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Aug 24, 2024 20 tweets 12 min read
Thread: Debunking the Dissimulating Rabbi (and other obnoxious Jews)

Recently @Haqiqatjou posted a decent thread on Rabbinic Judaism which elicited a response from @shevereshtus who created his own thread to "debunk" @Haqiqatjou, but I didn't find it very convincing. This rabbi (?) @shevereshtus blocked me at some point so unfortunately I can't link to his thread and my screenshots will be from the Thread Reader App's website. I won't be going through all his points because a rodef like myself can only stand so much pilpul.
Dec 2, 2023 28 tweets 9 min read
Thread: Jacob hates Esau

Jewish culture (a product of rabbinic Judaism and Jewish mysticism) has historically been both anti-Christian and anti-European. To demonstrate this we'll start our journey with a thread of Jesus in the Talmud.

The Jew will howl, "Oh there were a lot of Jesuses back then! It was probably some other guy!"

But he'll also howl if you call the Pharisees hypocrites.

Sep 22, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
"Gifts or bribes to Satan are chosen preferably from among animals that resemble him in some features and which presumably he especially likes...Horned animals resemble Satan...The rooster resembles the devil and the demons in the shape of his feet."…

"The word Hassatan maketh, through the Gematria, 364; but the year has 365 Days; By which it is intimated, that Satan reigns every Day in the Year, except on the Day of Peace Offering, on which he hath no Mouth to accuse."…

May 22, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Kingsley's scholarship and approach to this topic was excellent. Key discussions:

*Plato's Pythagorean cosmology (based off Sicilian volcanic activity - Empedocles was also Sicilian)

*Early misrepresentation of Pre-Socratic/mystical doctrines and its cascading ramifications ImageImage From an introduction of Plato's The Laws, recounting his time spent in southern Italy/Sicily. Image
Sep 5, 2021 12 tweets 8 min read
"If the whole group is faithful, the Messianic Age of Jewish dominion over other peoples will be fulfilled...Obviously [Philo] is addressing a popular group, and he is speaking the simple Judaism which has been intelligible to the mass of Jews of all periods." ImageImage "But then, as I said [if you follow the religious laws], you will do the opposite, for in the abundance of your opulence you will yourself lend to others, not few loans nor to few, but many and to many, nay rather to whole nations."

Philo (born c. 20 BC) ImageImage
Feb 18, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism, Volumes 1-3

Menahem Stern, 1989 Image
Feb 9, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
In honor of Black History Month I'm putting together a thread of all my other threads about The Secret Relationship of the Blacks and Jews Volume 2 as well as a couple other sources.

#BlackHistoryMonth Mark Twain:

In the Cotton States, after the war...the Jews came down in force, set up shop on the plantation, supplied all of the Negro's want on credit, and at the end of the season was proprietor of the Negro's share of the present crop...and part of the share of the next one.
Sep 23, 2020 5 tweets 5 min read
"Their intentions and behavior today must be scrutinized in full knowledge of what they have done to others in the past and with an eye to what they might do in the future; there is justification for that."

All quotes/screenshots are from 200 Years Together, A. Solzhenitsyn ImageImageImageImage Maxim Gorky, April 1922, writing to Jewish Workers of America:

"The Russian peasant is cunning and secretive. He will put on a sheepish smile for your benefit, but deep inside he will harbor hatred for the Jew who raised his hand against his holy places." ImageImageImageImage
Aug 23, 2020 14 tweets 5 min read
How is it that the @ADL still exists and the @FBI now uses them as consultants?

A brief review of the interactions between these two organizations clearly shows that the ADL should be dissolved.

Quotes and FOIA documents can be found here: August 8, 1940

@ADL private investigators, including Abraham Feinberg, are criminally investigated by the FBI as agents of a foreign government and for quashing arms-smuggling investigations.
Aug 5, 2020 42 tweets 6 min read
"Much of Israeli media and academia have characterised the Palestinian resistance movement as a key factor in the global history of terrorism. The role of the academics was to validate this depiction with ‘scientific’ research..." Image These images of the Palestinians are deeply rooted in Zionist history and go back to the period of the Second Aliyah (1904–14). For these settlers, the Palestinians were either not there or, when they were, appeared as aliens who should not have been there.