Dr Robert Laurenson Profile picture
GP | Co-Chair of BMA UKDC 22-24 | Council member @RCGP | views are my own
Feb 19 18 tweets 9 min read
The doctor substitution agenda has been a policy directive since at least 2014 with Simon Steven's Five Year Forward View plan. Image This fear of "inflexibility" fails to recognise the broad based pluri-potential nature of a doctor's undergraduate and foundation training.

But this "inflexibility" was false fear mongering asserted and used to devalue expertise, downskill staff, and degrade quality.

This dogma has been perpetuated by the NHS paying organisations to lobby itself and create a circular argument to support this view.
Oct 8, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
For years Governments have been lying to us.

Hard work is not rewarded in this country.

The Government has broken the social contract.

The NHS is a vehicle to exploit staff and siphon tax payer money to private pockets. The Government is suppressing doctor wages and then farming us out to the independent sector (IS).

We are being held politically captive under the NHS banner but are economically exploited by the private sector.

Mar 12, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
There are so many issues with this article which seems to have been framed to fit the government agenda.

Disappointing because we were explicit about a number of things.

bbc.co.uk/news/health-64… "No junior doctor has seen pay cut by 26% in that period".

We are comparing ourselves now to the same role in 2008. e.g. F1 to F1.

No doctor is worth less than they were in 2008.

The pay uplifts awarded by DDRB are across Junior Doctors just like inflation affects all Doctors
Mar 10, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Today at the 11th hour DHSC finally invited us to a meeting to discuss pay.

Unfortunately they weren’t serious and in typical smoke and mirrors fashion used this to kick the can down the road.

The Secretary of State once again did not turn up. They were unable to put an opening offer on the table.

We have been banging down the door for over 6 months to talk about pay and they couldn’t even utter an offer of a pound or a penny.
Feb 26, 2023 25 tweets 6 min read
Doctors are furious.

A record breaking turn out of 77.49% and a 98% yes mandate smashing the anti-trade union legislation that demands POSTAL votes for a significant size of the workforce who rotates on an at least an annual basis is undeniable. What is more is that we told everyone our 72 hour full walk out first round of action back on 6th January.

Doctors voted for this with their eyes open.

Doctors are furious.

@SteveBarclay should have seen what was coming.
Feb 19, 2023 19 tweets 3 min read
It's a coordinated effort to change the shift from high quality healthcare for everyone to an abundance of low quality generalist care for everyone and reserving high quality care for few people.

🧵 It's the march to privatisation which is not necessarily a panacea for doctors and I'll explain why and why it doesn't matter what healthcare system we operate in, we need drs to utilise their power in order to continue providing high quality healthcare for healthcare outcomes
Nov 11, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read

What don't you get?

Doctors are desperate to get off the treadmill of training especially when it's less training and more service provision.

Locum work provides simultaneously more stability and flexibility financially and geographically. That's just mad. Contract work is so poorly paid and valued it is miserable.

Doctors see training like a breath holding exercise. Force yourself through the doors at work, cross your fingers and hope there's no disaster today, then exhale when you get home.

Have you never heard of CCT and flee?