How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App familiar with the most basic 101 criticisms of misogyny and patriarchy will immediately recognize this as contiguous with standard defenses of men's violence & misogyny with appeals to the importance of their reputations & the need to protect them from "discrediting" reason this same picture could easily be framed as an example of "hollywood degeneracy" is bc sweeney's cleavage can also be read, not as a positive signifier of male desire, but as a negative signifier of female sexual excess uncontrolled by male authority & they were *terrifyingly successful.* the reactionary discourse spearheaded and codified by LB in particular, but also a few others like Uriel, have become hopelessly entrenched in "left twitter" spaces, and have only memetically multiplied. we are in a BAD way. Bender was the head of the child psychiatry ward at the infamous New York Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital. She performed experiments in ECT on children as young as three, without anesthetic or paralytic agents. Patients at Bellevue were disproportionately Black. you said, "about 17 or 18," you are correct! to the impression some have extrapolated from the genderqueer stuff in old norse mythology (like loki turning into a mare & giving birth to an 8-legged horse), the vikings were not a particularly queer-friendly culture. patriarchal rape cultures tend to be bad for queers since jimmy is indeed creeping on my profile past a block wonder what these dipshits would think of the l@urelai b@iley debacle. would their brains melt out their ear? is feminist to observe the undeniable reality that cis men commit the vast majority of sexual violence, and it is feminist to analyze the cisphallocentric ideology that plays a role in this fact. it is not feminist to attribute this pattern to the essential nature of the body Jean Genet are relentlessly & brutally excused from queer history. survivors are not allowed to have a history. to see themselves in history is always and instantly struck down as "projecting modern sensibilities onto the past." they are not allowed to see their own pain anywhere Michael Bailey has a lot of interesting opinions that are also very consistent with the research output of Archives of Sexual Behavior basically since its founding by richard green is the fact that countless people who perform condemnation of a podcaster/comedian for this shit will then turn around and defend the reputations of *other* cis men who did the same thing--youth/child sex tourism--bc they're important intellectuals. no one actually cares. am also kind of fascinated by this comment. like the original post he got so bent out of shape over (expressing empathy for a long dead subaltern), bill sees explicit statements of feeling for OTHERS as narcissistic SELF-gratification