Robert Jenrick Profile picture
Conservative Member of Parliament for Newark 🇬🇧 Promoted by Robert Jenrick of 29 London Road, Newark, NG24 1TN.
May 14 7 tweets 2 min read
A university place should be for study.

But the graduate route is a backdoor for foreign students to do low-wage work.

The huge increases are concentrated in lower ranked unis, with a sharp drop in Russell Group attendance.

So this route isn’t attracting top talent either.
🧵 We urgently need to unwind the sector’s growing dependency on foreign students.

The graduate route should be scrapped and we must fundamentally rethink our International Education Strategy (IES), including the completely arbitrary target of attracting 600,000 foreign students pa
May 8 4 tweets 2 min read
I resigned from government because I refused to be another politician who broke their promise to reduce immigration.

Three decades of mass migration have utterly failed the British public.

The costs have been covered up.

Here is the truth that needs to be told👇 We must end this disastrous experiment for good.

We should return to the historical norm of net migration in the 10,000s.

And the only way to guarantee the promise to reduce net migration will be kept is to introduce a cap which would serve as a democratic lock on numbers.
Apr 8, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
I want to extend a warm welcome to Hong Kongers arriving in the UK.

Our £43 million package of support will ensure BNO status holders & their families have the very best start as soon as they arrive. 🇬🇧🇭🇰 (1/4) This government is doing everything in its power to ensure your success and happiness here, with support to help you find a home, schools for your children, opportunity and prosperity. (2/4)…
Jan 16, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Introducing the new ‘Right to Regenerate’: local people to be given a new right to take over unused council-owned buildings.

Meaning more new homes, businesses and community assets — whatever a community wants to see in their area. (1/4) Fill in a simple form, give the council an opportunity to make an argument against sale, and if there isn’t one, you get first refusal to buy it at market price. My piece in today’s @TheSun👇
Jan 14, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Home building stats published today show that despite the challenges of the past year, decisive government action has helped the sector to bounce back.

🏘 New housing starts more than doubled compared to the previous quarter
🏡 Completions have almost tripled (1/4) Image We extended planning permission deadlines and site working hours so that builders, architects and developers have been able to keep working, while following public health advice.

This has protected millions of jobs, from builders, through to estate agents and carpenters. (2/4) Image
Oct 31, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read

1. As the Prime Minister said earlier – new measures will take effect from Thursday – the latest guidance is available online:…

I know many people will have questions – here are answers to some key ones for @MHCLG: 2. Q: Can I still move house?

A: Yes – the housing market will remain open throughout this period. Everyone should continue to play their part in reducing the spread of the virus by following the current guidance.
Sep 17, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read

We are helping thousands of vulnerable people who were housed during the pandemic to stay in accommodation this year, with more than £90M of funding announced today.… (1/5) The incredible national effort to support rough sleepers during the pandemic has protected many lives and is widely regarded as one of the most successful programmes of its kind in the world. I’m hugely grateful to all those involved. (2/5)
Aug 6, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Our once in a generation reforms announced today will lay the foundations for a brighter future.

Providing more homes for young people and creating better quality neighbourhoods and homes across the country. #PlanningForTheFuture (1/4) We will cut red tape, but not standards, placing a higher regard on quality, design and the environment than ever before.

Planning decisions will be simple and transparent, with local democracy at the heart of the process. #PlanningForTheFuture (2/4)
May 24, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read

1. Today I'm announcing we will provide 6,000 supported homes for vulnerable rough sleepers taken off the streets during the pandemic.

It will be backed by £433 million of government funding with 3,300 homes made available in next 12 months 2. This is an unprecedented commitment – the most ambitious of its kind and the single biggest injection of specialist accommodation since the rough sleepers initiative began in the 1990s.

This will be completely transformative & change the lives of thousands of rough sleepers.
Mar 20, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
(1/2) We’ve made the decision to strengthen social distancing measures from this evening.

All restaurants, pubs, clubs, cafes & entertainment venues will be temporarily closed as we fight this virus. (2/2) I appreciate and understand that this is very difficult moment for business owners and workers across the country and we are here to support you - whatever it takes.
Mar 13, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read

1. I have written to the Mayor of London today to make clear that housing delivery in London under his mayoralty has been deeply disappointing.

It falls far short of what the people of London, expect, deserve and need.… 2. While other Mayors, such as in the West Midlands, have gripped their local need for housing & recognised the opportunities this brings, London has fallen behind the rest of the country due to a lack of ambition from City Hall.
Feb 10, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read

The Government has today opened the 10 week consultation period for our ambitious new Freeports today.

You can find more information and have your say here: 2. Our aim is to:

🛥 Establish Freeports as national hubs for global trade & investment across the UK.

🔹Promote regeneration & job creation.

🔹Create hotbeds for innovation.