of the poem? if you said, "about 17 or 18," you are correct!

Beowulf's Icelandic analogue-ish, Grettir, is canonically 17 at the time he fights the Grendel analogue-ish. but also, we're talking someone who has to live another 50 years before the story ends. on top of that, age vs youth is
Apr 22, 2023 18 tweets 5 min read
one of the earliest examples of the old norse genre of bridal quest romance features a transmasc viking. like, literally uses he/him pronouns & will beat the shit out of you if you call him a woman.

the "happy" ending is him being coerced into detransition & marriage. contrary to the impression some have extrapolated from the genderqueer stuff in old norse mythology (like loki turning into a mare & giving birth to an 8-legged horse), the vikings were not a particularly queer-friendly culture. patriarchal rape cultures tend to be bad for queers
Apr 22, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
was supposed to post this like a thousand years ago but I am a terrible person & kept getting busy, but now it's there! Thank you very much to Cat for translating merc's article into German:

"Das Subalterne ist verdammt noch mal am sprechen!" by merc… a person with their face bl... uploaded to German TAL :)
Apr 22, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
CW: mentions of p3dophilia
articles like this from liberal outlets played a significant role in elevating the respectability and and profile of abusive conversion therapist pseudoscientists like James Cantor, who is featured as an expert source… if you don't believe me, just take a quick look at *who* has written multiple positive profiles of this type: jesse singal, for starters. This one featuring michael seto, a frequent co-author of cantor & blanchard's, whose "male chronophilia" typology is…
Apr 21, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha creeping on my profile past a block, are we jimmy?

eat shit, rape apologist. aren't you busy scrolling "boychat" or something screenshot since jimmy is indeed creeping on my profile past a block James Cantor @JamesCantorPh...
Apr 21, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
that's me, famous for ostracizing women for criticizing misogyny lol. lmao cannot win on this website i wonder what these dipshits would think of the l@urelai b@iley debacle. would their brains melt out their ear?
Apr 21, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
narrator: it absolutely is not feminist to assume people assigned male at birth are inherently more capable of being predators it is feminist to observe the undeniable reality that cis men commit the vast majority of sexual violence, and it is feminist to analyze the cisphallocentric ideology that plays a role in this fact. it is not feminist to attribute this pattern to the essential nature of the body
Apr 21, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
if you're bummed about Oscar Wilde: JM Barrie, who was definitely queer (wrote love letters to Robert Louis Stevenson) and very probably asexual (queer twice) was probably NOT a pedophile, that's a rumor based on pure speculation, literally no evidence or allegations of any kind excellent video about peter pan's queer history, from JM Barrie's letter to RLS to the series of lesbians who played peter on stage:

Apr 21, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
so was roland barthes, who wrote contemptuously about all the "interchangeable Mohammeds" (Arabic children) he abused, whose names he couldn't bother to remember, and whom he intellectually belittled while he was at it also Jean Genet
Apr 21, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
i wish i could retweet this a thousand thousand thousand times survivors are relentlessly & brutally excused from queer history. survivors are not allowed to have a history. to see themselves in history is always and instantly struck down as "projecting modern sensibilities onto the past." they are not allowed to see their own pain anywhere
Apr 20, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
"the complainant, after all, was a prostitute"

if i speak i will get suspended J Michael Bailey has a lot of interesting opinions that are also very consistent with the research output of Archives of Sexual Behavior basically since its founding by richard green

Apr 20, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
CW: child sexual assault, exploitation
cis men can literally announce to the world that they are rapists & get no consequences. especially when it comes to subaltern children/youths in "foreign" (non-white, non-euro) countries, who are seen as nothing but commodities anyway. worse is the fact that countless people who perform condemnation of a podcaster/comedian for this shit will then turn around and defend the reputations of *other* cis men who did the same thing--youth/child sex tourism--bc they're important intellectuals. no one actually cares.
Apr 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
narcissus slander in class today 😤 my dude endlessly gets done dirty narcissus is an ace icon, i will countenance no disagreement
Apr 17, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
bill has been rephrasing various ways of calling me a narcissist seeking "to gratify the self" for like 8 straight hours, which is... interesting? bc of the crime he is mad at me for: talking about the epitaph of a dead enslaved child named narcissus, which is also my pen name i am also kind of fascinated by this comment. like the original post he got so bent out of shape over (expressing empathy for a long dead subaltern), bill sees explicit statements of feeling for OTHERS as narcissistic SELF-gratification

Apr 16, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
the very first thread i ever did that got traction was about how authoritarian propaganda often appropriates real atrocities & spins them to justify the expansion of its own power--but how that is not a good reason to deny the original atrocities or suppress the liberation struggle of the victims, downplay their suffering, or sympathize with or defend their oppressors, and how we must learn to fight back against propaganda without acting as defensive propagandists for another's oppression. two things can be bad at the same time, and so on