Robbie Watt Profile picture
Recovering PhD grad with thesis on carbon markets. Teaching global political economy @UoMPolitics. Research on climate policy @STGEUI
Feb 4, 2021 13 tweets 9 min read
The Fantasy of Carbon Offsetting - my first peer-reviewed journal article - is out now with Environmental Politics.

How does carbon offsetting retain its seductive appeal, despite all its problems?

Thread below 🧵
Thanks helpers 🙏
DM for a copy 🗞️ Image Carbon offsetting still features in many corporate, government and international climate policies. We know about the limits, flaws, and scandals of carbon offsets, but this does not stop it. 2/10 Image
Dec 17, 2020 11 tweets 8 min read
A brilliant talk that punctures current discourse on climate ambition in Scotland, setting out what's really needed, by @KevinClimate for @ScotClimateCA

📽️ 📽️

Well worth watching. Otherwise, here's a summary thread 👇
1/10 Want scientific assessment of what Scotland should do to achieve Paris Agreement temperature targets? Look to carbon budgets. See that a failure to rapidly reduce emissions will eat up the carbon budget in just a few years, leaving impossible burdens for future generations. 2/10