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Jul 17 4 tweets 2 min read
“I can’t believe these right wingers went after some poor grandma at Home Depot”… Image I can’t believe these people want some poor old lady fired from Home Depot…
Jul 16 5 tweets 2 min read
Let me explain to people who have never worked a concert venue before….

After Jack Black & his band Tenacious D celebrated the near assassination of Trump on Saturday they got about 10,000 calls and texts from all the concert venues they’d booked canceling their reservations. You see these places have to carry insurance to cover any mass casualty event. Some places it’s literally the law they have to have a certain level of coverage.Image
That insurance is very very expensive as you can imagine as you can be talking about 1000’s of people and potential liability. Insurance companies will even ask you to take out additional insurance for a specific event over and above the base insurance the venue carries
Jul 16 7 tweets 3 min read
No… 125 meters is not a long shot. If you’re going to be a shooter that’s a free throw. Yes I’m aware a lot of gun owners couldn’t hit a 4” plate with 4 tries but I don’t care my point stands.

Yes the secret service looked like shit on a stick. Sure they worked hard to get hired. Sure they try. Sure they passed all the tests. Still had a massive failure and looked like hot butter shit and I’m ashamed we as a country look like THAT at a critical moment. And I’m going to rail them harder than Ginger Lynn for that embarrassment of a shit show. And I’m not going to pretend better, bigger more physically qualified people were probably not offered the job for “reasons”.

I have eyes. We are for damn lucky a 20 year old used a garbage rod and choked on mom’s spaghetti because the chick in charge of the SS sucks and put the C-team on the biggest target in political history. Only to have body positive diversity hire DUCK OUT OF THE GOD DAMN WAY at the critical moment and then couldn’t holster her gun through her fat roll!!! And I’m supposed to be proud of this? I’m supposed to think this was a good and professional operation? This was well planned and organized by the one chick who’s one job it is to make sure this doesn’t happen?
Jan 26 4 tweets 1 min read
Many many reasons all happening at the same time. First is that it’s been coming for a while. We’ve had a HC shortage since the 90’s. We held it together mostly with foreign HC workers immigrating to the U.S. I can remember back in 2000 nurses being offered $20,000 sign on bonuses and not for vast experience, new grads. The next reason is that baby boomers are retiring & dying. That was a huge population mass and Gen X was not nearly big enough to cover the losses.
Jan 26 6 tweets 2 min read
Folks... I'm going to stop being silly for a sec to pass of some serious advise I think you should heed.

Take autonomy of your healthcare. Eat right, exercise, take your meds, go to your appointments, do what you already know you should because health care ain't what it used 2B Healthcare has changed so dramatically so fast it's hard to convey to those not in the industry. Are you going to get healthcare... yes. Will it be quick and high quality... well about that.
Jun 15, 2023 23 tweets 5 min read
Ok I’m going to try and provide some incite into this type of person as o grew up with them, went to college with a few and dated a few over the years.

The “I’m better than this place” girl… Image I've seen enough to get a fix on this gal and I've seen her type a million times. And they're a dime a dozen in the writing world. They almost always go into the arts... never the sciences. Because your intelligence can be measured in the sciences. Writing is subjective.
Jun 14, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
A tranny anally raped a 13 year old girl in the girls bathroom while dressed as a girl. Then the Virginia school board beat her father half to death & arrested him for complaining.

That seems worse. Oh and then Biden’s DOJ worked with the school board to label the father a domestic terrorist for complaining.

Forgot to mention that.
Mar 2, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
For those of you not from St. Louis there is a story that’s being ignored by the national news for… reasons.

This is Janae Edmonson… she’s 17 and until last week she was on her way to play volleyball in college. You see… George Soros targeted St. Louis with millions of dollars to elect Kim Gardner. A highly racist, highly extremist, highly incompetent prosecutor who has spent her tenure prosecuting homeowners for the act of self defense & suing police.
Feb 21, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
It is truly unbelievable how much the Bulwark, Project Lincoln, etc crowd hate their fellow Americans. It’s so thick you can almost feel it. The current state of our country is abysmal… We have had a near never ending string of transportation disasters, many now resulting in apocalyptic damage to small town Americans with not a single word from Biden’s administration or the press.

Nothing. But everyone but Americans get buckets of cash & aid.