Proud Australian-born of British heritage, gay, married, 60+ conservative, egalitarian.
I expose the left-biased, race-baiting ABC.
No DMs or 'pronouns'.
Sep 14, 2024 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Probably the best article I've ever read on the revolving door of domestic violence perpetrators in the NT and short sentences of months or a few years on the basis of race, background and upbringing.
If you read only one part, read the last post in the thread. /2 2. "The Country Liberals promise to... reinstate truancy officers to make sure Aboriginal kids attend school."
Well, that'll keep a lot of people very busy indeed. /3
Dec 13, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
And hot on the heels of that last communique from the ABC comes a letter on a different complaint from Ita Buttrose herself.
I wrote a detailed complaint on the reporting of a person's race in ABC stories where race was of no relevance to the story. /2 2. I gave nine specific and recent examples where the victim of a crime was identified as Aboriginal and nine where the (alleged or convicted) perpetrator of a crime was not identified as Aboriginal but, upon my researching the person and story, I found them to be. /3
Oct 15, 2023 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
So, now that all the virtue signalling is done, let's get down to addressing the real problems for remote Aboriginal people and some real, achievable solutions.
It starts with education. /2 2. Only education can bring about generational change. /3
Oct 7, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
To those like Ray Martin who say if you don't know, find out, I'd like to ask just a few of the many questions I could:
1. How will the 24 Voice representatives be chosen?
2. If by a panel, who will choose that panel?
3. Who will choose those who choose the panel? /24. Given that under traditional Aboriginal lore, a person cannot speak for another's tribe or country, how will 24 representatives have the imprimatur to speak for 1,000+ remote communities and will the 976 unrepresented communities be happy with that and what happens if not? /3
Aug 30, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Consider this:
Just 1% of Victoria's population is Aboriginal.
Less than 1% of those (4,200 people total) voted for the 32 representatives of First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria.
The decisions of those 32 people can affect 6.6m Victorians /2 2. The First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria is committed to multiple treaties. /3
Jun 25, 2023 • 23 tweets • 4 min read
This is actually quite shocking.
You can almost be assured that questioning anything to do with Climate Change and its effects will be considered 'misinformation'.
For example, the 'accepted wisdom' of more frequent and more severe cyclones. /2…2. This is a cornerstone of the Climate Change hysteria. Oops, sorry, the 'Climate Change science'.
Yet it is easily disproven by our own Bureau of Meteorology.
Will this be 'misinformation', given the Warmers' obsession with it?
What about the other one - rising sea levels?/3
Jun 19, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
There's a bit to unpack here.
Lidia Thorpe: "I hope the voice is going to tell them that they’ve got to stop killing our people."
In fact, Aboriginal women are 34-80 times more likely to be the victim of DV and twelve times more likely to be murdered /2
When, and I obviously hope it never happens, this kickback against LGBTIAQ+s escalates, I will lay the blame squarely at the feet of the Left activists who have pushed too far and too hard.
We normal LGBs never wanted to be hijacked and used by you. You did this. /2
All we everyday LGBs wanted was marriage equality and equal rights. We got that.
But you wanted more.
If you were so concerned about LGBTIAQ+ people, why did you not take your campaigns to the 70+ countries where homosexuality is illegal? /3
Jun 1, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
“If you were a white person, a white man, you were given full authority to shoot Aboriginal people,” June says, “These are the frontier wars that our people lived through.”
Oh? Is that real #TruthTelling? /2…2. AAP Fact Check: “From the late 1830s the British imperial government clarified as a matter of policy that Aboriginal people in the Australian colonies were to be treated in law as British subjects,” Prof Nettelbeck.
And this from the Australian Law Reform Commission /3
May 21, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Osman Faruqi:
"For those of us without white skin, working at the ABC sometimes felt like entering the belly of the beast. Like all elite Australian cultural institutions and media organisations, the ABC is overwhelmingly unrepresentative of the country it claims to serve." /22. "...almost every non-white person who had worked at the organisation advised me against taking a job there. They cited story after story of overt racism from colleagues, managers and the audience."
"[Kumanjayi Walker's] family's dedication was "admirable" throughout his youth"
His mother was a 'sniffer' and alcoholic who handed him over to two unrelated people who raised him amidst “alcohol abuse and severe domestic violence”./2…2. At 7 months old "a dispute had erupted between Walker’s maternal and paternal relatives over who should care for the infant. Both sides claimed the other was incapable due to alcohol abuse."
"Concerns were being raised their home was “filthy”. /3
ABC: "The neoclassical is, in architectural terms, the language of power — and for anyone who isn't from Europe, it doesn't translate."
Buildings are racist.
But wait, there's more /2…2. "...unofficially dubbed Sydney Modern until a name can be agreed upon with the traditional owner groups asserting cultural rights over the site."
Of course.
And: "...the new building [is] move away from the self-loathing and inferiority complex of the colony..." /3
Oct 2, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
The 2017 Uluru Statement from the Heart called for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament when there were just 5 Indigenous Federal MPs - 2.2%.
It was therefore felt that the only way Indigenous people could achieve proportional representation was not through democratic election. /22. The inference from this was that Australian was too racist to democratically elect a proportionate number of Indigenous people and that non-democratic means would be required to remediate this.
In 2022, 11 Indigenous Federal MPs were democratically elected - 4.8% of all MPs/3
Sep 2, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
"...the law student said she was left disappointed and wondering why the judge had been asked to speak on the topic of domestic violence against Aboriginal women."
Perhaps because she's been a Judge in the NT for 20+ years and has seen the results. /2…
From the ABC's report: ""To insinuate that it's an aspect within our culture that is accepted is invalidating our lived experiences and our culture," Ms Dos Santos said."
From The Australian: the Judge recounted a 2015 case where 20 people stood by and did nothing... /3
Aug 16, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
The Uluru Statement from the Heart came about five years ago at a time and with an expectation that Indigenous people couldn't or wouldn't be elected in representative numbers to parliament - the soft racism of low expectations.
This year, 11 MPs were elected - 4.8% of all. /22. The Statement proposed a Voice to Parliament that would represent Indigenous people.
Those involved shot themselves in the foot because, it turns out, Indigenous MPs were indeed democratically elected in representative numbers.