🪭 Sir Riye 🪭 🦅 Chillin', Simpin', Vibin' 🦖 Profile picture
Black, Bi, Bitchin' 🐈‍⬛🎙| life level: 25 | prns: any | self-published MLM author | multishipper ⚠️ Fucky Content Ahead ⚠️
Jun 25, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
I usually don't like angst but I would love some hurt/comfort (following with make up sex) for Voxto like Vox does something exceptionally dastardly and Shoto is appalled.

He's downright furious and hurt when Vox says maybe Shoto doesn't know him as well as he thinks. + Shoto shoots back that Vox always acts so weak that Shoto forgets he's even a demon. Those words yield him a terrifying glare from Vox that could've made anyone else crap themselves on the spot. But Shoto still stares defiantly at him.

Vox then counters that being around +
Jun 25, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Minors: we adults on the internet are not responsible for what you can and cannot see on these social media spaces. What we can control is limiting you from seeing anything that you might find uncomfortable. But if you purposely walk into an adult's place, (1/4) and act like you can tell them what to do when you aren't even meant to be there in the first place, don't bother getting upset when we clapback. Because while we ain't responsible for you, we damn sure will make sure you stay 30 feet away. (2/4)