Robert F. Kennedy Jr Profile picture
Posts on this account are my personal views.
60 subscribers
Jan 30, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
New FDA ruling exempts clinical trials with “minimal risk” from informed consent. That means that researchers can experiment on you without your knowledge or permission, so long as they claim that what they are testing is “safe.”… This is a direct violation of the Nuremberg Code.
Dec 20, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Every American should be troubled by the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to remove President Trump from the ballot. The court has deprived him of a consequential right without having been convicted of a crime.

This was done without an evidentiary hearing in which he is given the basic right of confronting his accusers.
Dec 2, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Are you feeling stressed by the economy? Well, you’ll be glad to know that it’s probably your imagination. The @washingtonpost says so.… @washingtonpost You see, bad people are spreading bad misinformation to make you think the economy is ailing. When in fact, Everything is awesome!
Nov 16, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Guess who quit the FDA for a lucrative job in the pharmaceutical industry he was supposed to regulate? That’s a trick question. It happens so regularly you could name any of hundreds of retired officials and get it right.… As President I’m going to slam shut the revolving door, and staff the FDA with independent scientists of integrity.
Nov 15, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Pentagon having trouble meeting recruitment goals. Widely seen as a problem, I see it more as a symptom.… A symptom of what? Poor messaging? Low unemployment? Public awareness of PTSD? Maybe, but I’m seeing a more fundamental cause. It is that people sense that our elective wars going back to Vietnam were not actually to defend our country. They were to maintain a global empire, enrich the defense contractors, and tickle the fancies of neocon “global chessboard” warmongers.
Nov 1, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
White House neocons are deceiving the American people about the Ukraine war. The big question is: are they also lying to President Biden in order to block a diplomatic resolution and keep their "splendid little war" going? In an X post last week, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's former senior advisor @EdwardMDruce disclosed that Vladimir Putin has been publicly asking to negotiate a peace agreement and that President Biden Sec. of State Antony Blinken "appears to be misrepresenting him."
Oct 20, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
News flash! My views on many issues have evolved over my 40 years in public life, and especially over the last five years. The Republicans are digging into statements I made 5, 10, 20 years ago to paint me as an orthodox liberal. Some of the views they ascribe to me, I still hold. Some have shifted dramatically. President Trump’s views on many issues have changed too. Twenty years ago he was a typical New York liberal on social issues.
Oct 12, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
The outer structures of the Democratic and Republican parties still dominate the political landscape, but they’ve hollowed out from within like a building ridden with termites. What kind of new political structures might emerge from their ruins? What will politics look like when it’s no longer us-versus-them?
Oct 10, 2023 8 tweets 1 min read
Yesterday I announced my exit from the Democratic Party to run as an independent candidate for President. Here is what that means: Because I am independent of the military contractors, I will be able to pursue a foreign policy of peace and diplomacy.
Oct 7, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Hillary Clinton commented on CNN suggesting that MAGA supporters need “formal deprogramming.” Brings to mind reeducation camps and Communist-style political indoctrination. But there is something about it even more troubling. It is that the partisan divide has widened to the point where one side sees the other as not just wrong in their political opinions, but mentally and morally ill.
Oct 5, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I am in favor of getting cell phones out of schools, for the reasons this young person mentions, and more. But…… … do we really want the government to decide when, where, and how we communicate? Do we want to set that precedent and normalize government control over our lives?
Sep 27, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
“The dream of home ownership is quickly receding for millions of Americans. High interest rates are supposed to kill inflation, but for many of us, they are having the opposite effect.” As President, I will alleviate housing costs by making federally backed 3% mortgages available to millions of home buyers. Financing will come from the private sector. Bonds will be tax-free to incentivize investors. #Kennedy24
Sep 15, 2023 11 tweets 1 min read
Here’s my 10-point plan to fix the plastics pollution crisis. #Kennedy24 1. I will support an ambitious international plastics treaty.
Sep 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Jeffrey Sachs excoriates Democratic Sen. Blumenthal for his astonishing blindness to the moral bankruptcy of our war policy in Ukraine.… Blumenthal is the one who said, “We’re getting our money’s worth” in Ukraine. Russia weakened and no U.S. soldiers killed. But aren’t Ukrainian lives worth just as much?
Sep 12, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
2022: President Biden “not prepared to provide” long-range missiles to Ukraine, given the “key goal” of avoiding “the road towards a third world war.”

2023: Biden administration preparing to send long-range missiles to Ukraine. I guess avoiding World War III is no longer a “key goal.” Did Biden change his mind? Or has he lost it?
Aug 24, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
The #GOPDebate last night was out of sync with the mood of the country. It began with a request for comment on Oliver Anthony’s @AintGottaDollar song, “Rich Men North of Richmond.” @AintGottaDollar Now that is an extraordinary song — raw, yet intelligent; defiant, yet compassionate. It’s about working-class hardship. It is about low wages (“bullshit pay”). It’s about degraded food supply, elite corruption, obesity, homelessness, despair.
Aug 11, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Hawaii fires result from poor tending of the land. First, industrial ag plantations obliterated native ecosystems. When these farms were abandoned, combustible invasive grasses took over.… Climate change may be a factor too. But we must resist the seduction of a simplistic global explanation for every environmental problem. Top priority has to be on healing soil, forests, wetlands, rivers, and oceans, instead of treating them as resources to strip and waste dumps.
Aug 7, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
When it comes to the divisive issue of border policy, here is the first principle I want everyone to understand. The reason for strong border control is not xenophobia, bigotry, or hate. The reason is humanitarian conscience. #Kennedy24 Democrats and Republicans can agree that the humanitarian nightmare that has resulted from essentially handing immigration policy to the drug cartels is unacceptable. We need to take back control.
Jul 27, 2023 10 tweets 1 min read
Americans are moving into their vehicles. Huge exodus from houses to vans as property taxes and cost of living skyrockets. Does anybody in Washington D.C. understand what’s happening in America? Workers can’t afford to live in this country. A generation or two ago, a single wage-earner with high school education could own a home, raise a family, have vacations, save for retirement. That’s how it should be. If you work hard, you should have a decent life.
Jul 26, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Banks are not only businesses, they are caretakers of the payment system, which is a systemic public good, much like a utility. Utilities cannot cut off your water or sewer or electricity because of your political beliefs. The Fed and Treasury recognize the systemic importance of the payment system, which is why they don’t simply let banks go bankrupt, but administer bank failures with great care, and do their best to keep banks afloat in case of a liquidity crisis.
Jul 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Long shot candidate — or frontrunner? A new Harvard-Harris poll puts my favorability rating at 47% — higher than Trump (45%), Desantis (40%), Biden (39%), and every public figure in the poll. #Kennedy24

Image Lucky for all of us they didn’t include @TaylorSwift13.