Tina Okonkwo #DataFestAfrica2024 Profile picture
GOD first | Data Analyst | Chelsea FC💙| Everything Data | Kdrama | Motto for 2024: Infinite Abundance | Proud I4G Alumni | Sister to @Nonso_Analytics
GollyG 💙 Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jun 19, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Jun 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read

Feb 10, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Data analytics is more than just a buzzword. Let's understand its real-world applications and how it can help you make better decisions and drive growth in your business. From healthcare to finance to marketing, data analytics is being used in a variety of industries to make better decisions, improve operations, and drive growth.
Feb 8, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
Want to work on a data analytics project after completing a course and don’t know how to?
You can follow these steps:

1. Define the project goal: Clearly define the objective of your project and what you want to achieve. 2. Gather the data: Collect and gather all the relevant data you need for your project. You can use various data sources such as Excel spreadsheets, databases, etc.
Feb 6, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Having a data analyst on your team is crucial for every organization, no matter how small, if you want to succeed in the future, especially as we transition to a more data-driven world.

Here are just a few of the many reasons why your organisation needs a data analyst: 1. Data-Driven Decision Making: A data analyst can turn your data into actionable insights, helping you make informed business decisions and drive growth.
Feb 1, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
9 Data Analytics Project Ideas to help build your Portfolio as a Data Analyst

A Thread!!!

1.Analyze and visualize the trends in stock market data using datasets from finance websites such as Yahoo Finance or Google Finance.
kaggle.com/datasets/rohan… 2.Analyze and predict traffic patterns using data from Google Maps or Open Street Map.

3.Analyze and visualize the patterns in crime data using datasets from government websites such as FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting program.
Jan 31, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
If you're interested in a career that blends technology, business, and problem-solving, DATA ANALYTICS might be for you! Here's why it's one of the best career paths out there:
A Thread!! 1. High Demand: The demand for data analytics professionals is growing, and this trend is expected to continue in the future.

2. High Pay: Data analytics professionals often earn high salaries, making it a lucrative career choice.
Jan 18, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Tech Communities you should be following if you are looking for opportunities and support in the data community👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 1. @Ingressive4Good
They offer data scholarships from time to time and provide support for learners. Scholarship opportunities will soon be open for the 2023. Click here to join the community. ingressive.org/join-i4g-netwo…
Jan 9, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read

This course will teach you the basics of statistics; samples, population, measures of central tendency, spread, correlation and regression.

It’s an eight hour video so if you dedicate at least 2-3hrs everyday. You should finish by Sunday.
Nov 16, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
I am super proud and excited to have been awarded #I4G of the year at the just concluded #I4GHACKFEST2022. When I started my tech journey in March, I was very confused. I came across the @ingressive4Good platform and they gave me direction with the #I4GDatacamp scholarship. twitter.com/i/web/status/1… A scholarship that gave me hope that I could succeed as a techie, a scholarship that announced my name to people just by being No 1 on that leaderboard for weeks. I am so grateful for this award, the first of many tech awards I will receive.
Sep 21, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
How to learn faster on Datacamp?

For those trying to complete a track before the end of September, this might help you.

When I started learning on Datacamp, I timed myself a lot. At a point in my journey, Timing myself helped me complete 16 courses in a month.

A thread ‼️ My general learning system has always been look through the course contents, then try to do the quiz of the course before actually taking the course. Kind of like learning in a reverse order.
Aug 3, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
My Roadmap for my Data Science Journey.

I wrote this down when I started.

Intentionality starts from writing down and making plain your goals and how you tend to achieve them.

In my case, I wrote down the goals(things I needed to learn) but I didn’t write down a plan. Image I’ve been able to achieve quite a number on that list, even though I am jumping because I didn’t have a plan. This month I am re-strategizing. I would focus on finishing all I have not done. Certifications next, Portfolio after. It might take more than a month, slowly but surely.
Aug 2, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
How I was able to learn data science without having a laptop?

When I decided to do this(data science), the major limitation for me was not having a laptop.

On some days I would cry and feel frustrated because I didn’t have one and It was slowing me down.

A Long Thread!!! The major breakthrough for me was @ingressive4good #I4GDatacamp scholarship. I downloaded the Datacamp app on the day I applied for the scholarship, this was like some days before the closing date.
Aug 1, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
It takes a lot of mental effort to post a project or achievement on this space. For someone who has had her own fair share of anxiety issues, it takes extra mental effort. If someone posts a dashboard, a project or an achievement and you cannot criticize constructively… Please keep your comment to your self.

Nigeria is happening to everyone so please be kind.

Also, if you can’t celebrate with people, don’t spread your negative energy, no matter how difficult it is, keep it to yourself.

Don’t be the reason someone commits suicide.
Jul 30, 2022 20 tweets 3 min read
The messages in my DM are a lot and very similar. It will take a while to answer everyone so….

I would be answering all under this THREAD.

These are the FAQs:

Q1: I want to be a Data scientist/ Analyst, how do I start? Answer: If you are looking to become a Data Scientist, start with the IBM DATA SCIENCE COURSE ON COURSERA. If you are looking to be a Data Analyst, start with GOOGLE DATA ANALYTICS COURSE ON COURSERA. Financial aid is available for both.
Jul 28, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read

It was on this day, Four months ago, that I started picked up the IBM Data Science Course on Coursera. A couple of weeks later, I won the #I4GDATACAMP scholarship. When i started this journey, I wasn't even certain of Day 1. I put God first and I gave it my all.

Four months of consistency, Four months of hardwork and four months of putting GOD first.