How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App in the M East rather than US general interest, deep-seated hatred for UKR independence, it is hard to believe this whole thing actually turned on a far-away event 16 months earlier: the 2020 US election. Indeed, the belief that the whole world turns on US decisions is a particular American hubris, probably derived the election means the US public has turned against the liberal int'l order, Ukraine, Israel or whatever. No, it does not. All the data so far suggest that T won bc of the economy (inflation) &, less so, culture (wokeism) last few months. I am quite surprised this didn’t fuel a huge women-vote backlash. I think most of the other points in my previous thread are correct tho schtick would bowl Kim over or wow him into concessions. Instead, Kim played T for credibility-enhancing photo-ops & to foment US-S Korean tensions over how to deal with/ NK., he’ll make personal family & sexual freedom the center of his campaign. flashy new initiatives politicians can put their name on, compromise between parties which leaves no one happy, incremental, unexciting improvements only visible over the medium-term, and so on. We are highly unlikely to fight all three at the same time. Sacks is ginning up an extreme scenario to scare people Palestinians toward the negotiated solution which is the only durable way out of the cycle of violence they’re locked in. automatically an error. Indeed, Republicans used to reject exactly this logic, calling it the Vietnam Syndrome. walked into the room thinking his Manhattan-socialite-on-the-make schtick wd bowl Kim over like some hapless NYC reporter. it as fast as it might bc of missing weapons, voices like Sacks are the reason for that. You can’t underequip them and then complain they’re not making progress knew who Jack Smith was. But now he’s becoming a hate-figure like Hillary Clinton or Hunter Biden. admit that they want Putin to win home realize just how time and effort overseas American professionals put into holding US relationships together by telling our host country interlocutors that this would pass, that Trump slipped in thru the Electoral College, that much of the US diplomatic, military,